物理代写| Quadrupole Formula 相对论代考

物理代写| Quadrupole Formula 相对论代考


we write,
\bar{h}{k l}(t, \mathbf{x}) \simeq \frac{2 G}{c^{4} r} \ddot{I}{k l}(t-r / c)
where the dot represents the time derivative. Note that a factor of $c^{2}$ has cancelled out since $\partial_{0}^{2}=\left(1 / c^{2}\right) \partial / \partial t^{2}$.

The final step is to project the quantities in Eq. (8.5.13) to the TT gauge. This makes the quantities trace-free, in which case, $\bar{h}^{k l}=h^{k l}$. Thus, for plane waves travelling in the spatial direction $n^{i}$ we use the projection operator $P_{j}^{i}$ defined in Eq. (8.4.16). Another quantity which we use later is reduced quadrupole moment tensor,
I^{k l}=I^{k l}-\frac{1}{3} \delta^{k l} I
where $I=I_{k}^{k}$ is the trace of $I^{k l} .$ We thus arrive at the the famous quadrupole formula,
h_{k l}^{T T}(t, \mathbf{x})=\frac{2 G}{c^{4} r} \ddot{I}{k l}^{T T}(t-r / c) $$ where the superscript TT on $I{k l}$ denotes its tranverse-traceless projection. Certain remarks about the formula are in order. First, the gravitational wave amplitude falls with distance as $1 / r$, just like with propagating electromagnetic fields. The energy flux therefore falls off as $1 / r^{2}$. Although, the rate of change of quadrupole moment can be very large for compact binary stars just before merger, the $G / c^{4}$ factor $(\sim$ $8.3 \times 10^{-44}$ in SI units) makes the strain very small, thus making it very difficult to detect the waves. It is also clear that the leading order emission of gravitational waves requires a non-zero second order time derivative of the mass-energy quadrupole moment. Hence, if an object is axially symmetric, any spin about the axis of symmetry will not lead to any GW emission. Thus a spinning sphere with uniform density
$8.5$ Quadrupole Formula
distribution will not emit GW. Similarly, a spherically symmetric collapse of a star will not produce any GW.


\bar{h}{k l}(t, \mathbf{x}) \simeq \frac{2 G}{c^{4} r} \ddot{I}{k l}(t-r / c)
其中点代表时间导数。请注意,自 $\partial_{0}^{2}=\left(1 / c^{2}\right) \partial / \partial t^{2} 以来,$c^{2}$ 的因子已被抵消美元。

最后一步是在方程式中投影数量。 (8.5.13) 到 TT 量规。这使得数量无迹可循,在这种情况下,$\bar{h}^{k l}=h^{k l}$。因此,对于在空间方向 $n^{i}$ 上传播的平面波,我们使用等式中定义的投影算子 $P_{j}^{i}$。 (8.4.16)。我们稍后使用的另一个量是约化四极矩张量,
I^{k l}=I^{k l}-\frac{1}{3} \delta^{k l} I
其中 $I=I_{k}^{k}$ 是 $I^{k l} 的迹。$ 因此我们得出著名的四极子公式,
h_{k l}^{T T}(t, \mathbf{x})=\frac{2 G}{c^{4} r} \ddot{I}{k l}^{T T}(t-r / c) $$ 其中 $I{k l}$ 上的上标 TT 表示其横向无迹投影。关于公式的某些注释是有序的。首先,引力波振幅随距离下降 $1 / r$,就像传播的电磁场一样。因此,能量通量下降为 $1 / r^{2}$。虽然在合并前的致密双星四极矩的变化率可能非常大,但 $G / c^{4}$ 因子 $(\sim$ $8.3 \times 10^{-44}$ 以 SI 单位表示) 使应变非常小,因此很难检测到波。同样清楚的是,引力波的前导发射需要质能四极矩的非零二阶时间导数。因此,如果一个物体是轴对称的,任何围绕对称轴的旋转都不会导致任何 GW 发射。因此,一个密度均匀的旋转球体
$8.5$ 四极公式
分布不会发出 GW。类似地,恒星的球对称坍缩不会产生任何 GW。

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