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数学代考|The Northwest Corner Rule运筹学代写





This procedure is conducted on the solution array shown below:
\hline$x_{11}$ & $x_{12}$ & $x_{13}$ & $\cdots$ & $x_{1 n}$ & $a_{1}$ \
\hline$x_{21}$ & $x_{22}$ & $x_{23}$ & $\cdots$ & $x_{2 n}$ & $a_{2}$ \
\hline$\vdots$ & & & & & $\vdots$ \
\hline$x_{m 1}$ & $x_{m 2}$ & $x_{m 3}$ & $\cdots$ & $x_{m n}$ & $a_{m}$ \
\hline$b_{1}$ & $b_{2}$ & $b_{3}$ & $\cdots$ & $b_{n}$ & \
The individual elements of the array appear in cells and represent a solution. An empty cell denotes a value of zero.
4.5 The Simplex Method for Transportation Problems
Beginning with all empty cells, the procedure is given by the following steps:
Step 1. Start with the cell in the upper left-hand corner.
Step 2. Allocate the maximum feasible amount consistent with row and column sum requirements involving that cell. (At least one of these requirements will then be met.)
Step 3. Move one cell to the right if there is any remaining row requirement (supply). Otherwise move one cell down. If all requirements are met, stop; otherwise go to Step 2 .
The procedure is called the Northwest Corner Rule because at each step it selects the cell in the upper left-hand corner of the subarray consisting of current nonzero row and column requirements.

Example 2 A basic feasible solution constructed by the Northwest Corner Rule is shown below for Example 1 of the last section.

In the first step, at the upper left-hand corner, a maximum of 10 units could be allocated, since that is all that was required by column 1. This left $30-10=20$ units required in the first row. Next, moving to the second cell in the top row, the remaining 20 units were allocated. At this point the row 1 requirement is met, and it is necessary to move down to the second row. The reader should be able to follow the remaining steps easily.

There is the possibility that at some point both the row and column requirements corresponding to a cell may be met. The next entry will then be a zero, indicating a degenerate basic solution. In such a case there is a choice as to where to place the zero. One can either move right or move down to enter the zero. Two examples of degenerate solutions to a problem are shown below:

It should be clear that the Northwest Corner Rule can be used to obtain different basic feasible solutions by first permuting the rows and columns of the array before the procedure is applied. Or equivalently, one can do this indirectly by starting the procedure at an arbitrary cell and then considering successive rows and columns in an arbitrary order.

数学代考|Operations Research运筹学代写

\hline$x_{11}$ & $x_{12}$ & $x_{13}$ & $\cdots$ & $x_{1 n}$ & $a_{1}$ \
\hline$x_{21}$ & $x_{22}$ & $x_{23}$ & $\cdots$ & $x_{2 n}$ & $a_{2}$ \
\hline$\vdots$ & & & & & $\vdots$ \
\hline$x_{m 1}$ & $x_{m 2}$ & $x_{m 3}$ & $\cdots$ & $x_{m n}$ & $a_{m}$ \
\hline$b_{1}$ & $b_{2}$ & $b_{3}$ & $\cdots$ & $b_{n}$ & \
4.5 交通问题的单纯形法
步骤 1. 从左上角的单元格开始。
步骤 2. 分配与涉及该单元格的行和列总和要求一致的最大可行数量。 (然后将满足这些要求中的至少一项。)
步骤 3. 如果有任何剩余行需求(供应),则向右移动一个单元格。否则向下移动一个单元格。如果满足所有要求,则停止;否则转至第 2 步。

示例 2 由西北角规则构建的基本可行解决方案如下所示,用于上一节的示例 1。

在第一步中,在左上角,最多可以分配 10 个单位,因为这是第 1 列所需的全部。这使得第一行需要 30-10 美元=20 美元的单位。接下来,移动到顶行的第二个单元格,分配剩余的 20 个单元。此时满足第1行的要求,需要下移到第2行。读者应该能够轻松地遵循剩余的步骤。




数学代考|Operations Research运筹学代写








  • 确定需要解决的问题。
  • 围绕问题构建一个类似于现实世界和变量的模型。
  • 使用模型得出问题的解决方案。
  • 在模型上测试每个解决方案并分析其成功。
  • 实施解决实际问题的方法。

与运筹学交叉的学科包括统计分析、管理科学、博弈论、优化理论、人工智能和复杂网络分析。所有这些学科的目标都是解决某一个现实中出现的复杂问题或者用数学的方法为决策提供指导。 运筹学的概念是在二战期间由参与战争的数学家们提出的。二战后,他们意识到在运筹学中使用的技术也可以被应用于解决商业、政府和社会中的问题。



  • 优化——运筹学的目的是在给定的条件下达到某一机器或者模型的最佳性能。优化还涉及比较不同选项和缩小潜在最佳选项的范围。
  • 模拟—— 这涉及构建模型,以便在应用解决方案刀具体的复杂大规模问题之前之前尝试和测试简单模型的解决方案。
  • 概率和统计——这包括使用数学算法和数据挖掘来发现有用的信息和潜在的风险,做出有效的预测并测试可能的解决方法。


运筹学可以应用于各种活动,比如:计划和时间管理(Planning and Time Management),城乡规划(Urban and Rural Planning),企业资源计划(ERP)与供应链管理(Supply Chain Management)等等。 如有代写代考需求,欢迎同学们联系Assignmentexpert™,我们期待为你服务!

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