经济代写|A further note on our approach 宏观经济学代写
2.5 A further note on our approach
Although we discussed the approach adopted in this book in Section 1.4, it was at a general level. From that discussion, we had concluded that precision in theory is important, that our level of analysis is macro and not meso or micro, and that our object of analysis is the competitive economy. Now that we have completed discussing the different conceptualisations of the macroeconomy, it is time to provide some additional commentary on the approach followed in this book. Specifically, we discuss the role of prices and the role of caste, ecology, gender and land in our ‘general equilibrium’ approach, and the conceptua jumps required to make sense of an actual macroeconomy, such as India’s.
jumps required to make sense of an actual macroeconomy, such as India’s. Throughout this book, we will be making one fundamental assumption: the economy is not close to a full-employment position. This implies that there exists, as is the case with the Indian economy, structural unemployment, underemployment and spare production (or productive) capacity. As a consequence, when aggregate demand increases, the aggregate price level (P) need not rise because more workers are available for employment at the going wagé raté and sparé productivé capacity is availablé too. Howévèr, if thé pricè of essential commodities such as wheat rises due to a bad monsoon or that of oil rises due to increased international oil demand, P will increase. Alternatively, activities starting from obtaining credit, sowing seeds, harvesting the crop, storing the produce, selling it to local traders, local traders selling it to retail
traders, and the produce finally reaching the consumers. Even if other things remain the same, the general price level can rise due to disruptions in the agricultural supply chain. Before we conclude our discussion of prices, it should be understood that the ‘general price level’ is an abstract theoretical entity, just like the macroeconomy. In fact, Keynes finds P to be vague and highlights, like Sraffa, the importance of precision in theory in the chapter ‘The Choice of Units’ in The General Theory: “[T]he well-known, but unavoidable, element of vagueness which admittedly attends the concept of the general price-level makes this term very unsatisfactory for the purposes of a causal analysis, which and the wholesale price index (WPI) are statistical approximations of this theoretical entity (for a detailed discussion of P, CPI and WPI, see Section 8.2). (Perhaps some of you might have noticed this, but in case not: I italicise certain words for emphasis.)
In economics, there are two distinct approaches to study a particular economic phenomenon. For example, to understand the nature of the connection between the equilibrium price of 1 kilogram of ragi (a member of the millet family) and the quantity, we assume ceteris paribus. That is, we assume that there are no changes occurring simultaneously or sequentially developed to maturity by Alfred Marshall. On the other hand, the general developed to maturity by Alfred Marshall. On the other hand, the general equilibrium approach also examines related markets, such as those for