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数学代写|偏微分方程代考PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS代写|f is doubly even

如果你也在 怎样代写偏微分方程Partial Differential Equations 这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。偏微分方程Partial Differential Equations在数学中,偏微分方程(PDE)是一个方程,它规定了一个多变量函数的各种偏导数之间的关系。常微分方程构成了偏微分方程的一个子类,对应于单变量函数。截至2020年,随机偏微分方程和非局部方程是 “PDE “概念的特别广泛研究的延伸。更为经典的课题包括椭圆和抛物线偏微分方程、流体力学、玻尔兹曼方程和色散偏微分方程,目前仍有很多积极的研究。

偏微分方程Partial Differential Equations在以数学为导向的科学领域,如物理学和工程学中无处不在。例如,它们是现代科学对声音、热量、扩散、静电、电动力学、热力学、流体动力学、弹性、广义相对论和量子力学(薛定谔方程、保利方程等)的基础性认识。它们也产生于许多纯粹的数学考虑,如微分几何和变分计算;在其他值得注意的应用中,它们是几何拓扑学中证明庞加莱猜想的基本工具。部分由于这种来源的多样性,存在着广泛的不同类型的偏微分方程,并且已经开发了处理许多出现的个别方程的方法。因此,人们通常认为,偏微分方程没有 “一般理论”,专业知识在一定程度上被划分为几个基本不同的子领域。


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数学代写|偏微分方程代考PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS代写|f is doubly even

数学代写|偏微分方程代考Partial Differential Equations代写|f is doubly even

In this case $f(-x, y)=f(x, y)$ and $f(x,-y)=f(x, y)$. Since the sine is an odd function, this means that any coefficients which multiply $\sin (m x)$ or $\sin (n y)$ must be zero. Therefore, the double Fourier series for $f$ is
f(x, y)=\frac{1}{4} a_{0,0}+\frac{1}{2} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} a_{0, n} \cos (n y)+\sum_{m=1}^{\infty} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} a_{m, n} \cos (m x) \cos (n y)
Moreover, since the cosine function and $f$ are both even, then the integration can be performed over the interval $[0, \pi]$ and then doubled. This leads to the condensed formula
a_{m, n}=\left(\frac{2}{\pi}\right)^2 \int_0^\pi \int_0^\pi f(x, y) \cos (m x) \cos (n y) d x d y
In this case, $f(-x, y)=f(x, y)$ while $f(x,-y)=-f(x, y)$. As the cosine is even and the sine is odd, then only the terms $\cos (m x), \sin (n y)$, and $\cos (m x) \cdot \sin (n y)$ are maintained. All other coefficients are set to zero. This produces the formulae
f(x, y)=\frac{1}{4} a_{0,0}+\frac{1}{2} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} b_{0, n} \sin (n y)+\sum_{m=1}^{\infty} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} b_{m, n} \cos (m x) \sin (n y)
with $a_{0,0}$ and $b_{m, n}$ as in (3.2.2). The special case of $b_{0, n}$ is handled in (3.2.2) since $\cos (0)=1$.

数学代写|偏微分方程代考Partial Differential Equations代写|$f$ is odd in $x$ and even in $y$

For this scenario, $f(-x, y)=-f(x, y)$ and $f(x,-y)=f(x, y)$ so that only terms involving $\sin (m x)$ and $\cos (n y)$ are retained. This gives
f(x, y)=\frac{1}{4} a_{0,0}+\frac{1}{2} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} a_{0, n} \cos (n y)+\sum_{m=1}^{\infty} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} c_{m, n} \sin (m x) \cos (n y)
with $a_{0, n}$ and $c_{m, n}$ as in (3.2.2). The special case of $a_{0,0}$ is included in the definition for $a_{0, n}$ as $\cos (0)$ $=1$
$\S 3.2 .4$. is doubly odd
In this case, $f(-x, y)=-f(x, y)$ and $f(x,-y)=-f(x, y)$. Since the cosine is an odd function, then any coefficients multiplying $\cos (m x)$ or $\cos (n y)$ must be zero. This leaves
f(x, y)=\frac{1}{4} a_{0,0}+\frac{1}{2} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} b_{0, n} \sin (n y)+\sum_{m=1}^{\infty} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} d_{m, n} \sin (m x) \sin (n y)
with $a_{0,0}, b_{0, n}$, and $d_{m, n}$ as in (3.2.2).
After the development of Fourier series for one- and two-spatial dimensions, the mathematical machinery required to solve the Dirichlet (2.3.1), Neumann (2.3.2), and Robin (2.3.3) problems with respect to Laplace’s equation is now in place.
Note that, if the interval $[-\pi, \pi]$ in $x$ is replaced by $\left[0, \ell_1\right]$ and by $\left[0, \ell_2\right]$ in $y$, then $(3.2 .2)$ is replaced $1 / 2 \ell_2+\left(\ell_2 / 2 \pi\right) y$ and by defining the function $\phi(\xi, \psi)=f\left(1 / 2 \ell_1+\left(\ell_1 / 2 \pi\right) x, 1 / 2 \ell_2+\left(\ell_2 / 2 \pi\right) y\right) \equiv F(x, y)$. In this case, $\phi \in L_2^{\left(\ell_1, \ell_2\right)}\left(\left[0, \ell_1\right] \times\left[0, \ell_2\right]\right)=\left{f: \int_0^{\ell_2} \int_0^{\ell_1}|f(x, y)|^2 d x d y<\infty, f\left(x+\ell_1, y+\ell_2\right)=f(x, y)\right}$. Indeed, $F(-\pi,-\pi)=f(0,0), F(-\pi, \pi)=f\left(0, \ell_2\right), F(\pi,-\pi)=f\left(\ell_1, 0\right)$, and $F(\pi, \pi)=f\left(\ell_1, \ell_2\right)$. Hence, if $f$ $\in L_2^{\left(\ell_1, \ell_2\right)}\left(\left[0, \ell_1\right] \times\left[0, \ell_2\right]\right)$, then $F$ is $2 \pi$-periodic. The change of variables in $\xi$ and $\psi$ above in the integrals in (3.2.2) produce (3.2.2l). See Myint–U with Debnath for details.

