如果你也在 怎样代写心理学Psychology PSY1100这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。心理学Psychology是对心灵和行为的科学研究。心理学包括对有意识和无意识现象的研究,包括感情和思想。它是一门范围巨大的学术学科,跨越了自然科学和社会科学之间的界限。心理学家寻求对大脑的突发属性的理解,将该学科与神经科学联系起来。作为社会科学家,心理学家旨在了解个人和群体的行为。 Ψ(或psi)是一个希腊字母,通常与心理学科学有关。
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US presidential elections in recent years have been dominated by media discussion of candidates’ personal qualities, such as ‘conciliatory’ or ‘sleepy’ Joe Biden and ‘bold’ versus ‘messiah complex’ Trump. Supporters and opponents alike appear equally keen to identify, celebrate and vilify the personalities of candidates, as well as of those who achieve office. Likewise, candidates and their supporters expend significant effort (and resources) in attempts to influence and shape how members of the public perceive their personality as well as that of their opponents – and, with growing use of social media, they have more opportunity than ever to do so.
The United States of America is certainly not alone: interest in the personalities of political elites is a global phenomenon – and one that shows little sign of diminishing. Researchers have argued that politics has become increasingly personalised across many Western democracies (Caprara and Zimbardo, 2004; Garzia, 20II), with candidate characteristics such as personality, integrity and appearance becoming more important for voters, and a more dominant focus in the overall evaluation of candidates and political elites (Caprara et al., 2006; Nai, Martínez and Maier, 2019; Wattenberg, I99I). Although personalisation applies to many prominent leaders in business, sport and the public sector, the personalities of political leaders appear to have a special hold over our imagination, and an important impact on our engagement with democratic process. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, such deep-rooted interest has also generated a wealth of research in political science and psychology (c.f. Caprara and Silvester, 2018). One popular question is whether strong democracy can be developed by identifying and nurturing individuals with the characteristics needed to become good political leaders capable of delivering responsible government.
心理学代写|心理学代考Psychology代写|Personality and Politics
Although there are many different ways of studying and thinking about personality, psychological approaches to its understanding and examination are broadly concerned both with what makes us different and what makes us similar to others. Personality can be conceptualised as the characteristic sets of behaviours, cognitions and emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors (Corr and Matthews, 2009). Caprara and Cervone (2000) describe personality as the patterns of behavioural habits and qualities expressed through physical and mental activities that characterise individuals as purposive agents and distinguish them from others with whom they interact.
Studies of personality and political leadership have been similarly diverse. These have explored many different individual characteristics, such as personality traits, motives, cognitive style, values and biological traits (e.g. facial appearance), of different populations (e.g. political candidates, elected members in local, national and international legislatures, and leaders of political parties, presidents, prime ministers) and in the context of multiple political outcomes (campaign performance, voter perceptions, successful legislation, contribution to debates, avoidance of war). We begin with a brief introduction of the aspects of personality studied in political elites.
Trait theories are among the oldest and most researched aspects of personality. Defined as ‘dimensions of individual differences in tendencies to show consistent patterns of thought, feelings, and actions’ (McCrae and Costa, 1990, p. 23), personality traits are relatively stable, enduring dispositions that influence how individuals experience, interact and, potentially, change their environment. It is assumed that, within a population, people vary in the extent to which they possess particular traits. Psychologists also differentiate between single- and multi-trait theories of personality. Single traits relevant to political research include Machiavellianism, a personality disposition reflecting an individual’s willingness to control or manipulate others (Christie and Geis, I970); Authoritarianism, an individual difference originally identified by Adorno et al. ( $\mathrm{I} 95 \mathrm{O}$ ) associated with predisposition to conform and obey authority (Duckitt, 2020); and Narcissism (Raskin and Hall, I979), where those scoring high tend to lack consideration for others, and engage in bragging and exaggeration of personal accomplishments (Hart, Adams and Burton, 2016).
们以及他们的对手的个性 – 随着社交媒体的使用越来越多,他们比以往任何时候都有更多的机会这样做。
美利坚合众国当然并不孤单: 对政治精英个性的兴趣是一种全球现象,而且几乎没有减弱的迹象。研究人员认为,在许多西方民主国家,政治已经变得越来越个性
化CapraraandZimbardo, 2004; Garzia, 20II,性格、正直、相貌等候选人特征对选民来说越来越重要,在对候选人和政治精英的整体评价中中更加占主导地位
Capraraetal., 2006; Nai, MartinezandMaier, 2019; Wattenberg, I99I. 尽管个性化适用于商业、体育和公共部门的许多杰出领导人,但政治领导人的个性
c. f. CapraraandSilvester, 2018. 一个普遍的问题是,是否可以通过识别和培养具有成为能够提供负责任政府的优秀政治领导人所需特征的个人来发展强大的民
尼管研究和思考人格的方式有很茤种,但对其理解和检验的心理学方法广泛关注的是什么使我们与众不同,什么使我们与他人相似。人格可以被概念化为从生物和 环境因表演变而来的行为、认知和情感模式的特征集CorrandMatthews, 2009. Caprara 和 Cervone2000将人格描述为通过身体和心理活动表达的行为习惯和品质 的模式,这些活动将个人描述为有目的的代理人,并将他们与与之互动的其他人区分开来。
人格和政治领导力的研究也同样多样化。这些探索了许多不同的个体特征,例如人格特征、动机、认知风格、价值观和生物学特征e. $g . f a c i a l a p p e a r a n c e$, 不同 人群
e.g. politicalcandidates, electedmembersinlocal, nationalandinternationallegislatures, andleadersofpoliticalparties, presidents, primeministers 在多重政治结果的背景下campaignperformance, voterperceptions, successfullegislation, contributiontodebates, avoidanceofwar. 我们首先简要介绍 政治精英所研究的人格方面。
特质理论是人格最古老和研究最多的方面之一。定义为“个体在表现出一致的思想、感觉和行为模式的倾向上的差异维度”McCraeandCosta, 1990, p. 23,人格特 质是相对稳定、持久的性格,会影响个人如何体验、互动以及漑在地改变他们的环境。假设在一个人口中,人们在他们拥有特定特征的程度上是不同的。心理学家 还区分了人格的单特征和多特征理论。与政治研究相关的单一特征包括马基雅维利主义,一种反映个人控制或操纵他人意愿的性格倾向 ChristieandGeis, I 970 ;
威权主义,一种最初由阿多诺等人确定的个体差异。\$I95O\$与顺从和服从权威的倾向有关Duckitt, 2020;和自恋RaskinandHall, I 979 ,那些得分高的人往往缺 乏对他人的考虑,并且吹嘘和夸大个人成就Hart, AdamsandBurton, 2016 .
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