会计代写|兼并和收购代写Mergers and Acquisitions代考|FINA1-CE9181 CONCEPT OF CORPORATE RESTRUCTURING

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兼并和收购Mergers and Acquisitions FINA1-CE9181从法律角度看,合并是两个实体在法律上合并为一个实体,而收购则是一个实体获得另一个实体的股本、股权或资产的所有权。从商业和经济的角度来看,这两类交易一般都会导致资产和负债合并到一个实体之下,而 “合并 “和 “收购 “之间的区别并不明显。在法律上结构为收购的交易可能具有将一方的企业置于另一方的股东的间接所有权之下的效果,而在法律上结构为合并的交易可能使每一方的股东对合并后的企业拥有部分所有权和控制权。如果双方首席执行官都认为联合起来对他们两家公司都有利,那么交易可以被委婉地称为平等合并,而当交易不友好时(即目标公司的管理层反对交易),它可能被视为 “收购”。

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会计代写|兼并和收购代写Mergers and Acquisitions代考|FINA1-CE9181 CONCEPT OF CORPORATE RESTRUCTURING

会计代写|兼并和收购代写Mergers and Acquisitions代考|CONCEPT OF CORPORATE RESTRUCTURING

The concept of restructuring focuses on change. The Oxford Dictionary (2007) defines restructuring as ‘giving a new structure, to rebuild/rearrange’. Taking a cue from this definition, one can say that corporate restructuring is a structured decision-making exercise undertaken to evaluate the current endowments of a company by fine-tuning the available skills, machinery, and technology to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Restructuring is a corporate management term that stands for the act of partially dismantling or otherwise reorganizing a company to make it more efficient and therefore more profitable. It generally involves selling off portions of the company and making drastic staff reductions. Restructuring is often undertaken as part of a bankruptcy or takeover by another firm, particularly a leveraged buyout (LBO) by a private equity firm. It may also be done by a new CEO hired specifically to effect difficult and controversial decisions required to save or reposition the company.

Different authors present different views on the concept of corporate restructuring. Let us examine some views:

  • Corporate restructuring refers to a broad array of activities that expand or contract a firm’s operations or substantially modify its financial structure or bring about a significant change in its organizational structure or internal financing (Chandra 2007).
  • Corporate restructuring is the reorganization of a company to attain greater efficiency and to adapt to new markets (www.financialdictionary.com).
  • Corporate restructuring refers to liquidating projects in some areas and redirecting assets to other existing or new areas (Weston et al. 2005).

At its most general level, the term corporate restructuring can and has been used to mean almost any change in operations, capital structure, and/or ownership that is not part of the firm’s ordinary course of business (Marshall et al. 2004).

会计代写|兼并和收购代写Mergers and Acquisitions代考|CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK

Liberal doses of restructuring have sparked off a series of academic deliberations into the phenomenon of corporate restructuring. A closer look at the concept of restructuring reminds one of what Alfred $\mathrm{P}$. Sloan $\mathrm{Jr}$ once said, ‘The strategic aim of a business is to earn a return on capital and if in any particular case, the return in the long run is not satisfactory, then the deficiency should be corrected or the activity abandoned for a more favourable one.’

Bowman and Singh (1997) are of the opinion that the current spate of restructuring exercises is induced by the simultaneity of changes in the product and the capital markets. According to them, changes in the product markets stem largely from domestic and foreign competition, accelerated technological change. and the competitive pressures faced in the global markets. Changes in capital markets, on the other hand, originate from new debt instruments, new tolerance for increased level of debt in the capital structure of the firm, and institutional innovations and aggressiveness.

Muller (1988) argues that the changing culture and image of the company are the most important rationale influencing restructuring. He also states that the human dimension is imperative in any such exercise.

Donaldson (1994) has systematically chronicled the instances in corporate America where takeover bids have forced a company to restructure to ward off hostile takeover threats.

Gibbs (1993) expressed the view that corporate restructuring is needed under three conditions: the presence of free cash flow, ineffective corporate governance, and the threat of takeover.

Finally, Bethel and Liebeskind (2007) argued that shareholders often exert influence over managers and press for restructuring the business.

If one tries to analyse the restructuring models, the basic question that remains is, what are the factors that one should study, to position the organization to achieve the intended objectives? Various models and theories have been propagated in this regard. Some models look only at the internal factors, others only at the external factors; some combine these perspectives and others look for congruence between various aspects of the organization being studied. There is no unanimity on the factors that a company needs to study for effective positioning in the market.

会计代写|兼并和收购代写Mergers and Acquisitions代考|FINA1-CE9181 CONCEPT OF CORPORATE RESTRUCTURING





重组是一个公司管理术语,代表部分解散或以其他方式重组公司以使其更有效率并因此更有利可图的行为。它通常涉及出售公司的部分股份并大幅裁员。重组通常作为破产或被另一家公司收购的一部分进行,尤其是杠杆收购大号乙○由一家私募股权公司。它也可能由专门聘请的新 CEO 来完成,以实现拯救或重新定位公司所需的困难和有争议的决定。


  • 公司重组是指扩大或收缩公司业务或大幅修改其财务结构或导致其组织结构或内部融资发生重大变化的广泛活动CH一个ndr一个2007.
  • 公司重组是为了提高效率和适应新市场而对公司进行重组在在在.F一世n一个nC一世一个ld一世C吨一世○n一个r是.C○米.
  • 企业重组是指清算某些领域的项目并将资产重新定向到其他现有或新领域在和s吨○n和吨一个l.2005.



自由主义的重组引发了一系列关于企业重组现象的学术思考。仔细研究重组的概念会让人想起 Alfred磷. 仕龙Ĵr曾经说过,’企业的战略目标是获得资本回报,如果在任何特定情况下,长期回报不令人满意,那么应该纠正缺陷或放弃活动以获得更有利的活动。 ‘







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