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经济代写|微观经济学代考Microeconomics代写|BEA470 Limits of classical game theory

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经济代写|微观经济学代考Microeconomics代写|BEA470 Canonical principles

经济代写|微观经济学代考Microeconomics代写|Limits of classical game theory

The idea underlying the evolutionary approach is to abandon the hypothesis of centralisation, which lies at the heart of Walrasian tatonnement, and to replace it by decentralised processes of information, negotiation and exchange. Here we are poles apart from the theory described above: in our simple market, agents pair up randomly and can contract, if they so wish, at the prices they negotiate, even outside a situation of equilibrium. A priori, therefore, there is nothing in such a structure to ensure price unicity. Each elementary transaction can take place at its own specific price. Contrary to the previous approach, price unicity, if it appears, must be interpreted as an emergent property, as a pure product of competitive forces, and not as the expression of a prior postulate provided by the hypothesis of the auctioneer. Consequently, the evolutionary approach involves the construction of an analysis in which the role and importance of decentralised transactions are fully recognised.

Before going any further in the presentation of this framework of analysis, we need to answer a preliminary question: can we justify the identification of such a structure as a global market, or should we see it rather as a series of small local markets? To put it another way: how far can we go in the decentralisation of transactions? To answer this question, we must examine the specific properties of the processes of bilateral interaction and the search for information. If the economic space is “connected” in the sense that two agents can always meet and local information is available at an affordable cost, then we can say that we are dealing with a unified market. If not, then the whole set of agents must be broken down into a group of disconnected classes, each class constituting a small elementary market.

经济代写|微观经济学代考Microeconomics代写|Some models

In this section, we shall examine a particular model which contains all the above hypotheses: local transactions, adaptive rationality and sequential dynamics. This model, which involves the labour market, was proposed by G. Laffond and J. Lesourne (1981). In the first sub-section, we present the model from a theoretical perspective. This presentation is necessarily a rather heavy undertaking, as the processes of search, information and negotiation must all be specified. This is the price to be paid for adopting an approach which seeks to define the context of interactions without relying on the hypothesis of perfect information. For the same reason, this modeling strategy necessarily brings into play a large number of random elements. For example, when we do not postulate a priori that all the agents know all the characteristics of the economy in which they operate, it is reasonable to suppose that the employees’ information concerns random samples of jobs, as is the case when employees acquire their knowledge from reading only certain newspapers, drawn at random from among all the papers available, and only on certain dates. It follows that the meetings between employees and firms are equally random. Despite the complexity of the model, it has been possible analytically to demonstrate a certain number of fundamental results on the attainment of a unique price. These will be presented in this first sub-section. In the second sub-section, we shall propose an approach to the same model using numerical simulations. This will enable us not only to “visualise” the theoretical results obtained beforehand but also to bring out their significance more clearly. For example, although we can demonstrate that convergence time is a surely finite random variable and define its moments, signifying that the system actually does reach equilibrium after a certain time, we have not been able to state clearly its probability law, or even give an order of size in relation to the parameters of the model. Simulation makes it easier to understand what is happening. We shall show that the dynamic convergence process has two phases, a rapid phase of adaptation which leads the market close to equilibrium, followed by a much slower phase which redistributes the jobs between the different employees according to their characteristics. Lastly, in the third sub-section, we shall demonstrate that the results obtained in the first two sub-sections can be generalised. To do so, we shall draw on the work of J. Lainé (1989).

