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数学代写|金融数学代写Financial Mathematics代考|MATH3090 Some Stylized Models

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数学代写|金融数学代写Financial Mathematics代考|MATH3090 Some Stylized Models

数学代写|金融数学代写Financial Mathematics代考|Some Stylized Models

Numerous stylized MI models offer some insights into possible shapes of the permanent and temporary impact functions. Some of these models focus only on the permanent impact, while other models attempt to capture the effect of temporary impact.
Equilibrium Permanent Impact Models: Models of one class, including Kyle’s (1985) [234] and Huberman and Stanzl’s (2004) [209], rest on the efficient market hypothesis positing that all available information gets impounded in prices. These models use a time-independent framework to establish an equilibrium price after a trade is executed. This means that trades are assumed to have only a permanent price impact (Huberman and Stanzl (2004) [209, p.1260]). Under these settings, it is shown that, if no quasi-arbitrage possibilities exist (to ensure viable markets), the permanent impact must be linear in the trade quantity and is symmetric between buys and sells. Linearity in trade size has been established by Kyle (1985) [234] as well. In fact, Huberman and Stanzl (2004) [209] add that “Nonlinear, time-dependent price-update functions may assume “chaotic” shapes without giving rise to price manipulation. Only when additional assumptions are made on the shapes of these functions does the analysis become meaningful.”

Almgren et al. (2005) [11] develop a different market impact model, in the context of finding an optimal execution strategy for a large trade [see the discussion in Section 10.4.2] that is sliced into several smaller trades. They describe the random process satisfied by the stock price, using an arithmetic Brownian motion that depends directly on a permanent impact function that is linear in trade size and therefore has no effect on the optimal execution strategy. However, they recognize that if the total number of units traded is sufficiently large, the execution price may steadily change between trades, in part because the supply of liquidity is exhausted at each successive price level. They assume that this effect is short-lived because liquidity returns back to a level after each period and a new equilibrium price is established. They model this effect using a temporary price impact function that is non-linear in trade size. They then postulate that both the permanent and temporary impact functions follow power laws based on the empirical results (Loeb (1983) [251]; Lillo, Farmer and Mantegna (2003) [244]).

数学代写|金融数学代写Financial Mathematics代考|Hybrid Impact and Propagator-Style Models

Hybrid Impact and Propagator-Style Models: Models of another class assume that trading agents have zero intelligence (instead of being fully rational) and take random decisions to buy or to sell, but that their action is interpreted by all the other agents as containing some potential information. The mere fact of buying, or selling, typically leads to a change of the ask $p^a$, or bid $p^b$, price and hence to a change of the mid-point $p=\frac{p^a+p^b}{2}$. The new mid-price is also expected to follow a random walk (at least for sufficient large times), if it is immediately adopted by all other market participants as the new reference price around which new orders are launched.

Madhavan et al. (1997) [256] develop a price formation model postulating that the (bid-ask) mid-price ‘ $p$ ‘ changes because of unpredictable public information shocks (news) and microstructure effects that include statistical effects of order flow fluctuations (e.g., autocorrelation) and trading frictions (e.g., asymmetric information, dealer costs). This postulate automatically removes any predictability in the price returns and ensures market efficiency. If all trades have the same volume and the surprise component of the order flow at the $k$ th trade is given by $\epsilon_k-\rho \epsilon_{k-1}$, where the signs of trades $\epsilon_k$ are generated by a Markov process with correlation $\rho,{ }^1$ we can write the following evolution equation for the mid-price as:
\Delta p_{k+1}=p_{k+1}-p_k=\theta\left[\epsilon_k-\rho \epsilon_{k-1}\right]+\eta_k,
where $\eta$ is the shock component and the constant $\theta$ measures the size of trade impact. Empirical estimations of their model are not aimed at investigating the shape of impact functions. $^2$

数学代写|金融数学代写Financial Mathematics代考|MATH3090 Some Stylized Models



许多程式化的 M1 模型提供了对永久和临时影响函数的可能形状的一些见解。其中一些模型只关注永久影响,而其他模型则试图捕捉临时影响的影 响。
平衡永久影响模型: 一类模型,包括 Kyle 的模型 1985
以及 Huberman 和 Stanzl 的 2004
,基于有效市场假说,假设所有可用信息都包含在价格中。这些模型使用与时间无关的框架在交易执行后建立均衡价格。这意味着假定交易仅对 价格产生永久影响 HubermanandStanz $l(2004$
209, p .1260
). 在这些设置下,表明如果不存在准套利可能性toensureviablemarkets,永久影响必须在交易量上呈线性,并且在买卖之间是对称的。Kyle 建 立了交易规模的线性关系 1985
以及。事实上,Huberman 和 Stanzl2004
seethediscussionin Section $10.4 .2$
被分成几个较小的交易。他们使用直接取决于交易规模线性的永久影响函数的算术布朗运动来描述股票价格满足的随机过程,因此对最佳执行策 略没有影响。然而,他们认识到,如果交易的单位总数足够大,执行价格可能会在交易之间稳步变化,部分原因是流动性供应在每个连续的价格 水平上都已耗尽。他们假设这种影响是短暂的,因为流动性会在每个时期后恢复到一个水平,并建立一个新的均衡价格。他们使用交易规模非线 性的临时价格影响函数对这种影响进行建模。Loeb(1983
; 里洛、农夫和曼特尼亚 2003


混合影响和传播者模型: 另一类模型假设交易代理人的智力为零insteadofbeingfullyrational并随机决定买入或卖出,但他们的行为被所有其 他代理人解释为包含一些潜在信息。仅仅是买入或卖出的事实通常会导致询价的变化 $p^a$, 或出价 $p^b$, 价格并因此改变中点 $p=\frac{p^a+p^b}{2}$. 新的中间价也 有望遵循随机游走atleastforsufficientlargetimes, 如果它立即被所有其他市场参与者采用作为启动新订单的新参考价格。
马达万等人。 1997
开发一个价格形成模型,假设 $b i d-a s k$ 中间价 ‘ $p$ ‘ 由于不可预测的公共信息冲击而发生变化news和溦观结构效应,包括订单流量波动的统计效应 e.g., autocorrelation和贸易摩擦e.g., asymmetricinformation, dealercosts. 该假设自动消除了价格回报的任何可预测性并确保了市场效 率。如果所有交易的交易量相同,并且订单流的意外部分在 $k$ 交易由 $\epsilon_k-\rho \epsilon_{k-1}$, 其中交易的迹象 $\epsilon_k$ 由具有相关性的马尔可夫过程生成 $\rho,{ }^1$ 我们可以 将中间价格的演化方程写成如下:
\Delta p_{k+1}=p_{k+1}-p_k=\theta\left[\epsilon_k-\rho \epsilon_{k-1}\right]+\eta_k
在哪里 $\eta$ 是冲击分量和常数 $\theta$ 衡量贸易影响的大小。他们模型的经验估计并不旨在调查影响函数的形状。 ${ }^2$

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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


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