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金融代写|金融工程代考Financial Engineering代写|CMSE11471 INTEREST RATE PARITY

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金融代写|金融工程代考Financial Engineering代写|CMSE11471 INTEREST RATE PARITY

金融代写|金融工程代考Financial Engineering代写|INTEREST RATE PARITY

Assume that the annual rate of interest in country $\mathrm{X}$ is 5 percent and that the annual rate of interest in country $\mathrm{Y}$ is 10 percent. Clearly, all else being equal, investors in country $\mathrm{X}$ would rather have money in country $\mathrm{Y}$ since they are able to earn more basis points, or bps ( $1 \%$ is equal to $100 \mathrm{bps})$, in country Y relative to what they are able to earn at home. Specifically, the interest rate differential (the difference between two yields, expressed in basis points) is such that investors are picking up an additional 500 basis points of yield. However, by investing money outside of their home country, investors are taking on exchange rate risk. To earn the rate of interest being offered in country Y, investors first have to convert their country X currency into country Y currency. At the end of the investment horizon (e.g., one year), international investors may well have earned more money via a rate of interest higher than what was available at home, but those gains might be greatly affected (perhaps even entirely eliminated) by swings in the value of respective currencies. The value of currency $\mathrm{Y}$ could fall by a large amount rela- tive to currency $\mathrm{X}$ over one year, and this means that less of currency $\mathrm{X}$ is recovered.

Indeed, the theory of interest rate parity essentially argues that on a fully hedged basis, any differential that exists between the interest rates of two countries will be eliminated by the differential in exchange rates between those two countries. Continuing with the preceding example, if a forward contract is purchased to exchange currency $\mathrm{Y}$ for currency $\mathrm{X}$ at the end of the investment horizon, the pricing embedded in the forward arrangement will be such that the currency loss on the trade will exactly offset the gain generated by the interest rate differential. That is, currency $\mathrm{Y}$ will be priced so as to depreciate relative to currency $\mathrm{X}$, and by an equivalent magnitude of 500 bps. In short, whatever interest rate advantage investors might enjoy initially will be eliminated by currency depreciation when a strategy is executed on a hedged basis.

金融代写|金融工程代考Financial Engineering代写|PURCHASING POWER PARITY

Another popular theory to explain exchange rate valuation goes by the name of purchasing power parity (PPP).

The idea behind PPP is that, over time (and the question of what period of time is indeed a relevant and oft-debated question), the purchasing ability of one currency ought to adjust itself to be more in line with the purchasing power of another currency. Broadly speaking, in a world where exchange rates are left free to adjust to market imbalances and disequilibria in a price context, exchange rates can serve as powerful equalizers. For example, if the currency of country $\mathrm{X}$ was quite strong relative to country $\mathrm{Y}$, then this would suggest that on a relative basis, the prices within country $\mathrm{Y}$ are perceived to be lower to consumers in country X. Accordingly, as the theory goes, since consumers in country $X$ buy more of the goods in country $Y$ (because they are cheaper) and eventually bid those prices higher (due to greater demand), an equalization eventually will materialize whereby relative prices of goods in countries $\mathrm{X}$ and $\mathrm{Y}$ become more aligned on an exchange rate-adjusted basis.
Although certainly to be taken with a grain of salt, Economist magazine occasionally updates a survey whereby it considers the price of a McDonald’s Big Mac on a global basis. Specifically, a Big Mac price in local currency (as in yen for Japan) is divided by the price for a Big Mac in the United States (upon conversion of yen into dollars). This result is termed “purchasing power parity,” and when compared to respective actual dollar exchange rates, an over- or undervaluation of a currency versus the dollar is obtained. The presumption is that a Big Mac is a relatively homogeneous product type and accordingly represents a meaningful point of reference. A rather essential (and perhaps heroic) assumption to this (or any other comparable PPP exercise) is that all of the ingredients that go into making a Big Mac are accessible in each of the countries where the currencies are being compared. Note that “equal” in this scenario does not necessarily have to mean that access to goods (inputs) is 100 percent free of tariffs or any type of trade barrier. If trade were indeed completely unfettered then this would certainly satisfy the notion of equally accessible. But if all goods were also subject to the same barriers to access, this would be equal too, at least in the sense that equal in this instance means equal barriers. Yet the vast number of trade agreements that exist globally highlights just how bureaucratic the ideal of free trade can become even if perceptions (and realities) are such that trade today is generally at the most free it has ever been. Another important and obvious consideration is that certain inputs might enjoy advantages of proximity. Beef may be more plentiful in the United States relative to Japan, for example.

金融代写|金融工程代考Financial Engineering代写|CMSE11471 INTEREST RATE PARITY



假设国家的年利率 $X$ 是 $5 \%$ 并且国家的年利率 $Y$ 是百分之十。显然,在其他条件相同的情况下,国家的投资者 $X$ 宁愿在国内有钱 $Y$ 因为他们能够赚 取更多基点或 bps $\$ 1 \% \$$ isequalto $\$ 100 \mathrm{bps}$
, incountryY relativetowhattheyareabletoearnathome. Speci fically, theinterestratedif ferential (thedif ferencebetweentwoyields,


另一种解释汇率估值的流行理论称为购买力平价 $P P P$.
PPP 背后的想法是,随着时间的推移andthequestionofwhatperiodoftimeisindeedarelevantandoft-debatedquestion,一种货市的购买 力应该自我调整以更符合另一种货币的购买力。从广义上讲,在一个汇率可以自由调整以适应价格环境中的市场失衡和不均衡的世界中,汇率可 以充当强大的均衡器。例如,如果国家/地区的货币 $X$ 相对于国家来说相当强大Y,那么这将表明,在相对基础上,国内价格Y被 X国的消费者认为 较低。因此,正如理论所言,由于国家的消费者 $X$ 在国内购买更多商品 $Y$ becausetheyarecheaper 并最终出价更高duetogreaterdemand, 最终 将实现均衡,从而使各国商品的相对价格X和Y在汇率调整的基础上变得更加一致。
《经济学人》杂志偶尔会更新一项调查,其中考虑了麦当劳巨无霸在全球范围内的价格,尽管肯定会有所保留。具体来说,以当地货币计算的巨 无霸价格asinyen for Japan除以美国巨无霸的价格uponconversionofyenintodollars. 这一结果被称为“购买力平价”,当与各自的实际美元汇 率进行比较时,就会得出一种货币对美元的高估或低估。假设巨无霸是一种相对同质的产品类型,因此代表了一个有意义的参考点。一个相当重 要的andperhapsheroic对此的假设oranyothercomparablePPPexercise 是制作巨无霸的所有成分在每个进行货币比较的国家/地区都可以使 用。请注意,这种情况下的“平等”并不一定意味着获得商品inputs $100 \%$ 免关税或任何类型的贸易壁垒。如果贸易确实完全不受约束,那么这肯定 会满足平等可及性的概念。但是,如果所有商品也受到相同的准入壁垒,那么这也将是平等的,至少在这种情况下平等意味着平等壁垒。然而, 全球存在的大量贸易协定凸显了自由贸易的理想会变得多么官僚主义,即使人们的看法andrealities 是这样的,今天的贸易通常是有史以来最自 由的。另一个重要且明显的考虑因素是某些输入可能享有邻近优势。例如,美国的牛肉可能比日本更丰富。

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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

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