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数学代写|Gaussian random variables 数论代考

数学代写|Gaussian random variables 数论代考


By definition, a random vector X with values in \mathrm{R}^{m} is called a (centered) gaussian vector if there exists a non-negative quadratic form \mathrm{Q} on \mathrm{R}^{m} such that the characteristic function \varphi_{X} of X is of the form
\varphi_{\mathrm{X}}(t)=e^{-\mathrm{Q}(t) / 2}
for t \in \mathrm{R}^{m}. The quadratic form can be recovered from \mathrm{X} by the relation
\mathrm{Q}\left(t_{1}, \ldots, t_{m}\right)=\sum_{1 \leqslant i, j \leqslant m} a_{i, j} t_{i} t_{j}
with a_{i, j}=\mathbf{E}\left(\mathrm{X}{i} \mathrm{X}{j}\right), and the (symmetric) matrix \left(a_{i, j}\right){1 \leqslant i, j \leqslant m} is called the correlation matrix of X. The components X{i} of X are independent if and only if a_{i, j}=0 if i \neq j, i.e., if and only if the components of X are orthogonal.
If X is a gaussian random vector, then X is mild, and in fact
\sum_{\boldsymbol{k}} \mathrm{M}{m}(\mathrm{X}) \frac{t{1}^{k_{1}} \cdots t_{m}^{k_{m}}}{k_{1} ! \cdots k_{m} !}=\mathbf{E}\left(e^{t \cdot \mathrm{X}}\right)=e^{\mathrm{Q}(t) / 2}
for t \in \mathbf{R}^{m}, so that the power series converges on all of \mathrm{C}^{m}. The Laplace transform \psi_{\mathrm{X}}(z)=\mathbf{E}\left(e^{z \cdot \mathrm{X}}\right) is also defined for all z \in \mathbf{C}^{m}, and in fact
\mathbf{E}\left(e^{z \cdot \mathrm{X}}\right)=e^{\mathrm{Q}(z) / 2} .
For m=1, this means that a random variable is a centered gaussian if and only if there exists \sigma \geqslant 0 such that
\varphi_{\mathrm{X}}(t)=e^{-\sigma^{2} t / 2}
and in fact we have
If \sigma=1, then we say that \mathrm{X} is a standard gaussian random variable (also sometimes called a standard normal random variable). We then have
\mathbf{P}(a<\mathrm{X}<b)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi}} \int_{a}^{b} e^{-x^{2} / 2} d x
for all real numbers a<b.
EXERCISE B.7.1. We recall a standard proof of the fact that the measure on \mathbf{R} given by
\mu=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi}} e^{-x^{2} / 2} d x
is indeed a gaussian probability measure with variance 1 .
(1) Define
\varphi(t)=\varphi_{\mu}(t)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi}} \int_{\mathbf{R}} e^{i t x-x^{2} / 2} d x
for t \in \mathbf{R}. Prove that \varphi is of class C^{1} on \mathbf{R} and satisfies \varphi^{\prime}(t)=-t \varphi(t) for all t \in \mathbf{R} and \varphi(0)=1.
(2) Deduce that \varphi(t)=e^{-t^{2} / 2} for all t \in \mathbf{R}. [Hint: This is an elementary argument with ordinary differential equations, but because the order is 1 , one can define g(t)= e^{t^{2} / 2} \varphi(t) and check by differentiation that g^{\prime}(t)=0 for all t \in \mathbf{R}.]
We will use the following simple version of the Central Limit Theorem:
THEOREM B.7.2. Let \mathrm{B} \geqslant 0 be a fixed real number. Let \left(\mathrm{X}{n}\right) be a sequence of independent real-valued random variables with \left|\mathrm{X}{n}\right| \leqslant \mathrm{B} for all n. Let
\alpha_{n}=\mathrm{E}\left(\mathrm{X}{n}\right), \quad \beta{n}=\mathrm{V}\left(\mathrm{X}{n}^{2}\right) Let \sigma{\mathrm{N}} \geqslant 0 be defined by
for \mathrm{N} \geqslant 1. If \sigma_{\mathrm{N}} \rightarrow+\infty as n \rightarrow+\infty, then the random variables
converge in law to a standard gaussian random variable.
Proof. Although this is a very simple case of the general Central Limit Theorem for sums of independent random variables (indeed, even of Lyapunov’s well-known version), we give a proof using Lévy’s criterion for convenience. First of all, we may assume that \alpha_{n}=0 for all n by replacing \mathrm{X}{n} by \mathrm{X}{n}-\alpha_{n} (up to replacing B by 2 \mathrm{~B}, since \left|\alpha_{n}\right| \leqslant \mathrm{B} ). by