jowar, wheat, rice, the agricultural labour market, the agricultural tools market and so on. The general equilibrium approach studies the properties of the economic system when all markets are in equilibrium. Very crudely, one could respectively label them the ‘narrow’ and the ‘holistic’ approaches. A holistic approach is taken in this book wherein the importance of studying other relevant (not all) markets/sectors is incorporated, but the focus on allaround equilibrium is discarded. Therefore, our analyses of interest rates, employment and economic growth occasionally examine their effects on our natural environment.
Since our object of analysis is the competitive monetary production economy, the conclusions emanating from studying it should be ‘applied’ to the Indian economy with great caution. First, the insights and conclusions from economy or Madenepalle economy. A good policy requires both quantitative and qualitative information regarding the relevant population. For example,
2.5 关于我们方法的进一步说明
尽管我们在第 1.4 节讨论了本书采用的方法,但它是在一般水平上。从那次讨论中,我们得出结论,理论上的精确性很重要,我们的分析水平是宏观的,而不是中观或微观的,我们的分析对象是竞争经济。现在我们已经完成了对宏观经济的不同概念化的讨论,是时候对本书所采用的方法提供一些额外的评论了。具体来说,我们讨论了价格的作用以及种姓、生态、性别和土地在我们的“一般均衡”方法中的作用,以及理解印度等实际宏观经济所需的概念跳跃。
理解实际宏观经济所需的跳跃,例如印度的宏观经济。在本书中,我们将做出一个基本假设:经济并未接近充分就业的状态。这意味着像印度经济一样,存在结构性失业、就业不足和闲置生产(或生产)能力。因此,当总需求增加时,总价格水平 (P) 不需要上升,因为在现行工资率下有更多的工人可以就业,而且还有剩余的生产能力。然而,如果小麦等基本商品的价格因季风恶劣或石油价格因国际石油需求增加而上涨,则 P 将增加。或者,从获得信贷、播种、收获作物、储存产品、将其出售给当地贸易商、当地贸易商将其出售给零售等活动开始
贸易商,产品最终到达消费者手中。即使其他情况保持不变,由于农业供应链中断,总体价格水平也可能上涨。在我们结束对价格的讨论之前,应该理解“一般价格水平”是一个抽象的理论实体,就像宏观经济一样。事实上,凯恩斯发现 P 含糊不清,并像 Sraffa 一样在《通论》的“单位选择”一章中强调了精确度在理论上的重要性:“[T] 众所周知但不可避免的元素不可否认,一般价格水平概念的模糊性使得这个术语对于因果分析的目的非常不令人满意,因果分析和批发价格指数(WPI)是这个理论实体的统计近似值(对于 P 的详细讨论, CPI 和 WPI,请参阅第 8.2 节)(也许你们中的一些人可能已经注意到这一点,但万一没有:我将某些词用斜体表示以强调。)
在经济学中,有两种不同的方法来研究特定的经济现象。例如,为了理解 1 公斤 ragi(小米家族成员)的均衡价格与数量之间联系的性质,我们假设在其他条件不变的情况下。也就是说,我们假设 Alfred Marshall 没有同时发生或依次发展到成熟的变化。另一方面,将军由阿尔弗雷德马歇尔发展成熟。另一方面,一般均衡方法也考察了相关市场,如小麦、大米、农业劳动力市场、农具市场等。一般均衡方法研究所有市场均处于均衡状态时的经济系统特性。非常粗略地说,可以分别将它们标记为“狭隘”和“整体”方法。本书采用了一种整体方法,其中纳入了研究其他相关(不是全部)市场/部门的重要性,但放弃了对全面均衡的关注。因此,我们对利率、就业和经济增长的分析偶尔会考察它们对我们自然环境的影响。
宏观经济学,是以国民经济总过程的活动为研究对象,主要考察就业总水平、国民总收入等经济总量,因此,宏观经济学也被称做就业理论或收入理论。 宏观经济学研究的是经济资源的利用问题,包括国民收入决定理论、就业理论、通货膨胀理论、经济周期理论、经济增长理论、财政与货币政策。
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宏观经济学是经济学的一个分支,它研究的是一个整体经济,即市场或其他大规模运作的系统是如何运作的。宏观经济学研究经济范围内的现象,如通货膨胀价格水平经济增长,国民收入,国内生产总值,以及失业 .
计量经济学是以一定的经济理论和统计资料为基础,运用数学、统计学方法与电脑技术,以建立经济计量模型为主要手段,定量分析研究具有随机性特性的经济变量关系的一门经济学学科。 主要内容包括理论计量经济学和应用经济计量学。 理论经济计量学主要研究如何运用、改造和发展数理统计的方法,使之成为经济关系测定的特殊方法。
相对论(英語:Theory of relativity)是关于时空和引力的理论,主要由愛因斯坦创立,依其研究对象的不同可分为狭义相对论和广义相对论。 相对论和量子力学的提出给物理学带来了革命性的变化,它们共同奠定了现代物理学的基础。
编码理论(英语:Coding theory)是研究编码的性质以及它们在具体应用中的性能的理论。编码用于数据压缩、加密、纠错,最近也用于网络编码中。不同学科(如信息论、电机工程学、数学、语言学以及计算机科学)都研究编码是为了设计出高效、可靠的数据传输方法。这通常需要去除冗余并校正(或检测)数据传输中的错误。
学习易分析也已经很冬年了,七七八人的也续了圧少的书籍和论文。略作总结工作,方便后来人学 Đ参考。
复分析是一门历史悠久的学科,主要是研究解析函数,亚纯函数在复球面的性质。下面一昭这 些基本内容。
(1) 提到复变函数 ,首先需要了解复数的基本性左和四则运算规则。怎么样计算复数的平方根, 极坐标与 xy 坐标的转换,复数的模之类的。这些在高中的时候囸本上都会学过。
(2) 复变函数自然是在复平面上来研究问题,此时数学分析里面的求导数之尖的运算就会很自然的 引入到复平面里面,从而引出解析函数的定义。那/研究解析函数的性贡就是关楗所在。最关键的 地方就是所谓的Cauchy一Riemann公式,这个是判断一个函数是否是解析函数的关键所在。
(3) 明白解析函数的定义以及性质之后,就会把数学分析里面的曲线积分 a 的概念引入复分析中, 定义几乎是一致的。在引入了闭曲线和曲线积分之后,就会有出现复分析中的重要的定理: Cauchy 积分公式。 这个是易分析的第一个重要定理。