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数学代写|MATH2069 Graph Theory

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数学代写|MATH2069 Graph Theory


This unit introduces students to several related areas of discrete mathematics, which serve their interests for further study in pure and applied mathematics, computer science and engineering. Topics to be covered in the first part of the unit include recursion and induction, generating functions and recurrences, combinatorics. Topics covered in the second part of the unit include Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, the theory of trees (used in the study of data structures), planar graphs, the study of chromatic polynomials (important in scheduling problems).


At the completion of this unit, you should be able to:

  • LO1. identify and use combinatorial objects involved in counting problems to solve them
  • LO2. solve linear recurrence relations by using generating functions and characteristic equations
  • LO3. identify Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs
  • LO4. apply special algorithms to find minimal walks in weighted graphs
  • LO5. apply special algorithms to find spanning trees in graphs
  • LO6. find chromatic numbers and chromatic polynomials of graphs.


问题 1.

Let $G$ be a $k$-vertex connected graph for some natural number $k \geq 1$. Let $S$ and $T$ be disjoint subsets of vertices in $G$, such that both $S$ and $T$ have at least $k$ vertices. Show that there exist $k$ paths $P_1, P_2, \ldots, P_k$ in $G$ such that two things hold: 1) for each $P_i$, the starting vertex is in $S$ and the end vertex is in $T, 2) V\left(P_i\right) \cap V\left(P_j\right)=\emptyset$ for $i \neq j$ (they cannot have any common vertex – not even the end points).

问题 2.

Suppose $G$ is a simple graph with at least 3 vertices. Show that $G$ is 2 -connected if and only if for every triple of vertices $x, y, z$, there is an $x-z$ path through $y$.

问题 3.

Consider the $n$-CUBE graph (see Problem 4 on HW I). Consider the following two vertices: $x=(0,0, \ldots, 0)$ (all zeroes vector) and $y=(1,1, \ldots, 1)$ (all ones vector). Find a set of vertex disjoint paths of maximum size between $x$ and $y$.

问题 4.

Minimally $k$-connected graphs. A $k$-connected graph $G$ is called minimally $k$-connected, if for every edge $e, G \backslash{e}$ is not $k$-connected. Show that
(i) Show that if $G$ is minimally 2-connected, then the minimum degree of $G$ is exactly 2.
(ii) Show that a minimally 2 -connected graph $G$ with at least 4 vertices has at most $2|V(G)|-$ 4 edges. Construct a minimally 2 connected graph $G$ with at least 4 vertices with exactly $2|V(G)|-4$ edges.

问题 5.

Let $G$ be a 2-connected graph. Let $e=x y$ be any edge in $G$. Show that $G \backslash{e}$ is 2connected if and only if $x$ and $y$ lie on a cycle in $G \backslash{e}$. Conclude that a 2-connected graph is minimally 2-connected if and only if every cycle is an induced subgraph. [Hint: Modify the ear decomposition proof a tiny bit]

问题 6. Suppose $G$ is a simple graph with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges. Put $\alpha=\frac{2 m}{n}$. Prove that the number of vertices with degree more than $2 \cdot \alpha$ is at most $\frac{n}{2}$.

数学代写|MATH2069 Graph Theory


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