如果你也在 怎样代写流体力学Fluid Dynamics MAE5230这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。流体力学Fluid Dynamics“应用科学的一个分支,涉及到液体和气体的运动”。流体动力学是流体力学的两个分支之一,而流体力学是研究流体以及力如何影响它们。
流体力学Fluid Dynamics在物理学和工程学中,流体动力学是流体力学的一门分支学科,描述流体–液体和气体的流动。它有几个分支学科,包括空气动力学(研究空气和其他气体的运动)和流体动力学(研究液体的运动)。流体动力学有广泛的应用,包括计算飞机上的力和力矩,确定石油在管道中的质量流速,预测天气模式,了解星际空间的星云和建立裂变武器爆炸的模型。
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美国代写|流体力学代写Fluid Dynamics代写|Two Things that Happen to a Fluid Element as it Slides down a Streamline
Stokes (1845) and Helmholtz (1858) both start their seminal papers on modern fluid dynamics by noting that two distinct things happen to a blob of fluid as it slides along a streamline, over and above the obvious fact that the blob moves. First, the blob will tend to deform. For example, if it is initially spherical, then very quickly it deforms into an ellipsoid. Second, the blob as a whole may rotate or spin about its instantaneous centre. Both processes are important, but for different reasons. The rate of deformation is crucial because it sets the level of shear stress through Newton’s law of viscosity, while the rate of rotation is important as it leads us to the topic of vortex dynamics and to the role of angular momentum conservation in fluid mechanics. So how can we categorize, and distinguish between, these two processes?
In order to get across some of the key ideas, let us start with the simple two-dimensional situation shown in Figure 2.3. Consider what happens to a small rectangular element of fluid, δxδy, as it is swept along by the flow. In a short time interval, δt, it will deform as shown. In particular, the anti-clockwise rotation of the short line element, δx, is (∂uy/∂x)δt, while the clockwise rotation of the line element δy is (∂ux/∂y)δt. We now define the rate of strain of this small fluid element in the x−y plane, denoted by Sxy, to be half of the total angular distortion rate,
美国代写|流体力学代写Fluid Dynamics代写|The Rate-of-strain Tensor and the Deformation of Fluid Elements
Consider first the symmetric contribution to ∂ui/∂xj. The tensor Sij is symmetric and so it may be put into diagonal form through an appropriate orientation of the coordinate system. The resulting coordinate axes are called the principal axes of the tensor Sij. Let us label these axes as 1,2 , and 3 . If a,b, and c are the three principal rates of strain then a=∂u1/∂x1,b=∂u2/∂x2, and c=∂u3/∂x3, with continuity demanding a+b+c=0.
In coordinates aligned with the principal axes we then have δu(s)=(aδx1,bδx2,cδx3) and so, if ω=0, a short material line element oriented parallel to x1 experiences the relative velocity field δu=(aδx1,0,0). This element is therefore stretched or compressed at the rate aδx1 while remaining parallel to x1. Similarly, if ω=0, line elements aligned with x2 or x3 stretch or contract at the rates bδx2 or cδx3 while remaining parallel to x2 or x3.
So we conclude that, provided ω=0, an initially spherical blob of fluid deforms into an ellipsoid whose principal axes do not rotate. Thus Sij is associated with the pure deformation of fluid blobs. Such deformations require stresses acting on the fluid, and so a stress tensor, τij, is inevitably associated with Sij. The essence of Newton’s law of viscosity is that τij, which consists of both the pressure stresses and the viscous stresses, is a linear function of Sij. However, we shall defer our discussion of this relationship until $2.4.1, in part because we first need to describe the stress tensor in a little more detail.
美国代写|流体力学代写FLUID DYNAMICS代写|Vorticity: the Intrinsic Spin of Fluid Elements
Consider now the anti-symmetric contribution to (2.7),δu(a)=12ω×(δx). Evidently, this represents rigid-body rotation about the point x with angular velocity ω/2. So, the relative velocity δu(a) rotates fluid elements about x without causing any deformation of those elements. In short, the vorticity at location x and at time t is twice the angular velocity, Ω, of a fluid element passing through the point x at time t, the angular velocity being measured about the centre of that element. We conclude that vorticity is all about the intrinsic spin of fluid lumps as they slide along streamlines, as claimed above and as illustrated in Figure 2.4.
