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CS代写|数字硬件系统代写Digital Hardware System代考|ECE327 DATA ENCODING

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数字硬件系统Digital Hardware System 相比之下,软件是可由硬件存储和运行的指令集。硬件之所以被称为硬件,是因为它在变化方面是 “硬 “或僵化的,而软件是 “软 “的,因为它容易改变。硬件通常由软件指挥,执行任何命令或指令。硬件和软件的组合构成了一个可用的计算系统,尽管其他系统只存在硬件。

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CS代写|数字硬件系统代写Digital Hardware System代考|ECE327 DATA ENCODING

CS代写|数字硬件系统代写Digital Hardware System代考|DATA ENCODING

A digital system is an artificial physical system that receives input at a number of sites and times by applying input ‘signals’ to it and responds to these with output that can later be measured by some output signals. A signal is a physical entity measurable at some sites and depending on time. The input signals usually encode some other, more abstract entities, e.g. numbers, and so do the outputs. In a simple setting, the numbers encoded in the output may be described as a function of the input numbers, and the artificial system is specifically designed to realize this function. More generally, the output may also depend on internal variables of the system and the sites and times at which it occurs may be data dependent. The main topic of this book is how to systematically construct a system with some wanted processing behavior, e.g. one with a prescribed transfer function.

The application of such a system with a particular transfer function first involves the encoding of the input information into physical values that are applied at the input sites for some time by properly preparing its input signals, then some processing time elapses until the output signals become valid and encode the desired output values, and finally these encoded values are extracted from the measured physical values. For the systems considered, the input and output signals will be electrical voltages measured between pairs of reference sites and restricted to range within some allowed intervals.

In contrast to analogue circuits, an input signal to a digital system at the time at which it is valid is restricted to ranging within a finite set of disjoint intervals. These intervals are used to encode or simply are the elements of a finite set K. Any two voltages in the same interval represent the same element of K (Figure 1.1). Moreover, the circuits are designed so that for whatever particular values in the allowed intervals present at the inputs, the output will also range in allowed intervals and hence encode elements of K. If two sets of input values are ‘equivalent’, i.e. represent the same elements of $\mathrm{K}$, then so are the corresponding outputs. Thus, the digital system computes a function mapping tuples of elements of $\mathrm{K}$ (encoded at the different input sites and times) to tuples of elements of $\mathrm{K}$ encoded by the outputs, i.e. a function $\mathrm{K}^{\mathrm{n}} \rightarrow \mathrm{K}^{\mathrm{m}}$. The continuum of possible voltages of a digital signal is only used to represent the finite set $\mathrm{K}$. This is compensated by the fact that the assignment of output values does not suffer from the unavoidable variations of the signals within the intervals due to loading, temperature, or tolerances of the electronic components. The correspondence of signal levels in the allowed intervals to elements of $\mathrm{K}$ is referred to as the physical encoding.

The most common choice for $\mathrm{K}$ is the two elements set $\mathrm{B}={0,1}$. This restricts the valid input and output values to just two corresponding intervals L and $\mathrm{H}$ (‘low’ and ‘high’), e.g. the intervals $\mathrm{L}=[-0.5,2] \mathrm{V}$ and $\mathrm{H}=[3,5.5] \mathrm{V}$ of voltages between two reference sites. Most often, one of the reference sites is chosen to be a ‘ground’ reference that is common to all input and output signals. If there are $\mathrm{n}$ input sites and times to the system as well as the ground, the voltages at these encode n-tuples in the set $\mathrm{B}^{\mathrm{n}}$, and the outputs at $\mathrm{m}$ sites and times define an element of $\mathrm{B}^{\mathrm{m}}$. Then the system computes a ‘Boolean’ function:
\text { f: } \quad B^n \rightarrow B^m

CS代写|数字硬件系统代写Digital Hardware System代考|Encoding Numbers

In this section we very briefly recall the most common choices for encoding numbers, and hint at some less common ones. Once bit fields encode numbers, the arithmetic operations translate into Boolean functions, and digital systems can be applied to perform numeric computations. Of particular interest are encodings of numbers by bit fields of a fixed size. Fixed size fields can be stored efficiently, and the arithmetical operations on them which are still among the most elementary computational steps can be given fast implementations. However, it is only finite sets of numbers that can be encoded by fields of a fixed size, and no non-trivial finite set of numbers is closed under the add and multiply operations. The maximum size of the encoded numbers will be exceeded (overflow), and results of the add and multiply operation within the size range may first have to be rounded to the nearest element of the encoded set. These difficulties can be overcome by tracking rounding errors and overflows and switching to encodings for a larger set of numbers by wider bit fields if required.