数学代写|偏微分方程代考PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS代写|f is doubly even


数学代写|偏微分方程代考Partial Differential Equations代写|f is doubly even

在本例中为$f(-x, y)=f(x, y)$和$f(x,-y)=f(x, y)$。由于正弦函数是奇函数,这意味着任何乘以$\sin (m x)$或$\sin (n y)$的系数都必须为零。因此,$f$的二重傅里叶级数为
f(x, y)=\frac{1}{4} a_{0,0}+\frac{1}{2} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} a_{0, n} \cos (n y)+\sum_{m=1}^{\infty} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} a_{m, n} \cos (m x) \cos (n y)
而且,由于余弦函数和$f$都是偶函数,那么可以在区间$[0, \pi]$上进行积分,然后再进行二重。这导致了浓缩公式
a_{m, n}=\left(\frac{2}{\pi}\right)^2 \int_0^\pi \int_0^\pi f(x, y) \cos (m x) \cos (n y) d x d y
在本例中,$f(-x, y)=f(x, y)$而$f(x,-y)=-f(x, y)$。由于余弦是偶数,正弦是奇数,那么只保留$\cos (m x), \sin (n y)$和$\cos (m x) \cdot \sin (n y)$项。所有其他系数设为零。这产生公式
f(x, y)=\frac{1}{4} a_{0,0}+\frac{1}{2} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} b_{0, n} \sin (n y)+\sum_{m=1}^{\infty} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} b_{m, n} \cos (m x) \sin (n y)
与$a_{0,0}$和$b_{m, n}$,如(3.2.2)。$b_{0, n}$的特殊情况在(3.2.2)中处理,因为$\cos (0)=1$ .

数学代写|偏微分方程代考Partial Differential Equations代写|$f$ is odd in $x$ and even in $y$

对于这个场景,使用$f(-x, y)=-f(x, y)$和$f(x,-y)=f(x, y)$,这样只保留涉及$\sin (m x)$和$\cos (n y)$的术语。这使得
f(x, y)=\frac{1}{4} a_{0,0}+\frac{1}{2} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} a_{0, n} \cos (n y)+\sum_{m=1}^{\infty} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} c_{m, n} \sin (m x) \cos (n y)
与$a_{0, n}$和$c_{m, n}$(3.2.2)一样。特殊情况$a_{0,0}$包含在$a_{0, n}$的定义中,如$\cos (0)$$=1$
$\S 3.2 .4$。是双奇数
在这种情况下,$f(-x, y)=-f(x, y)$和$f(x,-y)=-f(x, y)$。因为余弦函数是奇函数,所以任何乘以$\cos (m x)$或$\cos (n y)$的系数都必须为零。这使得
f(x, y)=\frac{1}{4} a_{0,0}+\frac{1}{2} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} b_{0, n} \sin (n y)+\sum_{m=1}^{\infty} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} d_{m, n} \sin (m x) \sin (n y)
剩下$a_{0,0}, b_{0, n}$和(3.2.2)中的$d_{m, n}$。
注意,如果将$x$中的间隔$[-\pi, \pi]$替换为$\left[0, \ell_1\right]$,将$y$中的间隔替换为$\left[0, \ell_2\right]$,那么将$(3.2 .2)$替换为$1 / 2 \ell_2+\left(\ell_2 / 2 \pi\right) y$,并定义函数$\phi(\xi, \psi)=f\left(1 / 2 \ell_1+\left(\ell_1 / 2 \pi\right) x, 1 / 2 \ell_2+\left(\ell_2 / 2 \pi\right) y\right) \equiv F(x, y)$。在本例中为$\phi \in L_2^{\left(\ell_1, \ell_2\right)}\left(\left[0, \ell_1\right] \times\left[0, \ell_2\right]\right)=\left{f: \int_0^{\ell_2} \int_0^{\ell_1}|f(x, y)|^2 d x d y<\infty, f\left(x+\ell_1, y+\ell_2\right)=f(x, y)\right}$。确实是$F(-\pi,-\pi)=f(0,0), F(-\pi, \pi)=f\left(0, \ell_2\right), F(\pi,-\pi)=f\left(\ell_1, 0\right)$和$F(\pi, \pi)=f\left(\ell_1, \ell_2\right)$。因此,如果$f$$\in L_2^{\left(\ell_1, \ell_2\right)}\left(\left[0, \ell_1\right] \times\left[0, \ell_2\right]\right)$,则$F$是$2 \pi$ -periodic。(3.2.2)中积分中$\xi$和$\psi$变量的变化得到(3.2.2l)。详情请参阅Myint-U with Debnath。

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