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统计网课代修|STA 305/1004 Winter 2021 – Assignment 3

  • STA 305/1004 Winter 2021 – Assignment 3

  • Instructor: Shivon Sue-Chee
    posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2021

  • I: Create Phase Instructions

  • • Due: Electronic submission into Peer Scholar via Quercus “Assignment 3” by 10pm on
    Saturday, April 3, 2021
    • Late assignments will be subjected to a penalty of 1% per hour late. Due to nature of
    this assignment phase, submissions will not be accepted after 10pm on Monday, April
    5, 2021. Email submissions are not allowed.
    • Students who would like additional accommodations should email the instructor via
    [email protected] by 10pm on Thursday, April 1, 2021. In the event of emergencies
    between April 2 and April 5, please submit your proposal by 10pm on April 5 and
    report to [email protected] as soon as possible for case-by-case considerations.

  • II: Review Phase Instructions

  • • Start date: 8am on Tuesday, April 6, 2021
    • Due: Electronic submission into Peer Scholar via Quercus “Assignment 3” by 11:59pm
    on Friday, April 9, 2021
    • Email submissions are not allowed.
    • Due to the nature of this phase, late completion will not be allowed.

  • Phase I: CREATE A PROPOSAL (12 marks)

  • Each student (no groups allowed) will design a homemade replicated 2!, (𝑘 ≥ 2)
    factorial experiment. Each individual student will decide what they want to study. The
    number of possible topics is very large. Please review the document `tr413.pdf’ which
    contains 101 ideas for experiments. It’s very important you pick a topic that you are
    interested in and will be feasible within our current global pandemic conditions.
    If you are working on a research project where a factorial design can be implemented, then
    I encourage you to use this project as your topic. This may apply to most graduate students.
    In the space provided, write your proposed experimental plan using three paragraphs to
    clearly give your
    i. objectives,
    ii. procedures and
    iii. statistical analysis plan.
    A grading rubric for this phase will be provided.

Phase II: THREE PEER REVIEWS (6 marks)

Now it’s your turn to be the teacher! In this phase you will be shown the work of three of
your peers and your primary task will be to analyze each peer’s work carefully and then
provide them with useful feedback. Others will be doing the same to your work, and your
ability to give useful feedback is part of your grade, so please take this step very seriously.
When reading through a peer’s work you can attach comments by clicking on the relevant
part of the text. This is especially useful when commenting on lower level aspects of their
work such as grammar, sentence structure, etc. To the right of the peer compositions (or
perhaps below it on mobile devices) you will see the assessment form specified for you to
use when giving feedback. First read all of the peer compositions so you have a good sense
of the relative qualities. Then, peer by peer, read the work again and fill out the assessment
form to provide your feedback to that peer. We hope you enjoy being the teacher. If you do
this properly you will learn a great deal about your own work by seeing and assessing the
work of your peers. Enjoy and happy learning!
For each peer’s paper, you will need to:
1. Based on our rubric, score each proposal, and
2. Add a comment in which you give at least one suggestion on how your peer can
improve the most.
A grading rubric for this phase will be provided.

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