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数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考|IMSE560 Basic Queuing Models

如果你也在 怎样代写运筹学Operations Research IMSE560这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。运筹学Operations Research(英式英语:operational research),通常简称为OR,是一门研究开发和应用先进的分析方法来改善决策的学科。它有时被认为是数学科学的一个子领域。管理科学一词有时被用作同义词。

运筹学Operations Research采用了其他数学科学的技术,如建模、统计和优化,为复杂的决策问题找到最佳或接近最佳的解决方案。由于强调实际应用,运筹学与许多其他学科有重叠之处,特别是工业工程。运筹学通常关注的是确定一些现实世界目标的极端值:最大(利润、绩效或收益)或最小(损失、风险或成本)。运筹学起源于二战前的军事工作,它的技术已经发展到涉及各种行业的问题。

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数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考|IMSE560 Basic Queuing Models

数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考|Basic Queuing Models

In order to avoid discussing only special cases, we will formalize queuing systems as follows. All entities that are in need of service of some kind will be referred to as customers, while the service is performed at service stations. The process can then be thought of as follows. Customers are in a calling population. Once they are in need of service (here, for simplicity, we will consider only a single type of service customers are interested in), they will approach the service system, where they will line up. When it is the customer’s turn, he will be served, after which the customer will leave the service system and rejoin the calling population. The structure of this process can be visualized in Fig. 15.1.

The service system will require some further specifications. First of all, each service system has only a single waiting line. A service system typically consists of a number of $c$ parallel service stations, each assumed to perform the same type of service. Parallel service stations are usually referred to as channels. In some instances, one channel consists of a series of service stations: imagine entering a building, where a potential customer first has to be cleared by security, then being directed to a general secretary, from where the service continues to the department director’s secretary, and finally on to the department director. At each station, the customer may be asked to leave the system, e.g., for not clearing security, the unavailability of a service station, and for other reasons. Multi-phase systems can be very complex and will not be discussed here.

数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考|Optimization in Queuing

While queuing models are primarily designed to compute performance measures, they can also be applied in the context of optimization. As an example, consider a retail establishment. The owner of the store has to decide how many clerks to employ for the cash registers at the checkout counter. Clearly, increasing the number of clerks will increase the costs. However, at the same time, more clerks will result in less waiting time for customers, which, in turn, results in less ill will, lost sales, and other customer behavior detrimental to sales. One of the main problems applying these models is the quantification of the loss due to customer ill will.

The example of a tool crib is much easier to justify. A tool crib is a place in which expensive tools are kept that are not in constant use by the workers. Due to cost considerations, it would not be feasible to provide each worker with one tool, so that a service desk is established, where workers can sign out the tool whenever it is needed. The costs of the system include the costs of the tool crib clerks as well as the costs for the lost time of the workers. If $c$ is the number of clerks and $\$_c$ and $\$_w$ denote the hourly wage of a clerk and a worker, respectively, and $L_{\mathrm{s}}^{\prime}$ denoting the number of workers in each of the $c$ service stations, then the costs can then be written as
C=(\text { cost of clerks })+(\text { cost of worker s lost time })=c\left(\$_c+\$_w L_s^{\prime}\right)=
=c\left(\$_c+\$_w \frac{\lambda}{c \mu-\lambda}\right) \text {. }
The idea is now to determine the optimal number of clerks so as to minimize the overall costs. As an illustration, consider the following

Example: The demand for a specialized tool occurs randomly at a rate of about 100 times per hour. Whenever the need arises, workers walk over to the tool crib, sign out the tool, use it, and then return it to the tool crib. All clerks are equally efficient with a service time of $3 \mathrm{~min}$. For simplicity, we assume that the organization of the signing out follows $c \times M / M / 1$ systems. Assume that the hourly wage of a clerk is $\$_c=10$, while a worker’s lost hour costs $\$_w=25$.

数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考|IMSE560 Basic Queuing Models



为了避免只讨论特殊情况,我们将排队系统形式化如下。所有需要某种服务的实体将被称为客户,而服务是在服务站执行的。然后可以认为该过程如下。客户处于 呼叫人群中。一旦他们需要服务here, forsimplicity, wewillconsideronlyasingletypeofservicecustomersareinterestedin,他们将接近服务系统,他们将 在那里排队。当轮到㟯户时,他将被服务,之后㝒户将离开服务系统并重新加入呼叫人群。这个过程的结构可以在图 $15.1$ 中可视化。
服务系统将需要一些进一步的规范。首先,每个服务系统只有一条等候线。一个服务系统通常由许多 $c$ 平行的服务站,每个都假定执行相同类型的服务。并行服务 站通常称为通道。在某些情况下,一个通道由一系列服务站组成:想象进入一栋建筑物,潜在客户首先必须通过安全检育,然后被引导到总秘书,从那里继续向部 门主任的秘书提供服务,最后是部门主管。在每个站点,可能会要求宫户离开系统,例如,因为没有通过安全检查、服务站不可用以及其他原因。多相系统可能非 常暮杂,此处不予讨论。


虽然排队模型主要设计用于计算性能度量,但它们也可以应用于优化的上下文中。例如,考虑一个零售机构。店主必须决定收银台收银台雇佣多少店员。显然,增 加文员的数量会增加成本。但是,与此同时,更多的店员会减少客户的等待时间,从而减少恶意、销售损失和其他不利于销售的宫户行为。应用这些模型的主要问 题之一是量化客户恶意造成的损失。
工具婴儿床的例子更容易证明。工具箱是存放昂贵工具的地方,这些工具不是工人经常使用的。出于成本考虑,为每个工人提供一个工具是不可行的,以便建立一 个服务台,工人可以在需要时签出该工具。该系统的成本包括工具箱文员的成本以及工人损失时间的成本。如果 $c$ 是文员的数量和 $\$_c$ 和 $\$_w$ 分别表示职员和工人的小 时工冷,和 $L_s^{\prime}$ 表示每个工人的人数 $c$ 服务站,那么成本可以写为
C=(\text { cost of clerks })+(\text { cost of worker s lost time })=c\left(\$ c+\$_w L_s^{\prime}\right)=
=c\left(\$_c+\$_w \frac{\lambda}{c \mu-\lambda}\right) .
示例:对专用工具的需求以每小时约 100 次的速度随机发生。每当需要时,工人们都会走到工具箱前,签出工具,使用它,然后将其放回工具箱。所有文员的效率 都一样,服务时间为 $3 \mathrm{~min}$. 为简单起见,我们假设退出的组织如下 $c \times M / M / 1$ 系统。假设文员的小时工资为 $\$_c=10$ ,而工人的损失工时成本 $\$_w=25$.

数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考

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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

它有两个主要分支,微分和积分;微分涉及瞬时变化率和曲线的斜率,而积分涉及数量的累积,以及曲线下或曲线之间的面积。这两个分支通过微积分的基本定理相互联系,它们利用了无限序列和无限级数收敛到一个明确定义的极限的基本概念 。





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