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会计代写|财务会计代考Financial Accounting代写|ACCTING2501 The Government’s proposals

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财务会计Financial Accounting是与企业相关的财务交易的总结、分析和报告有关的会计领域。这涉及到编制供公众使用的财务报表。股东、供应商、银行、雇员、政府机构、企业主和其他利益相关者都是有兴趣收到这些信息用于决策的例子。

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会计代写|财务会计代考Financial Accounting代写|ACCTING2501 The Government’s proposals

会计代写|财务会计代考Financial Accounting代写|The Government’s proposals

British company law has developed since the mid-nineteenth century and has been added to in a piecemeal fashion, by both statute and case law, for well over a century. It is now bulky and complex and widely recognised to be in need of reform. To this end, the Government launched a Company Law Review in 1998 and, after much consultation, the Company Law Review Steering Group issued its final report, ‘Modern Company Law For a Competitive Economy’, in June 2001. ${ }^{32}$ The Government considered this final report and, in July 2002, it issued a White Paper, Modernising Company Law setting out its proposals. ${ }^{33}$

The White Paper makes many proposals concerned with simplifying the formation and operation of companies, particularly small companies, in order to encourage enterprise. Here, we will concentrate on its proposals for reporting by limited companies and for the setting of rules for reporting by companies in future.

The White Paper envisages that the present requirement for companies to prepare a directors’ report will be abolished and that companies will be required to publish the following documents each year:

  • Financial Statements. The exact nature of these is not specified but they are expected to include a balance sheet, a single performance statement and a cash flow statement as well as consolidated financial statements where appropriate.
  • Supplementary Statement. This would replace the directors’ report for most companies.
  • For the most economically significant companies only, an Operating and Financial Review. The White Paper envisages that this requirement will apply to about a thousand companies or groups and specifies possible criteria for identifying these. ${ }^{34}$
  • For quoted companies only, a Directors’ Remuneration Report.
  • An optional Summary Statement. It is envisaged that all companies, not just listed companies as at present, will be able to publish a Summary Statement, although shareholders will be given the right to receive the full reports if they so wish.

会计代写|财务会计代考Financial Accounting代写|International standardisation

It seems reasonable to suggest that, if standards have merit within the boundaries of one country, there would be merit if they were applied more generally.

In a period in which investors based in one country choose between investments in many countries, a lack of comparability between financial statements drawn up in different countries may well lead to incorrect decision taking and thereby to an inefficient allocation of scarce resources. As individual countries have pursued a policy of standardisation, so too a number of bodies have become concerned with international standardisation. Both the United Nations (UN) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have been concerned with the regulation of accounting and, as might be expected, these bodies have been primarily concerned with the regulation of disclosure by multinational companies. In the more recent past, we have seen the formation and subsequent disbandment of the ‘G4+1’ which was an international group of standard setters that consisted of the standard setters from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the USA, together with representatives of the IASC. This group attempted to formulate a common, AngloSaxon approach to financial reporting issues and published Position Papers intended to influence the work of the standard setters in their respective countries. ${ }^1$ The group disbanded in January 2001 in anticipation of the formation of the new IASB in April 2001.

For the remainder of this chapter, we shall concern ourselves with the two most important attempts at international standardisation relevant in the UK. We shall look first at the approach of the IASC and its successor, the IASB, and then at the approach of the EU. In the final section, we will examine the enormous boost given to International Accounting Standards by the EU Regulation, issued in 2002, which requires all publicly traded companies in Member States to prepare their consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Accounting Standards by the year 2005. We also examine some of the potential problems to which this Regulation gives rise.

会计代写|财务会计代考Financial Accounting代写|ACCTING2501 The Government’s proposals



英国公司法从 19 世纪中叶开始发展,一个多世纪以来,成文法和判例法都以零碎的方式对其进行了补充。它现在庞大而复杂,并被广泛认为需要改革。为此,政府于 1998 年启动了公司法审查,经过多次磋商,公司法审查指导小组于 2001 年 6 月发布了最终报告“竞争经济的现代公司法”。32政府审议了这份最终报告,并于 2002 年 7 月发布了《公司法现代化》白皮书,其中列出了其建议。33



  • 财务报表。这些的确切性质没有具体说明,但预计它们将包括资产负债表、单一业绩表和现金流量表以及适当的合并财务报表。
  • 补充声明。这将取代大多数公司的董事报告。
  • 仅针对经济上最重要的公司,运营和财务审查。白皮书设想这一要求将适用于大约一千家公司或团体,并指定了可能的识别标准。34
  • 仅适用于上市公司的董事薪酬报告。
  • 可选的摘要声明。据设想,所有公司,而不仅仅是目前的上市公司,都将能够发布一份摘要声明,不过如果股东愿意,他们将有权获得完整的报告。



在一个国家的投资者在多个国家的投资之间做出选择的时期,不同国家编制的财务报表之间缺乏可比性很可能导致做出错误的决策,从而导致稀缺资源的低效配置。随着个别国家奉行标准化政策,许多机构也开始关注国际标准化。无论是联合国在否和经济合作与发展组织欧和�丁一直关注会计监管,正如可以预料的那样,这些机构主要关注跨国公司披露的监管。在最近的过去,我们看到了“G4+1”的形成和随后的解散,这是一个国际标准制定者组织,由来自澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰、英国和美国的标准制定者组成,一起与 IASC 的代表。该小组试图针对财务报告问题制定通用的 AngloSaxon 方法,并发布了旨在影响各自国家标准制定者工作的立场文件。1该组织于 2001 年 1 月解散,以期在 2001 年 4 月成立新的 IASB。

在本章的剩余部分,我们将关注与英国有关的国际标准化的两项最重要的尝试。我们将首先研究 IASC 及其继任者 IASB 的方法,然后再研究欧盟的方法。在最后一节中,我们将探讨 2002 年发布的欧盟法规对国际会计准则的巨大推动,该法规要求成员国的所有上市公司在 2005 年之前根据国际会计准则编制合并财务报表. 我们还研究了该条例引起的一些潜在问题。

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