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如果你也在 怎样密码学与系统安全Cryptography and System Security CS355这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。密码学Cryptography是对存在对抗行为的安全通信技术的实践和研究。 更广泛地说,密码学是关于构建和分析防止第三方或公众阅读私人信息的协议;信息安全的各个方面,如数据保密性、数据完整性、认证和不可抵赖性是现代密码学的核心。现代密码学存在于数学、计算机科学、电子工程、通信科学和物理学等学科的交叉点。密码学的应用包括电子商务、基于芯片的支付卡、数字货币、计算机密码和军事通信。

密码学与系统安全Cryptography and System Security在现代很大程度上是基于数学理论和计算机科学实践的;密码学算法是围绕计算硬度假设设计的,这使得这种算法在实际操作中很难被任何对手破解。虽然在理论上有可能破解一个设计良好的系统,但在实际操作中这样做是不可行的。因此,这种方案,如果设计得好,被称为 “计算安全”;理论上的进步(例如,整数分解算法的改进)和更快的计算技术要求这些设计被不断地重新评估,如果有必要的话,要进行调整。信息理论上的安全方案,即使有无限的计算能力也无法被破解,如一次性密码键盘,在实践中比理论上可被破解但计算上安全的最佳方案更难使用。

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数学代写|密码学代写Cryptography Theory代考|CS355 One More Time…

数学代写|密码学与系统安全代写Cryptography and System Security代考|One More Time…

Closely related to entropy is Shannon’s idea of redundancy, denoted here as $D_N$. Basically, high entropy (disorder) corresponds to low redundancy and low entropy corresponds to high redundancy. Mathematically, the two are related as follows
$D_N=\log _2\left(26^N\right)-H_N$ is the redundancy in a message of length $N$

(using a 26-letter alphabet). ${ }^9$ Just as $H_N / N$ converges down to a limiting value as $N$ increases, $D_N / N$ increases to a limiting value with $N$.

Shannon found the redundancy of English to be $D \approx 0.7$ decimal (base 10) digits per letter. Dividing this value by $\log (26)$, we get the relative redundancy of English, which is about $50 \%$. The value 26 was used in the log, as Shannon chose to omit word spacing and simply use a 26-letter alphabet for his calculation. ${ }^{10}$ He explained what his value for the redundancy of English means and how it may be obtained.
The redundancy of ordinary English, not considering statistical structure over greater distances than about eight letters, is roughly $50 \%$. This means that when we write English half of what we write is determined by the structure of the language and half is chosen freely. The figure $50 \%$ was found by several independent methods which all gave results in this neighborhood. One is by calculation of the entropy of the approximations to English. A second method is to delete a certain fraction of the letters from a sample of English text and then let someone attempt to restore them. If they can be restored when $50 \%$ are deleted the redundancy must be greater than $50 \%$. A third method depends on certain known results in cryptography. ${ }^{11}$

Cipher Deavours used $1.11$ for his approximation of $D$, which converts to $78 \% \cdot .^{12}$ Although he didn’t explain how he came up with this larger value, one possibility is that he included a blank space as a character of the alphabet. As spacing rarely changes the meaning of a sentence, its presence increases the redundancy. In many early examples of writing, ranging from ancient Greek through medieval times, word spacing isn’t present. And word spacing isn’t the only omission that has been common historically. The original Hebrew version of the Old Testament was written without vowels. The redundancy of this language allows it to be read anyway.

数学代写|密码学与系统安全代写Cryptography and System Security代考|Unicity Points

In Sections 3.4, 4.4, and 4.5, unicity points (the length for which a ciphertext can be expected to have a unique solution) were given for various ciphers. Shannon presented a general technique for calculating these values. We have the unicity point, $U$, given by $U=\log _2(K) / D$, where $K$ is the number of possible keys and $D$ is the redundancy per letter of the message. If the message is compressed prior to encipherment, the value of $D$ is decreased, thus raising the value of $U$. Some messages that would have unique solutions can therefore be made ambiguous by taking this extra step. As was seen above, the value for $D$ is determined empirically. Like entropy, it even varies from author to author.

Dazed and Confused
Another pair of concepts that Shannon developed that play a major role in modern cryptography is diffusion and confusion. Diffusion means distributing the influence of each plaintext letter over several ciphertext letters. For example, if matrix encryption is used with a $5 \times 5$ matrix, then each plaintext letter affects five ciphertext letters. Cryptographers today want this effect to be present for both plaintext letters and individual bits in a cipher’s key. They’ve taken the idea to its natural extreme and desire that a change to a single message letter, or bit in the key, will change the entire ciphertext, or about half of the bits, if the message takes that form. This is termed an avalanche effect, in what is an excellent analogy. This makes cryptanalysis significantly more difficult, as the ciphertext cannot be attacked in small pieces, but must be taken as a whole. To continue the $5 \times 5$ matrix encryption example, because each plaintext letter affects five ciphertext letters, we cannot simply pick out the letter E, as we did with monoalphabetic substitution ciphers. Instead, we must work on groups of five letters at a time. With greater diffusion, cryptanalysis may become an all-or-nothing proposition.

