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计算机代写|ST207 Database

MY-ASSIGNMENTEXPERT™可以为您提供 ST207 Database数据库课程的代写代考辅导服务!


计算机代写|ST207 Database


This course is compulsory on the BSc in Data Science. This course is available on the BSc in Actuarial Science, BSc in Mathematics, Statistics and Business and BSc in Politics and Data Science. This course is available with permission as an outside option to students on other programmes where regulations permit and to General Course students.

This course has a limited number of places (it is capped). Students who have this course as a compulsory course are guaranteed a place. Places for all other students are allocated on a first come first served basis.


The goal of this course is to cover basic concepts of database management systems, including relational and other types of database management systems.

The topics covered will include basic concepts of the relational model, creating and modifying relations using Structured Query Language (SQL), basic SQL queries using SELECT operator, nested queries, aggregate operators such as GROUP BY, integrity constraints and relations, views, application development using JDBC, Internet protocols such as HTTP and XML, storage and indexing, tree-structured indexing using B+ trees, hash-based indexing, query evaluation and algorithms for relational operations, external sorting, transaction management and concurrency, database schema and normal forms, and overview of NoSQL databases such as key-value stores, document, and graph databases.


问题 1.

Compare this book to a database (assuming you don’t just use it as a notebook, scribbling in the margins). What features does it provide? What features are missing?

The following list summarizes how the book provides (or doesn’t) database goals:
CRUD-This book doesn’t let you easily Create information. You could write in new information, but there isn’t much room for that and that’s not really its purpose. The book lets you Read information, although it’s hard for you to find a particular piece of information unless it is listed in the table of contents or the index. You can Update information by crossing out the old information and entering the new. You can also highlight key ideas by underlining, by using a highlighter, and by putting bookmarks on key pages. Finally, you can Delete data by crossing it out.
Retrieval-The book’s mission in life is to let you retrieve its data, although it can be hard to find specific pieces of information unless you have bookmarked them or they are in the table of contents or the index.

Consistency-l’ve tried hard to make the book’s information consistent. If you start making changes, however, it will be extremely difficult to ensure that you make related changes to other parts of the book.

Validity-The book provides no data validation. If you write in new information, the book cannot validate your data. (If you write, “Normalization rocks!” the book cannot verify that it indeed rocks.)

Easy Error Correction-Correcting one error is easy; simply cross out the incorrect data and write in the new data. Correcting systematic errors (for example, if I’ve methodically misspelled “the” as “thue” and the editors didn’t catch it) would be difficult and time-consuming.

Speed-The book’s structure will hopefully help you learn database design relatively efficiently, but a lot relies on your reading ability.

  • Atomic Transactions-The book doesn’t really support transactions of any kind, much less atomic ones.
  • ACID-Because it doesn’t support transactions, the book doesn’t provide ACID.
  • Persistence and Backups-The book’s information is nonvolatile so you won’t lose it if the book “crashes.” If you lose the book or your dog eats it, then you can buy another copy but you’ll lose any updates that you have written into it. You can buy a second copy and back up your notes into that one, but the chances of a tornado destroying your book are low and the consequences aren’t all that earth-shattering, so I’m guessing you’ll just take your chances.
  • Low Cost and Extensibility-Let’s face it, books are pretty expensive these days, although not as expensive as even a cheap computer. You can easily buy more copies of the book, but that isn’t really extending the amount of data. The closest thing you’ll get to extensibility is buying a different database-related book or perhaps buying a notebook to improve your note-taking.
  • Ease of Use-This book is fairly easy to use. You’ve probably been using books for years and are familiar with the basic user interface.
    ortability-It’s a fairly large book, but you can reasonably carry it around. You can’t read it remotely the way you can a computerized database, but you can carry it on a bus.
问题 2.

Security-The book isn’t password protected, but it doesn’t contain any top-secret material, so if it is lost or stolen you probably won’t be as upset by the loss of its data as by the loss of the concert tickets that you were using as a bookmark. It’ll also cost you a bit to buy a new copy if you can’t borrow someone else’s.

Sharing -After you lose your copy, you could read over the shoulder of a friend (although then you need to read at their pace) or you could borrow someone else’s book. Sharing isn’t as easy as it would be for a computerized database, however, so you might just want to splurge and get a new copy.
Ability to Perform Complex Calculations-Sorry, that’s only available in the more expensive artificially intelligent edition.
Overall, the book is a reasonably efficient read-only database with limited search and correction capabilities. As long as you don’t need to make too many corrections, it’s a pretty useful tool. The fact that instructional books have been around for a long time should indicate that they work pretty well.

问题 3.

What does CRUD stand for? What do the terms mean?

CRUD stands for the four fundamental database operations: Create (add new data), Read (retrieve data), Update (modify data), and Delete (remove data from the database).

计算机代写|ST207 Database


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