物理代写| Introduction 相对论代考

物理代写| Introduction 相对论代考


7.1 Introduction|
General Relativity is a profoundly beautiful theory! Nevertheless, it is a physical theory and anly physical theory must stand up to experimental scrutiny. GR is no exception. However in the case of GR or any other theory of gravity there is a fundamental difficulty in designing experiments. Gravity is a weak force – it is the weakest among all the four known forces. In spite of this problem experiments have been designed to test GR but they usually require high precision and hence advanced technology. The three classical tests of GR described below came in the time frame of years to decades, even though the theoretical predictions were available almost since the inception of the theory. A more recent test proposed by Irwin Shapiro in 1964 had to wait for a few years for implementation for the radar technology to improve. The test was based on the precise measurement of radar echo delay from an inner planet. The most recent test and arguably the most advanced one, that probes GR in the strong field limit (unlike the classical tests for which the field is weak), the observation of gravitational waves, took 100 years after they were theoretically predicted.

Altogether GR has been subjected to several experimental tests and it has come out in flying colours. Apart from these experimental tests which reinforce our confidence in general relativity, we have now a modern test of SR and GR, namely, the GPS. The SR time dilation correction and the GR red-shift correction are vetted every minute in our day to day life, without which the whole GPS navigation system, which serves as a backbone of modern life, would miserably collapse [See Exercise 1]. In this chapter we describe the three classical tests that have been known for several decades and further give the calculations for Shapiro delay which is also sometimes referred to as the fourth classical test of GR. The tests as named are listed below:

  1. The deflection of light by a central mass;
  2. Perihelion shift of Mercury’s orbit;
  3. Gravitational red-shift;
  4. Shapiro delay.
    (c) The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022
    S. Dhurandhar and S. Mitra, General Relativity and Gravitational Waves,
    UNITEXT for Physics, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-92335-8_7
    7 Classical Tests of General Relativity
    The strong field test from the detection of the binary black holes has been covered in later chapters. Gravitational waves, their detection and their data analysis have been discussed in these chapters.
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7.1 简介|
广义相对论是一个非常美丽的理论!然而,它是一种物理理论,只有物理理论必须经得起实验的检验。 GR也不例外。然而,在 GR 或任何其他引力理论的情况下,设计实验存在根本性的困难。重力是一种弱力——它是所有四种已知力中最弱的。尽管存在这个问题,但已经设计了实验来测试 GR,但它们通常需要高精度,因此需要先进的技术。下面描述的三个经典的 GR 测试出现在几年到几十年的时间范围内,尽管几乎从理论开始就可以获得理论预测。 Irwin Shapiro 在 1964 年提出的一项更新的测试必须等待几年才能实施,以便雷达技术得到改进。该测试基于对内行星雷达回波延迟的精确测量。最近的测试,可以说是最先进的测试,在强场极限中探测 GR(与弱场的经典测试不同),引力波的观测,在理论上预测了 100 年后。

总的来说,GR 已经进行了多次实验测试,并且已经取得了优异的成绩。除了这些增强我们对广义相对论的信心的实验测试之外,我们现在还有一个现代的 SR 和 GR 测试,即 GPS。 SR 时间膨胀校正和 GR 红移校正在我们的日常生活中每分钟都在审查,没有它们,作为现代生活支柱的整个 GPS 导航系统将悲惨地崩溃[见练习 1]。在本章中,我们描述了几十年来已知的三个经典测试,并进一步给出了夏皮罗延迟的计算,有时也被称为 GR 的第四个经典测试。下面列出了命名的测试:

  1. 中心质量对光的偏转;
  2. 水星轨道近日点移位;
  3. 引力红移;
    (c) 作者,获得 Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 的独家许可
    S. Dhurandhar 和 S. Mitra,广义相对论和引力波,
    UNITEXT 物理,https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-92335-8_7
    广义相对论的 7 个经典检验
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