Confusion means making the relationship between the plaintext and ciphertext complex. The idea is best illustrated by modern ciphers, for which knowing a large amount of plaintext and the corresponding ciphertext, along with the enciphering algorithm, fails to allow the cryptanalyst to determine the key. In modern systems, confusion is obtained through substitution and diffusion is obtained through transposition. Although older systems, such as the World War I German ciphers ADFGX and ADFGVX, employed both substitution and transposition, this did not become a standard approach to encryption until the computer era.
Shannon noted a disadvantage in ciphers with high confusion and diffusion. ${ }^{16}$
Although systems constructed on this principle would be extremely safe they possess one grave disadvantage. If the mix is good then the propagation of errors is bad. A transmission error of one letter will affect several letters on deciphering.

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与商密切相关的是香农的冗余思想,这里表示为 $D_N$. 基本上,高樀disorder 对应于低冗余,低樀对应于高峹。在数学上,两者的关系如下 $D_N=\log _2\left(26^N\right)-H_N$ 是长度消息中的冗余 $N$
usinga 26 – letteralphabet. ${ }^9$ 就像 $H_N / N$ 收敛到一个极限值作为 $N$ 增加, $D_N / N$ 增加到一个极限值 $N$.
香农发现英语的冗余是 $D \approx 0.7$ 十进制base 10 每个字母的数字。将该值除以 $\log (26)$ ,我们得到英语的相对冗余度,大约是 $50 \%$. 日志中使用了值 26,因为 Shannon 选择省略单词间距并仅使用 26 个字母的字母表进行计算。 ${ }^{10}$ 他解释了他对英语冗余的价值意味着什么以及如何获得它。
普通英语的冗余,不考虑大于大约八个字母的更大距离的统计结构,大致是 $50 \%$. 这意味着当我们写英语时,我们写的一半是由语言结构决定的, 另一半是自由选择的。图 $50 \%$ 是通过几个独立的方法发现的,这些方法都在这个社区给出了结果。一种是通过计算英语近似值的樀。第二种方法 是从英文文本样本中删除特定部分的字母,然后让某人尝试恢复它们。如果他们可以在什么时候恢复 $50 \%$ 被删除的冗余必须大于 $50 \%$. 第三种方法 取决于密码学中的某些已知结果。 ${ }^{11}$
使用的 Cipher Deavours $1.11$ 对于他的近似 $D$ ,转换为 $78 \% \cdot{ }^{12}$ 虽然他没有解释他是如何得出这个更大的值的,但一种可能是他将一个空格作为字母 表中的一个字符。由于间距很少改变句子的意思,它的存在增加了冗余。在许多早期的书写例子中,从古希腊到中世纪,字间距是不存在的。字 间距并不是历史上唯一常见的遗漏。旧约的希伯来文原文是在没有元音的情况下写成的。这种语言的冗余使得它无论如何都可以被阅读。


在第 3.4、4.4和 $4.5$ 节中,单点thelengthforwhichaciphertextcanbeexpectedtohaveauniquesolution给出了各种密码。香农提出了计算这 些值的通用技术。我们有唯一点, $U$, 由 $U=\log _2(K) / D$ ,在哪里 $K$ 是可能键的数量和 $D$ 是消息中每个字母的冗余度。如果消息在加密之前被压 缩,则值 $D$ 被减少,从而提高了价值 $U$. 因此,通过执行此额外步骤,可以使某些具有唯一解决方案的消息变得模糊。正如上面所见,价值为 $D$ 是 根据经验确定的。就像樀一样,它甚至因作者而异。
Dazed and Confused
香农提出的在现代密码学中发挥重要作用的另一对概念是扩散和混淆。扩散意味着将每个明文字母的影响分布到几个密文字母上。例如,如果矩 阵加密与 $5 \times 5$ 矩阵,则每个明文字母影响五个密文字母。今天的密码学家希望明文字母和密码密钥中的各个位都存在这种效果。他们已经将这个 想法发挥到了自然的极致,并希望对单个消息字母或密钥中的位进行更改将更改整个密文,或者如果消息采用这种形式,则大约一半的位。这被 称为雪崩效应,这是一个很好的类比。这使得密码分析变得更加困难,因为密文不能被分成小块进行攻击,而必须作为一个整体来进行攻击。继 续 $5 \times 5$ 矩阵加密示例,因为每个明文字母影响五个密文字母,我们不能简单地挑出字母 $\mathrm{E}$ ,就像我们对单字母替换密码所做的那样。相反,我们 必须一次处理五个字母一组。随着更大的传播,密码分析可能成为一个孤注一掷的命题。
混淆是指使明文和密文之间的关系变得复杂。这个想法最好用现代密码来说明,因为知道大量的明文和相应的密文以及加密算法,无法让密码分 析者确定密钥。在现代系统中,混淆是通过替代获得的,扩散是通过换位获得的。尽管较旧的系统,如第一次世界大战德国密码 ADFGX和 ADFGVX,同时采用了替换和换位,但这直到计算机时代才成为加密的标准方法。
虽然根据这一原则构建的系统非常安全,但它们有一个严重的缺点。如果混合很好,那么错误的传播就会很糟糕。一个字母的传输错误会影响多 个字母的解密。

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