如果你也在 怎样代写分形几何和混沌系统Fractal Geometry & Chaotic Dynamics MATH3062这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。分形几何和混沌系统Fractal Geometry & Chaotic Dynamics在数学中,分形是一种在任意小的尺度上包含详细结构的几何形状,通常具有严格超过拓扑维数的分形维数。许多分形在不同尺度上看起来都很相似,如曼德布罗特集的连续放大图。这种在越来越小的尺度上展示相似的图案被称为自相似性,也被称为扩展对称性或展开对称性;如果这种复制在每个尺度上都完全相同,如门格尔海绵,这种形状被称为仿生自相似性。
分形几何和混沌系统Fractal Geometry & Chaotic Dynamics分形与有限几何图形的一个不同之处在于它们的尺度。将一个填充多边形的边长增加一倍,其面积就会乘以4,也就是2(新边长与旧边长之比)提高到2的幂(填充多边形的常规尺寸)。同样,如果一个填充球体的半径增加一倍,它的体积就会增加8,也就是2(新与旧半径之比)到3的幂(填充球体的常规尺寸)。然而,如果一个分形的一维长度全部翻倍,那么分形的空间内容就会以一个不一定是整数的幂来扩展,一般来说,这个幂大于其常规维度。这个幂被称为几何对象的分形维度,以区别于常规维度(正式名称为拓扑维度)。
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数学代写|分形几何和混沌系统代考Fractal Geometry & Chaotic Dynamics代写|Basic Concepts and Examples
a. A threefold cord: fractals, dynamics, and chaos. The word “fractal” is one which has wriggled its way into the popular consciousness over the past few decades, to the point where a Google search for “fractal” yields over 12 million results (at the time of this writing), more than six times as many as a search for the rather more fundamental mathematical notion of “isomorphism”. With a few clicks of a mouse and without any need to enter the jargon-ridden world of academic publications, one may find websites devoted to fractals for kids, a blog featuring the fractal of the day, photo galleries of fractals occurring in nature, online stores selling posters brightly emblazoned with computer-generated images of fractals, … the list goes on.
Faced with this jungle of information, we may rightly ask, echoing Paul Gauguin, “What are fractals? Where do they come from? Where do we go with them?”
The answers to the second and third questions, at least as far as we are concerned, will have to do with the other two strands of the threefold cord holding this book together-namely, dynamical systems and chaos. 1 As an initial, naïve formulation, we may say that in most cases where a dynamical system exhibits chaotic behaviour, this behaviour is associated with the presence of a fractal. For our purposes, fractals will come from particular dynamical systems, and will lead us to an understanding of certain aspects of chaos.
But all in good time. We must begin by addressing the first question, “What are fractals?”
b. Fractals: intricate geometry and self-similarity. Consider an oak tree in the dead of winter, 2 viewed from a good distance away, as in the first panel of Figure 1.1. Its trunk rises from the ground to the point where it bifurcates into two large boughs; each of these boughs leads away from the centre of the tree and eventually sends off smaller branches of its own. Walking closer to the tree, one sees that these branches in turn send off still smaller branches, which were not visible from further away, and more careful inspection reveals a similar branching structure all the way down to the level of tiny twigs only an inch or two long. The various scales are shown in the second and third panels of Figure 1.1.
The key points to observe are as follows. First, the tree has a complicated and intricate shape, which is not well captured by more familiar geometric objects, such as lines, circles, polygons, and so on. Second, we see the same sort of shape on all scales: whether we view the tree from fifty yards away or from fifty inches, we will see a branching structure in which the largest branch (or trunk) in our field of view splits into smaller branches, which then divide themselves, and so on. This self-similarity is one of the key characteristics of fractals.
数学代写|分形几何和混沌系统代考Fractal Geometry & Chaotic Dynamics代写|Population models and the logistic map
b.1. A rather unrealistic population model. Consider a population of duck-billed platypi (or bacteria, or whatever species you fancy), whose size will be represented by a variable x. Given the size of the population at the present time, we want to predict the size of next year’s population (or perhaps the next hour’s, in the case of bacteria). So if there are x platypi this year, there will be f(x) next year, where f is a suitable function which models the change in the platypus population from year to year. Of course, since we cannot have a negative number of platypi, we must restrict x to lie in the interval [0,∞), which will be the domain of definition for f.
What form should f take? As a first (simplistic) approximation, we may suppose that the platypi reproduce at a constant rate, and so if there are x of them this year, there will be rx next year, where r>1 is a real number, and r−1 represents the proportion of newborns each year.
一个。三重绳索: 分形、动态和混沌。在过唟的几十年里, “分形这个词已经进入大众意识,以至于谷歌搜索“分形”会产生超过 1200 万个结果
atthetimeofthiswriting,是寻找更基本的数学概念“同构”的六倍多。只需点击几下鼠标,无需进入充满行话的学术出版物世界,您就可以找到专门为孩子们设 计的分形网站、一个以当今分形为特色的博宮、自然界中发生的分形照片库、在线商店出售的海报上印有计算机生成的分形图像,….不胜枚举。
面对这个信息从林,我们可以正确地问,呼应保罗.高更,“什么是分形? 他们来自哪里? 我们和他们一起去哪里? ”
至少就伐们而言,第二个和第三个问题的答案与将本书联系在一起的三股绳䒺的另外两条线有关一-即动力系统和混沌。 1 作为一个初始的、朴龶的表述,我们可以
但一切都来得及。我们必须从解决第一个问题开始, “什么是分形? ”
湾。分形: 复杂的几何形状和自相似性。想一想严冬中的一棵橡㳔, 2 从很远的地方观看,如图 1.1 的第一幅图所示。它的树干从地面上升到分叉成两个大树枝的地
b.1。一个相当不切实际的人口模型。考虑一群鸭哺鸭orbacteria, orwhateverspeciesyou fancy,其大小将由一个变量表示 x. 㧛于目前的人口规模,我们想预测
应该用什么形式 f 拿? 作为第一simplistic近似,我们可以假设鸭哺鲁以恒定的速率慗殖,所以如果有 x 今年将有 rx 明年在哪里 r>1 是一个实数,并且 r−1 代表
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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。
微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。
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