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数学代写|复杂网络作业代写complex networks代考|Finiteness, Fluctuations, and Extremes

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复杂网络complex networks有两类众所周知且研究较多的复杂网络是无标度网络和小世界网络,它们的发现和定义是该领域的典型案例研究。两者都具有特定的结构特征–前者是幂律学位分布,后者是短路径长度和高聚类。然而,随着复杂网络研究的重要性和受欢迎程度不断提高,网络结构的许多其他方面也引起了人们的注意。

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数学代写|复杂网络作业代写complex networks代考|Finiteness, Fluctuations, and Extremes

数学代写|复杂网络作业代写complex networks代考|Role of Finiteness

Thus far, we have focused on asymptotic properties when the number of nodes is sufficiently large that the ansatz $N_{k}=N n_{k}$ is valid. We now consider the role of finiteness on growing networks with attachment rate $A_{k}=k+\lambda(\lambda>-1)$ $[27,28]$. This interpolates between linear attachment (for $\lambda=0$ ) to random attachment, $A_{k}=1$ (for $\lambda \rightarrow \infty$ ).

As quoted in (2.6), the degree distribution of a network with $N \gg 1$ nodes is $N_{k}(N) \propto N k^{-(3+w)}$ for attachment rate $A_{k}=k+\lambda$. However, for finite $N$ the degree distribution must eventually deviate from this prediction because the maximal degree cannot exceed $N$. To establish the range of applicability of (2.6), we estimate the largest degree in the network, $k_{\max }$ by the extreme statistics criterion $\sum_{k \geq k_{\max }} N_{k}(N) \approx 1[29]$. This yields $k_{\max } \propto N^{1 /(2+\lambda)}$. The degree distribution should therefore deviate from (2.6) when $k$ becomes of the order of $k_{\max }$. The existence of a maximal degree suggests that the degree distribution should have the finite-size scaling form (see also [27, 28, 30,31, 32])
N_{k}(N) \simeq N n_{k} F(\xi), \quad \xi=k / k_{\max }
To determine the finite- $N$ behavior of the network, we start by writing the exact recursion relation for the degree distribution after a single node is added:
N_{k}(N+1)=N_{k}(N)+\frac{(k-1) N_{k-1}(N)-k N_{k}(N)}{2 N} .

数学代写|复杂网络作业代写complex networks代考|Extremes and Lead Changes

We now investigate properties associated with the statistics of the node with the largest degree – the most popular node [33]; see also [34]. The degree of this node can be determined by a simple extreme statistics argument [29,33,34]. Here we discuss related, socially-motivated questions of the identity of the most popular node (the leader). These include the dependence of the leader identity on network size, the rate at which lead changes occur, and the probability that a leader retains the lead as a function of network size.
Leader Identity
We first determine the order index of the leader node. To start with an unambiguous leader, we initialize the system with 3 nodes, with the initial leader having degree 2 (and index 1) and the other two nodes having degree 1. A new leader arises when its degree exceeds that of the current leader. For the linear attachment rate, $A_{k}=k$, the average order index of the leader $J_{\text {lead }}(N)$ saturates to a finite value of approximately $3.4$ as $N \rightarrow \infty$ (Fig. 2.7a). With probability $\approx 0.9$, the leader is one of the 10 earliest nodes, while the probability that the leader is not among the 30 earliest nodes is less than $0.01$. Thus only the earliest nodes have appreciable probabilities to be the leader; the rich really do get richer. In the case of $A_{k}=k+\lambda$, the average index of the leader also saturates to a finite value that is an increasing function of $\lambda$.

数学代写|复杂网络作业代写complex networks代考|Finiteness, Fluctuations, and Extremes



到目前为止,我们关注的是当节点数量足够大时的渐近性质ñķ=ñnķ已验证。我们现在考虑有限性在具有附着率的增长网络中的作用一种ķ=ķ+λ(λ>−1) [27,28]. 这在线性附件之间进行插值F这r$λ=0$随机依恋,一种ķ=1 F这r$λ→∞$.

如引用的2.6, 网络的度分布ñ≫1节点是ñķ(ñ)∝ñķ−(3+在)对于附着率一种ķ=ķ+λ. 然而,对于有限ñ度分布最终必须偏离这个预测,因为最大度数不能超过ñ. 确定适用范围2.6,我们估计网络中的最大度数,ķ最大限度由极端统计标准∑ķ≥ķ最大限度ñķ(ñ)≈1[29]. 这产生ķ最大限度∝ñ1/(2+λ). 因此,度数分布应该偏离2.6什么时候ķ变成的顺序ķ最大限度. 最大度数的存在表明度数分布应该具有有限大小的缩放形式s和和一种ls这[27,28,30,31,32]


我们现在研究与度数最大的节点(最流行的节点)的统计相关的属性33; 也可以看看34. 这个节点的度数可以通过一个简单的极端统计参数来确定29,33,34. 在这里,我们讨论了与最受欢迎节点的身份相关的社会动机问题吨H和l和一种d和r. 其中包括领导者身份对网络规模的依赖性、领导者发生变化的速率以及领导者保留领导者作为网络规模函数的概率。
我们首先确定领导者节点的顺序索引。从明确的领导者开始,我们用 3 个节点初始化系统,初始领导者的度数为 2一种nd一世nd和X1其他两个节点的度数为1。当它的度数超过当前领导者的度数时,就会出现一个新的领导者。对于线性附着率,一种ķ=ķ, 领导者的平均订单指数Ĵ带领 (ñ)饱和到大约的有限值3.4作为ñ→∞ F一世G.2.7一种. 有概率≈0.9,leader是最早的10个节点之一,而leader不在这30个最早的节点中的概率小于0.01. 因此,只有最早的节点才有可能成为领导者;富人确实变得更富有。如果是一种ķ=ķ+λ,领导者的平均指数也饱和到一个有限值,该值是λ.

数学代写|复杂网络作业代写complex networks代考

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