By definition, a random vector X with values in \mathrm{R}^{m} is called a (centered) gaussian vector if there exists a non-negative quadratic form \mathrm{Q} on \mathrm{R}^{m} such that the characteristic function \varphi_{X} of X is of the form
\varphi_{\mathrm{X}}(t)=e^{-\mathrm{Q}(t) / 2}
for t \in \mathrm{R}^{m}. The quadratic form can be recovered from \mathrm{X} by the relation
\mathrm{Q}\left(t_{1}, \ldots, t_{m}\right)=\sum_{1 \leqslant i, j \leqslant m} a_{i, j} t_{i} t_{j}
with a_{i, j}=\mathbf{E}\left(\mathrm{X}{i} \mathrm{X}{j}\right), and the (symmetric) matrix \left(a_{i, j}\right){1 \leqslant i, j \leqslant m} is called the correlation matrix of X. The components X{i} of X are independent if and only if a_{i, j}=0 if i \neq j, i.e., if and only if the components of X are orthogonal.
If X is a gaussian random vector, then X is mild, and in fact
\sum_{\boldsymbol{k}} \mathrm{M}{m}(\mathrm{X}) \frac{t{1}^{k_{1}} \cdots t_{m}^{k_{m}}}{k_{1} ! \cdots k_{m} !}=\mathbf{E}\left(e^{t \cdot \mathrm{X}}\right)=e^{\mathrm{Q}(t) / 2}
for t \in \mathbf{R}^{m}, so that the power series converges on all of \mathrm{C}^{m}. The Laplace transform \psi_{\mathrm{X}}(z)=\mathbf{E}\left(e^{z \cdot \mathrm{X}}\right) is also defined for all z \in \mathbf{C}^{m}, and in fact
\mathbf{E}\left(e^{z \cdot \mathrm{X}}\right)=e^{\mathrm{Q}(z) / 2} .
For m=1, this means that a random variable is a centered gaussian if and only if there exists \sigma \geqslant 0 such that
\varphi_{\mathrm{X}}(t)=e^{-\sigma^{2} t / 2}
and in fact we have
If \sigma=1, then we say that \mathrm{X} is a standard gaussian random variable (also sometimes called a standard normal random variable). We then have
\mathbf{P}(a<\mathrm{X}<b)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi}} \int_{a}^{b} e^{-x^{2} / 2} d x
for all real numbers a<b.
EXERCISE B.7.1. We recall a standard proof of the fact that the measure on \mathbf{R} given by
\mu=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi}} e^{-x^{2} / 2} d x
is indeed a gaussian probability measure with variance 1 .
(1) Define
\varphi(t)=\varphi_{\mu}(t)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi}} \int_{\mathbf{R}} e^{i t x-x^{2} / 2} d x
for t \in \mathbf{R}. Prove that \varphi is of class C^{1} on \mathbf{R} and satisfies \varphi^{\prime}(t)=-t \varphi(t) for all t \in \mathbf{R} and \varphi(0)=1.
(2) Deduce that \varphi(t)=e^{-t^{2} / 2} for all t \in \mathbf{R}. [Hint: This is an elementary argument with ordinary differential equations, but because the order is 1 , one can define g(t)= e^{t^{2} / 2} \varphi(t) and check by differentiation that g^{\prime}(t)=0 for all t \in \mathbf{R}.]
We will use the following simple version of the Central Limit Theorem:
THEOREM B.7.2. Let \mathrm{B} \geqslant 0 be a fixed real number. Let \left(\mathrm{X}{n}\right) be a sequence of independent real-valued random variables with \left|\mathrm{X}{n}\right| \leqslant \mathrm{B} for all n. Let
\alpha_{n}=\mathrm{E}\left(\mathrm{X}{n}\right), \quad \beta{n}=\mathrm{V}\left(\mathrm{X}{n}^{2}\right) Let \sigma{\mathrm{N}} \geqslant 0 be defined by
for \mathrm{N} \geqslant 1. If \sigma_{\mathrm{N}} \rightarrow+\infty as n \rightarrow+\infty, then the random variables
converge in law to a standard gaussian random variable.
Proof. Although this is a very simple case of the general Central Limit Theorem for sums of independent random variables (indeed, even of Lyapunov’s well-known version), we give a proof using Lévy’s criterion for convenience. First of all, we may assume that \alpha_{n}=0 for all n by replacing \mathrm{X}{n} by \mathrm{X}{n}-\alpha_{n} (up to replacing B by 2 \mathrm{~B}, since \left|\alpha_{n}\right| \leqslant \mathrm{B} ). by



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  2. 前向错误更正(或信道编码
  3. 加密编码
  4. 线路码



学习易分析也已经很冬年了,七七八人的也续了圧少的书籍和论文。略作总结工作,方便后来人学 Đ参考。
复分析是一门历史悠久的学科,主要是研究解析函数,亚纯函数在复球面的性质。下面一昭这 些基本内容。
(1) 提到复变函数 ,首先需要了解复数的基本性左和四则运算规则。怎么样计算复数的平方根, 极坐标与 x y 坐标的转换,复数的模之类的。这些在高中的时候囸本上都会学过。
(2) 复变函数自然是在复平面上来研究问题,此时数学分析里面的求导数之尖的运算就会很自然的 引入到复平面里面,从而引出解析函数的定义。那/研究解析函数的性贡就是关楗所在。最关键的 地方就是所谓的Cauchy一Riemann公式,这个是判断一个函数是否是解析函数的关键所在。
(3) 明白解析函数的定义以及性质之后,就会把数学分析里面的曲线积分 a 的概念引入复分析中, 定义几乎是一致的。在引入了闭曲线和曲线积分之后,就会有出现复分析中的重要的定理: Cauchy 积分公式。 这个是易分析的第一个重要定理。

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