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会计代写|中级管理会计代考Intermediate Management Accounting代写|ACCT5942 Management Accounting:An Overview

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中级管理会计 Intermediate Management Accounting的一个简单定义是向管理人员提供财务和非财务决策信息。换句话说,管理会计帮助组织内部的董事进行决策。这也可以被称为成本会计。这是区分、检查、破译和向主管人员传授数据的方式,以帮助完成商业目标。收集的信息包括所有领域的会计,教育行政部门识别财务支出和组织决策的业务任务。会计师使用计划来衡量组织内的整体运营战略。

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会计代写|中级管理会计代考Intermediate Management Accounting代写|ACCT5942 Management Accounting:An Overview

会计代写|中级管理会计代考Intermediate Management Accounting代写|Management Accounting:An Overview

The genesis of modern management with its emphasis on detailed information for decisionmaking provided a tremendous impetus to the development of management accounting. Management accounting is concerned with the provision of accounting information in a form which helps management in planning, control and decision-making on various aspects of a business. It supplies management with the information which they need for achieving objectives of an organisation. Management accounting has thus shifted the focus of accounting from recording and analysing financial transactions to using information for decisions affecting the future.

Management accounting is that part of accounting system which facilitates the management process of decision-making. According to Robert Anthony, “Management Accounting is concerned with accounting information which is useful to management.” Management Accounting, according to J Batty “is the term used to describe the accounting methods, systems, and techniques which coupled with special knowledge and ability, assist management in its task of maximizing profits or minimizing losses.” The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, London, defines the term management accounting as follows:
Management accounting is an integral part of management concerned with identifiying, presenting and interpreting information used for:
(i) Formulating strategy;
(ii) Planning and controlling activities;
(iii) Decision-making;
(iv) Optimizing the use of resources;
(v) Disclosure to shareholders and others external to the entry;

(vi) Disclosure to employees; and
(vii) Safeguarding assets
Management Accounting Team of Anglo-American Council on Productivity in its Report has defined management accounting as “The presentation of accounting information in such a way as to assist management in the creation of policy and in day-to-day operations of an undertaking”. Thus, management accounting includes the following activities:
(i) assist management functions at all levels;
(ii) help in the day-to-day running of the business;
(iii) promote efficiency in business operations;
(iv) provide the management with accounting, costing and other statistical data for use in the process of planning;
(v) help to ascertain the impact on profit of different courses of action;
(vi) help to measure and report on the effectiveness of undertaking and methods used in attaining the objectives of the business.

会计代写|中级管理会计代考Intermediate Management Accounting代写|FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING

Information is needed for the management functions of decision-making, planning, directing and controlling operations. The management accountant provides such information.
Planning Planning refers to setting objectives and outlining how they will be attained. Thus, planning provides answer to two questions: What is desired? When and how is it to be accomplished? The planning process involves the following steps:

  • setting up of goals and objectives
  • formulation of policies and programmes for attainment of these goals
  • developing strategies; and
  • formulating budgets or profit plans.
    Companies develop both long-term and short-term plans and management accounting serves as a vital source of data for management planning. A budget which is a quantitative expression of a plan of action acts as aid to coordinating and implementing the plan.
    Control Control follows planning. It is the process to ensure that plans are being implemented. It is a feedback system. It tells how effectively and efficiently objectives, goals and plans are accomplished, what went wrong and what can be done to ensure adherence to planned activities in future. Control implies measurement and evaluation of performance. The main steps involved in the control process are:
  • comparison of actual performance against budgets and standards
  • an analysis of variances from budgets and standards in order to determine the underlying causes.
  • taking of corrective action;
  • follow-up to appraise the effectiveness of the corrective action; and
  • the feedback of the information to the planning process to improve future planning and control activities.

Management Accounting records, measures and classifies actions in order to produce performance reports. These reports provide feedback by comparing actual results with plans and highlight variances so that management may take corrective action.
Decision making The main focus of management accounting is to help the management in decision-making. Decision-making involves the selection of optimal alternative among a set of alternatives. Management accounting helps in the evaluation of alternatives. Management has to take a variety of decisions such as make or buy, shut down or continue, selection of optimal product-mix, dropping a product line, exploration of new markets, introduction of new product and services, investment in new plant and machinery and negotiation of long-term contracts with customers and suppliers. Management accounting presents information in such a manner as to facilitate decision-making.

会计代写|中级管理会计代考Intermediate Management Accounting代写|ACCT5942 Management Accounting:An Overview



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.< br>(v)有助于确定不同行动方针对利润的影响

会计代写|中级管理会计代考中级管理会计代写|FUNCTIONS OF Management Accounting

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决策、计划、指导和控制业务的管理职能需要信息。管理会计师提供这些信息。规划是指设定目标并概述如何实现目标。因此,规划提供了两个问题的答案:想要什么?何时以及如何完成? . sh . sh

  • 制定目标和目标
  • 为实现这些目标制定政策和方案
  • 发展战略;以及制定预算或利润计划。公司同时制定长期和短期计划,管理会计是管理计划的重要数据来源。预算是行动计划的数量表达,有助于协调和执行计划。
  • 将实际性能与预算和标准进行比较
  • 分析预算和标准的差异,以确定潜在原因
    • 采取纠正措施;
    • 跟踪评价纠正措施的有效性;
    • 将信息反馈到规划过程中,以改进未来的规划和控制活动管理会计记录,衡量和分类行为,以产生绩效报告。这些报告通过比较实际结果和计划提供反馈,并突出差异,以便管理层采取纠正措施。决策管理会计的主要焦点是帮助管理层进行决策。决策涉及从一组备选方案中选择最优方案。管理会计有助于评估备选方案。管理人员必须作出各种各样的决定,如制造或购买、关闭或继续、选择最佳的产品组合、放弃一条产品线、开拓新市场、引进新产品和服务、投资新工厂和机器,以及与客户和供应商谈判长期合同。管理会计以促进决策的方式提供信息
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