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统计代写|统计推断代写Statistical inference代写|ST502 The Fisherian Theory of Statistical Inference

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统计推断Statistical inference结论是一个统计命题。一些常见的统计命题形式如下。一个点估计,即一个最接近某些感兴趣的参数的特定值。区间估计,例如置信区间(或集合估计),即使用从人群中抽取的数据集构建的区间,以便在对这些数据集进行重复抽样时,这些区间将包含真正的参数值,其概率为所述置信度。可信区间,即包含诸如95%的后验信念的一组数值。拒绝一个假设。将数据点聚类或分类为一组。

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统计代写|统计推断代写Statistical inference代写|ST502 The Fisherian Theory of Statistical Inference

统计代写|统计推断代写Statistical inference代写|The Fisherian Theory of Statistical Inference

Intellectually, Fisher was solidly in the tradition of thinkers like Venn, who were very much concerned with the philosophy of knowledge, but with a decidedly British pragmatism and common sense. Like Venn, he was also concerned to avoid the difficulties of Laplacean inverse probability. His approach to statistical inference was guided, like everyone else’s, by his views on probability. But, as Kyburg Jr. (1974) says, “It would be unfair to criticize ‘Fisher’s interpretation of probability,’ because he never actually gives one” (p. 74). When he did speak of probability, his conception was rather close to Venn’s. He not only insisted on a frequency definition, but also wanted to keep the concept of probability closely linked with the problem of inference, so that his statements about probability characteristically contain reference to knowledge and ignorance. The tension between “aleatory” and “epistemic” aspects of probability reaches perhaps its greatest height in Fisher’s work. It was his rejection of an epistemic or subjective concept, in terms of degrees of evidence or belief, that led to his formulation of a frequentist theory of statistical inference in the first place; yet it was his insistence that probability was still an epistemic phenomenon that gave his theory its ostensible relevance in scientific research. His attempt essentially to have his frequency cake and eat it, too, has not generally been viewed as a success, and whatever criticisms his ideas have received spring from just this tension.

Fisher’s name is prominently associated with three devices of statistical inference: maximum likelihood, significance testing, and fiducial probability. If none of these was purely his invention de novo, and if the one which was most distinctively his own was also the least successful (fiducial probability), he is still entitled far more than anyone else to the credit for the widespread use of statistical inference today.

Under the frequency theory of probability, the object-and the challenge-of statistical inference is to make statements about a population or hypothesis or cause or set of generating conditions on the basis of some observations, when it is the observations rather than the model that have a probability distribution. Significance testing, the device most familiar to psychologists, achieves that object by substituting decision for inference-though Fisher equivocated on this point. Maximum likelihood selects out those values for the population parameter in question which would make the sample results most likely. Fiducial probability, the most controversial procedure, attempts to turn the probability distribution around to apply to the parameters rather than the statistics.

统计代写|统计推断代写Statistical inference代写|Maximum Likelihood

The method of maximum likelihood was the subject of Fisher’s first publication (1912). The basic idea had been suggested by Daniel Bernoulli in 1777 (Kendall, 1961) and by J. H. Lambert even before that, in 1760 (Sheynin, 1971); Fisher’s contribution was to dignify it as a general method and to name the forward probability of the results their likelihood. Likelihood theory is involved behind the scenes, as it were, in many textbook procedures, ${ }^{3}$ but has not been prominent as a method of inference in its own right until recent work by A. W. F. Edwards (1972) and others (Chap. 10). It serves here, however, as a brief but useful illustration of how a theory of statistical inference can be got out of a frequentist theory of probability.
Since the frequency conception of probability constrains us to speak only of forward probabilities – probabilities of outcomes, given certain conditions as truethe method of maximum likelihood simply takes as the best estimate of the parameter that value which maximizes the probability of the results obtained. The principle of maximum likelihood holds essentially that whatever happens is always the most likely thing that could have happened. As a substantive principle, it is obviously false; but as a heuristic principle-its intended use-it has plausibility. It presents potentially two subtle difficulties for the frequency conception.

统计代写|统计推断代写Statistical inference代写|ST502 The Fisherian Theory of Statistical Inference



在智力上,费舍尔坚定地继承了像维恩这样的思想家的传统,他们非常关注知识哲学,但有着明显的英国实用主义和常识。像维恩一样,他也关心避免拉普拉斯逆概率的困难。与其他人一样,他的统计推断方法受到他对概率的看法的指导。但是,作为 Kyburg Jr.1974说,“批评‘费舍尔对概率的解释’是不公平的,因为他从来没有真正给出过”p.74. 当他确实谈到概率时,他的概念与维恩的概念相当接近。他不仅坚持频率定义,而且希望将概率的概念与推理问题紧密联系起来,使他关于概率的陈述特征性地包含对知识和无知的参考。概率的“偶然”和“认知”方面之间的紧张关系可能在费舍尔的著作中达到了最大的高度。正是他对证据或信念程度方面的认识论或主观概念的拒绝,导致他首先提出了统计推断的频率论理论。然而,正是他坚持认为概率仍然是一种认识现象,才使他的理论在科学研究中具有表面上的相关性。




最大似然法是费舍尔第一次发表的主题1912. 基本思想是丹尼尔·伯努利在 1777 年提出的ķ和nd一个ll,1961甚至在此之前,JH Lambert 在 1760 年小号H和是n一世n,1971; 费舍尔的贡献在于将其作为一种通用方法加以尊重,并将结果的前向概率命名为它们的可能性。就像在许多教科书程序中一样,可能性理论在幕后涉及,3但直到最近 AWF Edwards 的工作之前,它本身作为一种推理方法并不突出1972和别的CH一个p.10. 然而,它在这里作为一个简短但有用的说明,说明如何从频率论的概率论中得出统计推断理论。

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