经济代写|On concept and context宏观经济学代写

经济代写|On concept and context 宏观经济学代写


The preceding section has taken you through the entire book by summarising the key concepts and contexts found in these pages. It has also provided an overview of the approach, or rather approaches, found in this book. This section assembles the key concepts covered in this book and reiterates important contextual aspects of the Indian economy from a macro perspective. Even at the risk of sounding tedious, let me point out again that I have used ‘concept’ instead of ‘theory’ for pedagogic and rhetorical purposes.

Economics, in these pages, has been defined as a science of wealth, in the tradition of Smith, Ricardo and other classical economists. And the object under study, following Keynes, is a competitive monetary production economy, as opposed to the marginalist conception of a competitive exchange economy (where money is simply a veil over the commodity exchanges). The object of analysis has largely been that of a competitive macroeconomy because of the
all-pervasive belief among most economists and policymakers that such an economic system is good for all. However, such a belief, which arises from a marginalist standpoint, has been shown to be flawed.

The choice of concepts (or theory) matter for measurement, in understanding the context, and in the formulation of policy. More generally, it may be stated that theory matters. Let me now list the theories surveyed in the previous chapters. Chapter 3 introduced you to exogenous and endogenous money; Chapter 4 to the marginalist and Keynesian theories of output and employment; Chapter 5 to supply-side and demand-led theories of economic growth; Chapter 16 to the marginalist and classical theories of income distribution (very briefly); and Chapter 8 to the marginalist and classical theories of price determination (also very briefly) as well as to the following two theories which are utilised for understanding inflation: the quantity theory of money and the one inspired by the classical/Sraffian theory of prices, which adopts a meso (or structuralist) approach.

A brief history of the aforementioned theories is to be found in the respective chapters, which can be read in conjunction with Section $1.2$, which provided a brief history of economics. The conceptual standpoint adopted in this book is conspicuous; it is in the tradition of the economics of Smith, Ricardo, Marx, Keynes and Sraffa. This is another reason for placing emphasis on ‘an’ in the heading of the current chapter’s previous section- An approach to macroeconomics’.

As mentioned in the methodological section in Chapter 1 (Section 1.4), there exist many important features of the Indian economy. The choice of these features depends on what aspects are considered crucial according to the conceptual framework (or theory). Since this book’s standpoint is based on a theory of production as understood by the classical economists, the degree of structural interdependence in Indian production was introduced as early as in Chapter 2. And since money cannot really be understood without understanding the context, Chapter 3 began with a discussion of the financial architecture of India. In Chapter 5, which dealt with economic growth, we explicitly engaged with the nature of economic growth in India, most notably, the inequality of land ownership and the state of our natural environment. Chapter 6 contained a thorough discussion of two key features of the Indian economy: agriculture and the informal sector (Section 6.4). The second sections of Chapters 7 and 8 engaged closely with the context; they outlined the nature of unemployment and inflation in India, respectively.



概念(或理论)的选择对于衡量、理解背景和制定政策都很重要。更一般地说,可以说理论很重要。现在让我列出前几章中调查的理论。第 3 章向您介绍了外生货币和内生货币;第 4 章,边际主义和凯恩斯主义的产出和就业理论;第五章供给侧和需求主导的经济增长理论;第 16 章收入分配的边际主义和经典理论(非常简短);第 8 章介绍了价格决定的边际主义和经典理论(也非常简短),以及以下两种用于理解通货膨胀的理论:货币数量论和受经典/斯拉夫价格理论启发的理论,它采用中观(或结构主义)方法。

上述理论的简史可以在相应的章节中找到,可以与提供经济学简史的第 1.2 节一起阅读。本书所采用的概念立场是显着的;这是斯密、李嘉图、马克思、凯恩斯和斯拉法的经济学传统。这是在本章的上一节“宏观经济学方法”的标题中强调“an”的另一个原因。

正如第 1 章(第 1.4 节)的方法部分所述,印度经济存在许多重要特征。这些特征的选择取决于根据概念框架(或理论)哪些方面被认为是至关重要的。由于本书的立场是建立在古典经济学家所理解的生产理论之上,印度生产的结构性相互依存程度早在第 2 章中就已经介绍过。由于不了解上下文就无法真正理解货币,因此第 3 章开始讨论印度的金融架构。在讨论经济增长的第 5 章中,我们明确讨论了印度经济增长的性质,最值得注意的是土地所有权的不平等和我们的自然环境状况。第 6 章全面讨论了印度经济的两个主要特征:农业和非正规部门(第 6.4 节)。第 7 章和第 8 章的第二部分与上下文密切相关;他们分别概述了印度失业和通货膨胀的性质。


第 1 章带您快速浏览了经济思想史。然后提供了史密斯、里卡多、杰文斯、马歇尔和罗宾斯对经济学的关键定义的样本,我们采用了“财富科学”定义。在《财富科学:亚当·斯密和政治经济学的框架》(2009 年)的尾声中,托尼·阿斯普罗莫戈斯对斯密的政治经济学做出了以下判断:“斯密首先将古典政治经济学塑造成一个令人满意的一般调查或科学系统从广义上讲,仍然是分析调查或科学的合理方法 从广义上讲,仍然是分析混合资本主义经济体的合理方法,以经济发展的动态为中心”(第 270 页;强调补充)。确实,正是这种做法



第 1 章带您快速浏览了经济思想史。然后提供了史密斯、里卡多、杰文斯、马歇尔和罗宾斯对经济学的关键定义的样本,我们采用了“财富科学”定义。在《财富科学:亚当·斯密和政治经济学的框架》(2009 年)的尾声中,托尼·阿斯普罗莫戈斯对斯密的政治经济学做出了以下判断:“斯密首先将古典政治经济学塑造成一个令人满意的一般调查或科学系统从广义上讲,仍然是分析调查或科学的合理方法 从广义上讲,仍然是分析混合资本主义经济体的合理方法,以经济发展的动态为中心”(第 270 页;强调补充)。确实,正是这种做法

第 1 章带您快速浏览了经济思想史。然后提供了史密斯、里卡多、杰文斯、马歇尔和罗宾斯对经济学的关键定义的样本,我们采用了“财富科学”定义。在《财富科学:亚当·斯密和政治经济学的框架》(2009 年)的尾声中,托尼·阿斯普罗莫戈斯对斯密的政治经济学做出了以下判断:“斯密首先将古典政治经济学塑造成一个令人满意的一般调查或科学系统从广义上讲,仍然是分析调查或科学的合理方法 从广义上讲,仍然是分析混合资本主义经济体的合理方法,以经济发展的动态为中心”(第 270 页;强调补充)。确实,正是这种做法



第 1 章带您快速浏览了经济思想史。然后提供了史密斯、里卡多、杰文斯、马歇尔和罗宾斯对经济学的关键定义的样本,我们采用了“财富科学”定义。在《财富科学:亚当·斯密和政治经济学的框架》(2009 年)的尾声中,托尼·阿斯普罗莫戈斯对斯密的政治经济学做出了以下判断:“斯密首先将古典政治经济学塑造成一个令人满意的一般调查或科学系统从广义上讲,仍然是分析调查或科学的合理方法 从广义上讲,仍然是分析混合资本主义经济体的合理方法,以经济发展的动态为中心”(第 270 页;强调补充)。确实,正是这种做法


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