The most common binary encoding scheme for numbers within a digital system is the base- 2 polyadic encoding on the finite set of integers from 0 to $2^{\mathrm{n}}-1$ which assigns to a number $\mathrm{m}$ the unique tuple $\mathrm{b}=\left(\mathrm{b}0, \ldots, \mathrm{b}{\mathrm{n}-1}\right)$ (in string notation the word ‘ $\mathrm{b}{\mathrm{n}-1} \ldots \mathrm{b}_0$ ‘) of its binary digits defined by the property: $$ \mathrm{m}=\mathrm{b}_0+2 \mathrm{~b}_1+4 \mathrm{~b}_2+\cdots=\sum{\mathrm{i}=0}^{\mathrm{n}-1} \mathrm{~b}{\mathrm{i}} 2^{\mathrm{i}} $$ In particular, for $\mathrm{n}=1$, the numbers 0,1 are encoded in the obvious way by the elements $0,1 \in$ B, and B can be considered as a subset of the integers. The terms ‘unsigned binary number’ or simply ‘binary number’ are often used to refer to this standard base-2 polyadic encoding. Every positive integer can be represented as a binary number by choosing $\mathrm{n}$ high enough. The $(\mathrm{n}+\mathrm{k})$-bit binary code of a number $\mathrm{m}<2^{\mathrm{n}}$ differs from its $\mathrm{n}$-bit code by leading zeroes only. For inputting or outputting it is more common to use a similar base-10 format in which a number is represented by a tuple $\mathrm{d}=\left(\mathrm{d}_0, . ., \mathrm{d}{\mathrm{k}-1}\right)$ of decimal digits (in string notation ‘ $\mathrm{d}{\mathrm{k}-1} \ldots \mathrm{d}_0$ ‘) so that: $$ \mathrm{m}=\sum{\mathrm{i}=0}^{\mathrm{k}-1} \mathrm{~d}_{\mathrm{i}} 10^{\mathrm{i}}

CS代写|数字硬件系统代写Digital Hardware System代考|ECE327 DATA ENCODING



数字系统是一种人工物理系统,它通过向其应用输入“信号”在多个位置和时间接收输入,并以输出响应这些输入,稍后可以通过某些输出信号进 行测量。信号是在某些地点可测量并取决于时间的物理实体。输入信号通常编码一些其他更抽象的实体,例如数字,输出也是如此。在一个简单 的设置中,输出中编码的数字可以描述为输入数字的函数,并且人工系统专门设计用于实现此功能。更一般地,输出还可能取决于系统的内部变 量,并且它发生的地点和时间可能取决于数据。本书的主题是如何系统地构建一个具有某些所需处理行为的系统,例如
这种具有特定传递函数的系统的应用首先涉及将输入信息编码为物理值,通过适当准备其输入信号在输入站点应用一段时间,然后经过一些处理 时间直到输出信号变为有效并对期望的输出值进行编码,最后从测量的物理值中提取这些编码值。对于所考虑的系统,输入和输出信号将是在参 考点对之间测量的电压,并且限制在某些允许的间隔内。
与模拟电路相反,数字系统的输入信号在有效时被限制在一组有限的不相交间隔内。这些区间用于编码或简单地是有限集合K的元素。相同区间内 的任意两个电压表示K的相同元素Figure 1.1. 此外,电路的设计使得对于输入端出现的允许区间内的任何特定值,输出也将在允许区间内变化, 因此对 K的元素进行编码。如果两组输入值“相等”,即表示的相同元素 $K$ ,那么相应的输出也是如此。因此,数字系统计算一个函数映射元素的元 组 $\mathrm{K}$ encodedatthedifferentinputsitesandtimes 元素的元组 $\mathrm{K}$ 由输出编码,即函数 $\mathrm{K}^{\mathrm{n}} \rightarrow \mathrm{K}^{\mathrm{m}}$. 数字信号可能电压的连续统仅用于表示有限集 K. 这通过以下事实得到补偿: 输出值的分配不受由于负载、温度或电子元件的公差引起的信号在间隔内不可避免的变化的影响。允许区间内的信 号电平与元素的对应关系 $K$ 被称为物理编码。
最常见的选择 $\mathrm{K}$ 是两个元素集合 $\mathrm{B}=0,1$. 这将有效的输入和输出值限制为两个相应的区间 $\mathrm{L}$ 和 $\mathrm{H}$ ‘low’ and’high’,例如间隔 $\mathrm{L}=[-0.5,2] \mathrm{V}$ 和 $\mathrm{H}=[3,5.5]$ V两个参考点之间的电压。大多数情况下,选择一个参考点作为所有输入和输出信号共有的“接地”参考。如果有n输入站点和时间到 系统以及地面,这些处的电压编码集合中的 $\mathrm{n}$ 元组 $\mathrm{B}^{\mathrm{n}}$ ,以及输出 $\mathrm{m}$ 站点和时间定义了一个元素 $\mathrm{B}^{\mathrm{m}}$.然后系统计算一个“布尔”函数:
$\mathrm{f}: \quad B^n \rightarrow B^m$


