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数学代写|微积分代写Calculus代考|SmON STEVIN
Simon Stevin of Bruges was perhaps the most original mathematician of the second half of the sixteenth century ${ }^{\dagger}$ and his contributions both to pure and applied mathematics were notable. His work was first systematically studied in the present century by Bosmans. $\ddagger$ As the founder of scientific and technical Dutch Stevin was opposed to the exclusive use of Latin in scientific writing and after 1583 he published only in Dutch. In consequence the Mechanics and the Hydrostatics ${ }^{\dagger}$ were little known outside the Low Countries until the preparation of French and Latin editions by Girard and Snell $\ddagger$ respectively. By this time Stevin’s methods were half a century old but even so, they were not without influence on Kepler, Cavalieri and Grégoire de Saint-Vincent.
Although Stevin was essentially concerned to present mathematics as a practical tool in a form readily comprehensible to the engineer and scientist he was nevertheless always careful to distinguish between proof, example and illustration. He was well acquainted with the works of his predecessors and was undoubtedly fully conscious of the significant methodological changes he was making. The second book of the Mechanics is devoted to centre of gravity determinations and the methods he used indicate a deliberate and systematic effort to modify and simplify the Archimedean proof structure. Probably the most radical step which he took was the abandonment as a general routine of the completion of all propositions by a reductio proof. Unlike the Greeks Stevin was prepared to make use of the general consideration that any two magnitudes, the difference between which can be shown to be less than any assigned magnitude, are equal to one another.
The direct way in which he applied this principle can best be illustrated by looking at one or two simple examples. To prove that the centre of gravity of a triangle $A B C$ (see Fig. 3.8) lies in the median $A D$ he draws the inscribed figure in the usual way. Since the centre of gravity of each of the inscribed parallelograms lies in $A D$ then the centre of gravity of the inscribed figure lies in $A D$. He continues as follows:!
If the area of the triangle $A B C$ be denoted by $\triangle$ and that of the inscribed figure by $I_n$, where $n$ is the number of inscribed quadrilaterals, then $\Delta-I_n=$ $\Delta / n$. By Euclid $X$. 1, this can be made less than any assigned quantity, however small, i.e.
\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty} \Delta / n=0 .
Now, if $\Delta_1, \triangle_2$, denote the areas of triangles $A B D$ and $A D C$, respectively, we have
\Delta-I_n=\Delta / n, \
\Delta_1-\frac{I_n}{2}<\Delta / n, \
\Delta_2-\frac{I_n}{2}<\Delta / n,
and $\left|\Delta_1-\Delta_2\right|<\Delta / n$, so that, given any plane area $\delta$, however small, it is possible by suitable choice of $n$ to make $\left|\Delta_1-\Delta_2\right|<\delta$.
数学代写|微积分代写Calculus代考|Luca Valerio
Valerio was yet another mathematician who, perceiving that Archimedes had neglected the centres of gravity of solids and that Commandino had considered only a limited number of simple cases, set himself to repair this deficiency whilst at the same time attempting a significant modification in method. A skilful geometer and a virtuoso in the theory of proportions, Valerio worked entirely within the framework of Euclidean method and in consequence was widely read and greatly admired in the seventeenth century. As a Neapolitan who taught in Rome Valerio is unlikely to have had the opportunity to read the works of Stevin before the publication of his own De centro gravitatis solidorum in 1604.
Because Valerio’s work is couched entirely in geometric language the generalisations he makes appear at first sight less striking than those of Stevin. Nevertheless the attempt he makes to dispose of the necessity for constant repetition of reductio proofs is, in some respects, more thorough and far-reaching than that of Stevin. The standard exhaustion proof contained two major steps, both of which Valerio attempted to generalise in a series of important theorems so that for a whole class of convex curves and solids it was no longer necessary to establish results by special methods.
The first generalisation occurs in Proposition VI when Valerio considers a convex plane figure enclosed by a curve, in which parallelograms have been inscribed and circumscribed in the usual way, and establishes that, in general, the difference between the areas of the inscribed and circumscribed figures is equal to the area of the parallelogram on the base (see Fig. 3.10). Let $B A C$ be any plane figure in which $A D$ is a diameter, $B C$ is a chord, and in which chords parallel to $B C$ decrease towards $A$. For the inscribed and circum scribed figures we have
& I_n=i_1+i_2+i_3+\ldots i_n, \
& C_n=c_1+c_2+c_3+\ldots c_n \text {, } \
& \text { and } \
& C_n-I_n=\left(c_1-i_1\right)+\left(c_2-i_2\right)+\ldots\left(c_n-i_n\right) \
& =c_n \text {. } \
数学代写|微积分代写Calculus代考|SmON STEVIN
布鲁日的西蒙·斯蒂文可能是16世纪下半叶最具独创性的数学家${ }^{\dagger}$,他对纯数学和应用数学的贡献都是值得注意的。博斯曼在本世纪首次系统地研究了他的作品。$\ddagger$作为荷兰科学技术的创始人,斯特芬反对在科学写作中只使用拉丁语,1583年以后,他只发表了荷兰语的文章。因此,力学和流体静力学${ }^{\dagger}$在低地国家之外很少为人所知,直到吉拉德和斯内尔分别准备了法语和拉丁语版本$\ddagger$。到这个时候,斯特芬的方法已经有半个世纪的历史了,但即便如此,它们对开普勒、卡瓦列里和圣文森特也不是没有影响。
通过一两个简单的例子,可以最好地说明他应用这一原则的直接方式。为了证明一个三角形的重心$A B C$(见图3.8)在中间$A D$,他用通常的方法画出了一个内切的图形。因为每个平行四边形的重心都在$A D$,所以每个平行四边形的重心都在$A D$。他继续说:!
如果三角形的面积 $A B C$ 表示为 $\triangle$ 还有铭文人物的 $I_n$,其中 $n$ 那么四边形的数目是多少 $\Delta-I_n=$ $\Delta / n$. 欧几里得 $X$. 1,这可以少于任何指定的数量,无论多小。
\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty} \Delta / n=0 .
现在,如果 $\Delta_1, \triangle_2$,表示三角形的面积 $A B D$ 和 $A D C$,我们分别有
\Delta-I_n=\Delta / n, \
\Delta_1-\frac{I_n}{2}<\Delta / n, \
\Delta_2-\frac{I_n}{2}<\Delta / n,
和 $\left|\Delta_1-\Delta_2\right|<\Delta / n$,因此,给定任意平面面积 $\delta$无论多小,只要选择合适的,它都是可能的 $n$ 制造 $\left|\Delta_1-\Delta_2\right|<\delta$.
数学代写|微积分代写Calculus代考|Luca Valerio
第一个推广出现在第六命题中,当Valerio考虑一个被曲线包围的凸平面图形时,其中平行四边形以通常的方式被内切和限定,并确定,一般来说,内切和限定图形的面积之差等于平行四边形在基底上的面积(见图3.10)。设$B A C$为任意平面图形,其中$A D$为直径,$B C$为弦,平行于$B C$的弦向$A$减小。我们有刻字和刻字的图形
& I_n=i_1+i_2+i_3+\ldots i_n, \
& C_n=c_1+c_2+c_3+\ldots c_n \text {, } \
& \text { and } \
& C_n-I_n=\left(c_1-i_1\right)+\left(c_2-i_2\right)+\ldots\left(c_n-i_n\right) \
& =c_n \text {. } \
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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。
微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。
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