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数学代写|抽象代数代写abstract algebra代考| Permutation Groups

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数学代写|抽象代数代写abstract algebra代考| Permutation Groups

数学代写|抽象代数代写abstract algebra代考|permutation group

3.6.1 Definition. Any subgroup of the symmetric group $\operatorname{Sym}(S)$ on a set $S$ is called a permutation group.

In the following proof of Cayley’s theorem, we must show that any group $G$ is isomorphic to a subgroup of $\operatorname{Sym}(S)$ for some set $S$, so the first problem is to find an appropriate set $S$. Our choice is to let $S$ be $G$ itself. Next we must assign to each element $a$ of $G$ some permutation of $G$. The natural one is the function $\lambda_{a}: G \rightarrow G$ defined by $\lambda_{a}(x)=a x$ for all $x \in G$. (We use the notation $\lambda_{a}$ to indicate multiplication on the left by a.) The values $\lambda_{a}(x)$ are the entries in the group table that occur in the row corresponding to multiplication by $a$, and this makes $\lambda_{a}$ a permutation of $G$. Finally we must show that assigning $\lambda_{a}$ to $a$ respects the two operations and gives a one-to-one correspondence.

数学代写|抽象代数代写abstract algebra代考|Theorem (Cayley)

Proof. Let $G$ be any group. Given $a \in G$, define $\lambda_{a}: G \rightarrow G$ by $\lambda_{a}(x)=a x$, for all $x \in G$. Then $\lambda_{a}$ is onto since the equation $a x=b$ has a solution for each $b \in G$, and it is one-to-one since the solution is unique, so we conclude that $\lambda_{a}$ is a permutation of $G$. This shows that the function $\phi: G \rightarrow \operatorname{Sym}(G)$ defined by $\phi(a)=\lambda_{a}$ is well-defined.

We next want to show that $G_{\lambda}=\phi(G)$ is a subgroup of $\operatorname{Sym}(G)$, and to do so we need several facts. The formula $\lambda_{a} \lambda_{b}=\lambda_{a b}$ holds since for all $x \in G$ we have $\lambda_{a}\left(\lambda_{b}(x)\right)=a(b x)=(a b) x=\lambda_{a b}(x)$. Because $\lambda_{e}$ is the identity function, this formula also implies that $\left(\lambda_{a}\right)^{-1}=\lambda_{a-1}$. This shows that $G_{\lambda}$ is closed, contains the identity, and contains inverses for its elements, so it is a subgroup.

To show that $\phi$ preserves products, we must show that $\phi(a b)=\phi(a) \phi(b)$. This follows from the formula $\lambda_{a b}=\lambda_{a} \lambda_{b}$. To complete the proof that $\phi: G \rightarrow G_{\lambda}$ is an isomorphism, it is only necessary to show that $\phi$ is one-to-one, since it is onto by the definition of $G_{\lambda}$. If $\phi(a)=\phi(b)$ for $a, b \in G$, then we have $\lambda_{a}(x)=\lambda_{b}(x)$ for all $x \in G$. In particular, $a e=\lambda_{a}(e)=\lambda_{b}(e)=b e$, and so $a=b$.

In summary, we have found a subgroup $G_{\lambda}$ of $\operatorname{Sym}(G)$ and an isomorphism $\phi: G \rightarrow G_{\lambda}$ defined by assigning to each $a \in G$ the permutation $\lambda_{a}$.

In this section we will assume as a matter of course that all permutations in $S_{n}$ are expressed in the natural way as a product of disjoint cycles. A formal proof that this can be done was given in Section 2.3. Recall that if $\sigma \in S_{n}$, and $\sigma$ is written as a product of disjoint cycles, then the order of $\sigma$ is the least common multiple of the lengths of its cycles.

数学代写|抽象代数代写abstract algebra代考| Permutation Groups



3.6.1 定义。对称群的任何子群符号⁡(小号)在一组小号称为置换群。

在以下凯莱定理的证明中,我们必须证明任何群G同构于一个子群符号⁡(小号)对于一些集合小号, 所以第一个问题是找到一个合适的集合小号. 我们的选择是让小号是G本身。接下来我们必须分配给每个元素一种的G的一些排列G. 自然是功能λ一种:G→G被定义为λ一种(X)=一种X对全部X∈G.在和你s和吨H和n这吨一种吨一世这n$λ一种$吨这一世nd一世C一种吨和米你一世吨一世p一世一世C一种吨一世这n这n吨H和一世和F吨b是一种.价值λ一种(X)是组表中出现在与乘以对应的行中的条目一种,这使得λ一种的排列G. 最后我们必须证明分配λ一种到一种尊重这两个操作并给出一一对应的关系。


证明。让G是任何组。给定一种∈G, 定义λ一种:G→G经过λ一种(X)=一种X, 对全部X∈G. 然后λ一种是因为方程一种X=b每个都有解决方案b∈G, 并且是一对一的,因为解是唯一的,所以我们得出结论λ一种是一个排列G. 这表明函数φ:G→符号⁡(G)被定义为φ(一种)=λ一种是明确的。

接下来我们想证明Gλ=φ(G)是一个子群符号⁡(G),为此我们需要几个事实。公式λ一种λb=λ一种b从那时起就成立X∈G我们有λ一种(λb(X))=一种(bX)=(一种b)X=λ一种b(X). 因为λ和是恒等函数,这个公式也意味着(λ一种)−1=λ一种−1. 这表明Gλ是封闭的,包含恒等式,并且包含其元素的逆,所以它是一个子群。

为了表明φ蜜饯产品,我们必须证明φ(一种b)=φ(一种)φ(b). 这由公式得出λ一种b=λ一种λb. 完成证明φ:G→Gλ是同构,只需要证明φ是一对一的,因为它是根据定义Gλ. 如果φ(一种)=φ(b)为了一种,b∈G,那么我们有λ一种(X)=λb(X)对全部X∈G. 尤其,一种和=λ一种(和)=λb(和)=b和, 所以一种=b.


在本节中,我们理所当然地假设所有排列小号n以自然方式表示为不相交循环的产物。第 2.3 节给出了可以做到这一点的正式证明。回想一下,如果σ∈小号n, 和σ写成不相交循环的乘积,那么σ是其周期长度的最小公倍数。

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