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商科代写|市场营销作业代写Services Marketing代考|Customer Perceptions of Service

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商科代写|市场营销作业代写Services Marketing代考|Customer Perceptions of Service

商科代写|市场营销作业代写Services Marketing代考|CUSTOMER PERCEPTIONS

How customers perceive services, how they assess whether they have experienced quality service, and whether they are satisfied with their overall experience are the subjects of this chapter. Companies today recognize that they can compete more effectively by distinguishing themselves with respect to service quality and improved customer satisfaction.Practitioners and writers in the popular press tend to use the terms satisfaction and quality interchangeably, but researchers have attempted to be more precise about the meanings and measurement of the two concepts, resulting in considerable debate. ${ }^{1}$ Consensus is that the two concepts are fundamentally different in terms of their underlying causes and outcomes. ${ }^{2}$ Although they have certain things in common, satisfaction is generally viewed as a broader concept, whereas service quality focuses specifically on dimensions of service. Based on this view, perceived service quality is a component of customer satisfaction. Figure 4.1 graphically illustrates the relationships between the two concepts.

商科代写|市场营销作业代写Services Marketing代考|CUSTOMER SATISFACTION

‘Everyone knows what satisfaction is, until asked to give a definition. Then, it seems, nobody knows’. 8 This quote from Richard L. Oliver, respected expert and long-time writer and researcher on the topic of customer satisfaction, expresses the challenge of defining this most basic of customer concepts.

Building from previous definitions, Oliver offers his own formal definition (p. 13): ‘Satisfaction is the consumer’s fulfillment response. It is a judgment that a product or service feature, or the product or service itself, provides a pleasurable level of consumption-related fulfillment.’ In less technical terms, we interpret this definition to mean that satisfaction is the customer’s evaluation of a product or service in terms of whether that product or service has met the customer’s needs and expectations. Failure to meet needs and expectations is assumed to result in dissatisfaction with the product or service.

In addition to a sense of fulfilment in the knowledge that one’s needs have been met, satisfaction can also be related to other types of feelings, depending on the particular context or type of service. ${ }^{9}$ For example, satisfaction can be viewed as contentment – more of a passive response that consumers may associate with services they do not think a lot about or services that they receive routinely over time. Satisfaction may also be associated with feelings of pleasure for services that make the consumer feel good or are associated with a sense of happiness. For those services that really surprise the consumer in a positive way, satisfaction may mean delight. In some situations, where the removal of a negative leads to satisfaction, the consumer may associate a sense of relief with satisfaction. Finally, satisfaction may be associated with feelings of ambivalence when there is a mix of positive and negative experiences associated with the product or service.

Although consumer satisfaction tends to be measured at a particular point in time as if it were static, satisfaction is a dynamic, moving target that may evolve over time, influenced by a variety of factors. ${ }^{10}$ Particularly when product usage or the service experience takes place over time, satisfaction may be highly variable depending on which point in the usage or experience cycle one is focusing on. Similarly, in the case of very new services or a service not previously experienced, customer expectations may be barely forming at the point of initial purchase; these expectations will solidify as the process unfolds and the consumer begins to form his or her perceptions. Through the service cycle the consumer may have a variety of different experiences – some good, some not good – and each will ultimately impact satisfaction.

商科代写|市场营销作业代写Services Marketing代考|SERVICE QUALITY

We now turn to service quality, a critical element of customer perceptions. In the case of pure services (e.g. healthcare, financial services, education), service quality will be the dominant element in customers’ evaluations. In cases in which customer service or services are offered in combination with a physical product (e.g. IT services, car repairs), service quality may also be very critical in determining customer satisfaction. Figure $4.1$ highlighted these relationships. We will focus here on the left-hand side of Figure 4.1, examining the underlying factors that influence perceptions of service quality. First we discuss what customers evaluate; then we look specifically at the five dimensions of service that customers rely on in forming their judgements.

商科代写|市场营销作业代写Services Marketing代考|Customer Perceptions of Service



客户如何看待服务,他们如何评估他们是否体验过优质服务,以及他们对整体体验是否满意是本章的主题。今天的公司认识到,通过在服务质量和提高客户满意度方面脱颖而出,他们可以更有效地竞争。大众媒体中的从业者和作家倾向于互换使用满意度和质量这两个术语,但研究人员试图更准确地理解其含义和测量这两个概念,引起了相当大的争论。1共识是,这两个概念在根本原因和结果方面存在根本不同。2尽管它们有某些共同点,但满意度通常被视为一个更广泛的概念,而服务质量则专门关注服务的维度。基于这种观点,感知服务质量是客户满意度的一个组成部分。图 4.1 以图形方式说明了这两个概念之间的关系。


“在被要求给出定义之前,每个人都知道什么是满足感。然后,似乎没有人知道’。8 Richard L. Oliver 的这句话是受人尊敬的专家、长期作家和研究人员,他是客户满意度主题的专家,表达了定义这个最基本的客户概念的挑战。

Oliver 以之前的定义为基础,提供了他自己的正式定义p.13: ‘满意是消费者的满足反应。判断产品或服务功能,或产品或服务本身,提供与消费相关的满足感的愉悦水平。用较少的技术术语,我们将此定义解释为表示满意度是客户对产品或服务的评估,即该产品或服务是否满足客户的需求和期望。假设未能满足需求和期望会导致对产品或服务不满意。




我们现在转向服务质量,这是客户感知的一个关键因素。在纯服务的情况下和.G.H和一种l吨HC一种r和,F一世n一种nC一世一种ls和r在一世C和s,和d在C一种吨一世这n,服务质量将成为客户评价的主导因素。如果客户服务或服务与实物产品结合提供和.G.一世吨s和r在一世C和s,C一种rr和p一种一世rs,服务质量在确定客户满意度方面也可能非常关键。数字4.1突出了这些关系。我们将重点关注图 4.1 的左侧,检查影响服务质量感知的潜在因素。首先我们讨论客户的评价;然后我们具体研究客户在形成判断时所依赖的服务的五个维度。

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