Perhaps some comments are in order at this point. First, vorticity is a crucial concept in fluid mechanics, as it allows us to tap into notions of angular momentum conservation. We shall return to this topic time and again in subsequent chapters. Second, the identity ∇⋅(∇×(∼))=0, combined with definition ω=∇×u, ensures that ∇⋅ω=0, and this has nothing to do with incompressibility. Third, although we have said that ω is related to the spin of fluid particles as they slide along streamlines, the local vorticity is independent of any global rotation the flow may possess as a whole, as illustrated in Figure 2.5. The velocity field on the left is u=(ux(y),0,0) in Cartesian coordinates. It is readily confirmed that this possesses vorticity, yet the streamlines are straight and parallel. On the other hand, the velocity field on the right is u(r)=(0,k/r,0) in (r,θ,z) coordinates. This has no vorticity, except for a singularity at r=0, yet the streamlines are circular. In short, vorticity is all about the intrinsic spin of fluid elements.
为了理解一些关键思想,让我们从图 2.3 所示的简单二维情况开始。考虑一下一个小的矩形流体元素会发生什么,dXd是,因为它被水流扫过。在很短的时间间隔内,d吨,它会变形,如图所示。特别是短线元素的逆时针旋转,dX, 是(∂在是/∂X)d吨, 而线元顺时针旋转d是是(∂在X/∂是)d吨. 我们现在定义这个小的流体元素的应变率X−是平面,表示为小号X是,为总角度畸变率的一半,
首先考虑对∂在一世/∂Xj. 张量小号一世j是对称的,因此可以通过坐标系的适当方向将其放入对角线形式。得到的坐标轴称为张量的主轴小号一世j. 让我们将这些轴标记为 1,2 和 3 。如果一个,b, 和C那么是三个主要的应变率一个=∂在1/∂X1,b=∂在2/∂X2, 和C=∂在3/∂X3, 要求连续性一个+b+C=0.
在与主轴对齐的坐标中,我们有d在(s)=(一个dX1,bdX2,CdX3)所以,如果ω=0,一个短的材料线元素,平行于X1体验相对速度场d在=(一个dX1,0,0). 因此,该元素以以下速率拉伸或压缩一个dX1同时保持平行于X1. 同样,如果ω=0, 线元素对齐X2或者X3以比率拉伸或收缩bdX2或者CdX3同时保持平行于X2或者X3.
所以我们得出结论,假设ω=0,一团最初的球形流体变形为一个椭圆体,其主轴不旋转。因此小号一世j与流体斑点的纯变形有关。这种变形需要作用在流体上的应力,因此需要应力张量,τ一世j, 不可避免地与小号一世j. 牛顿粘性定律的本质是τ一世j,它由压力应力和粘性应力组成,是一个线性函数小号一世j. 但是,我们将推迟对这种关系的讨论,直到$2.4.1,部分原因是我们首先需要更详细地描述应力张量。
现在考虑反对称贡献(2.7),d在(一个)=12ω×(dX). 显然,这表示刚体围绕该点旋转X有角速度ω/2. 所以,相对速度d在(一个)旋转流体元素X不会导致这些元素的任何变形。简而言之,位置的涡度X并且有时吨是角速度的两倍,Ω, 通过该点的流体单元X有时吨,围绕该元素的中心测量的角速度。我们得出的结论是,涡度与流体团块沿流线滑动时的固有旋转有关,如上文所述,如图 2.4 所示。
也许在这一点上有些评论是有序的。首先,涡度是流体力学中的一个重要概念,因为它允许我们利用角动量守恒的概念。在随后的章节中,我们将一次又一次地回到这个话题。二、身份∇⋅(∇×(∼))=0, 结合定义ω=∇×在, 确保∇⋅ω=0,这与不可压缩性无关。第三,虽然我们已经说过ω与流体粒子沿流线滑动时的自旋有关,局部涡量与流动可能具有的整体旋转无关,如图 2.5 所示。左边的速度场是在=(在X(是),0,0)在笛卡尔坐标中。很容易证实它具有涡度,但流线是直的和平行的。另一方面,右边的速度场是在(r)=(0,ķ/r,0)在(r,θ,和)坐标。这没有涡度,除了在r=0,但流线是圆形的。简而言之,涡度与流体元素的固有自旋有关。
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