经济代写|微观经济学代考Microeconomics代写|BEA470 Canonical principles



进化方法背后的想法是放弃位于瓦尔拉斯 tatonnement 核心的集中假设,并用分散的信息、谈判和交换过程取而代之。这里我们与上述理论截然不同:在我们的简 单市场中,代理人随机配对,如果他们愿意,可以按照他们协商的价格签订合同,即使在均衡情况之外。因此,先验地,在这种结构中没有任何东西可以确保价格 的单一性。每个基本交易都可以以其自己的特定价格进行。与之前的方法相反,价格单一性(如果出现)必须被解释为一种涌现属性,一种纯粹的竞争力量的产 物,而不是拍多人假设提供的先验假设的表达。最后,
在进一步介绍这个分析框架之前,我们需要回答一个初步问题:我们是否可以证明将这种结构确定为全球市场,或者我们是否应该将其视为一系列小型本地市场? 换句话说:我们可以在交易去中心化方面走多远? 要回答这个问题,我们必须检玄双边互动和信自搜萦过程的具体属性。如果经济空间是 “连接的”,即两个代理人 总是可以见面,并且可以以可承受的成本获得本地信息,那么我们可以说我们正在处理一个统一的市场。如果不是,则必须将整组代理人分解为一组互不相关的 类,每个类构成一个小的初级市场。


在本节中,我们将研究一个包含所有上述假设的特定模型:本地事务、适应性理性和顺序动态。这个涉及劳动力市场的模型是由 G. Laffond 和 J. Lesourne提出的 1981. 在第一小节中,我们从理论的角度介绍了该模型。这种介绍必然是一项相当牧重的工作,因为必须详细说明掜索、信息和谈判的过程。这是采用一种不依赖 于完美信息假设来定义交互上下文的方法所要付出的代价。出于同样的原因,这种建模策略必然会引入大量的随机元挈。例如,当我们不先验假设所有代理人都知 道他们经莒的经济体的所有特征时,可以合理地假设雇员的信自涉及随机的工作样本,就像雇员获得他们的仅阅读某些报纸的知识,从所有可用的论文中随机抽 取,并且仅在特定日期。由此可见,员工和公司之间的会面同样是随机的。㞕管模型很复杂,但可以通过分析证明一定数量的基本结果,以达到独特的价格。这些 将在第一小节中介绍。在第二小节中,我们将提出一种使用数值模拟对同一模型进行处理的方法。这将使我们不仅能够“可视化”先前获得的理论结果,而且能够更 清楚地展示它们的意义。例如,虽然我们可以证明收敛时间是一个确定的有限随机变量并定义它的矩,表示系统确实在一定时间后达到平衡,我们无法清楚地说明 它的概率规律,甚至无法给出与模型参数相关的大小顺序。模拟可以更容易地理解正在发生的事情。我们栘证明动态收敛过程有两个阶段,一个是使市场接近均衡 的快速适应阶段,另一个是根据不同员工的特点在不同员工之间重新分配工作的慢得多的阶段。最后,在第三小节中,我们将证明前两个小节中获得的结果可以推 广。为此,我们将借鉴 J. Lainé 的工作我们将证明动态收敛过程有两个阶段,一个是使市场接近均衡的快速适应阶段,另一个是根据不同员工的特点在不同员工之 间重新分配工作的慢得多的阶段。最后,在第三小节中,我们将证明前两个小节中获得的结果可以推广。为此,我们将借鉴 J. Lainé 的工作 我们将证明动态收敛过 程有两个阶段,一个是使市场接近均衡的快速适应阶段,另一个是根据不同员工的特点在不同员工之间重新分配工作的慢得多的阶段。最后,在第三小节中,我们 将证明前两个小节中获得的结果可以推广。为此,我们将借鉴 J. Lainé 的工作 1989 .


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微观经济学是主流经济学的一个分支,研究个人和企业在做出有关稀缺资源分配的决策时的行为以及这些个人和企业之间的相互作用。my-assignmentexpert™ 为您的留学生涯保驾护航 在数学Mathematics作业代写方面已经树立了自己的口碑, 保证靠谱, 高质且原创的数学Mathematics代写服务。我们的专家在图论代写Graph Theory代写方面经验极为丰富,各种图论代写Graph Theory相关的作业也就用不着 说。




现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

它有两个主要分支,微分和积分;微分涉及瞬时变化率和曲线的斜率,而积分涉及数量的累积,以及曲线下或曲线之间的面积。这两个分支通过微积分的基本定理相互联系,它们利用了无限序列和无限级数收敛到一个明确定义的极限的基本概念 。





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