在本节中,我们非常简要地回顾了最常见的数字编码选择,并暗示了一些不太常见的选择。一旦位字段对数字进行编码,算术运算就会转换为布 尔函数,并且可以应用数字系统来执行数值计算。特别感兴趣的是通过固定大小的位字段对数字进行编码。固定大小的字段可以有效地存储,并 且可以快速实现仍然属于最基本计算步漈的对它们的算术运算。然而,只有有限的数字集可以被固定大小的字段编码,并且在加法和乘法运算下 没有非平凡的有限数字集是封闭的。将超过编码数字的最大大小over flow,并且大小范围内的加法和乘法运算的结果可能首先必须舍入到编码集 中最接近的元素。这些困难可以通过跟踪舍入错误和溢出来克服,如果需要,可以通过更宽的位字段切换到更大数字集的编码。
数字系统中最常见的数字二进制编码方案是对从 0 到 $2^{\mathrm{n}}-1$ 分配给一个数字 $\mathrm{m}$ 独特的元组 $\mathrm{b}=(\mathrm{b} 0, \ldots, \mathrm{bn}-1)$ instringnotationtheword $\$ \mathrm{bn}-1 \ldots \mathrm{b}0 \$^{:}$它的二进制数字由属性定义: $$ \mathrm{m}=\mathrm{b}_0+2 \mathrm{~b}_1+4 \mathrm{~b}_2+\cdots=\sum \mathrm{i}=0^{\mathrm{n}-1} \mathrm{bi} 2^{\mathrm{i}} $$ 特别地,对于 $n=1$, 数字 0,1 由元素以明显的方式编码 $0,1 \in B$ ,和B可以被认为是整数的子集。术语 “无符号二进制数”或简称“二进制数”通常用于 指代这种标准的 base-2 多元编码。通过选择每个正整数都可以表示为二进制数n足够高。这 $(\mathrm{n}+\mathrm{k})$-bit 数字的二进制代码 $\mathrm{m}<2^{\mathrm{n}}$ 不同于它的 $\mathrm{n}$ 位 代码仅由前导零组成。对于输入或输出,更常见的是使用类似的 base-10格式,其中数字由元组表示 $\mathrm{d}=\left(\mathrm{d}_0, \ldots, \mathrm{dk}-1\right)$ 十进制数字 instringnotation $\$ \mathrm{dk}-1 \ldots \mathrm{d}_0 \$$ ‘以便: $$ \mathrm{m}=\sum \mathrm{i}=0^{\mathrm{k}-1} \mathrm{~d}{\mathrm{i}} 10^{\mathrm{i}}

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