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物理代写|电化学代写Electrochemical代考|CHEE541 Overview of Electrode Processes

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物理代写|电化学代写Electrochemical代考|CHEE541 Overview of Electrode Processes

物理代写|电化学代写Electrochemical代考|Overview of Electrode Processes

Electrochemistry allows the controlled addition or removal of electrons, often one by one, at molecules or ions arriving very near a metallic or semiconducting electrode. Electrochemical systems provide access to fundamental chemical events and valuable practical applications; however, the science also entails complexity. Key events often take place in a tiny fraction of the total volume, typically at or very near metallic surfaces, or perhaps only at rare active sites on surfaces. The reacting molecules or ions must be transported to the locales of reaction, and the processes of transport influence reaction rates. Once a reaction is initiated at an electrode, it can proceed through a mechanism involving almost any kind of chemical step-proton transfer, a change in ligation, elimination, rearrangement, or even subsequent electron transfer-either at the electrode or with other molecules or ions. Reactions at electrodes involve the orbital structures of ions and molecules and the band structures of metals, semiconductors, and insulators. They depend, too, on electrostatics and thermodynamics. Among the domains of chemistry, electrochemistry offers some of the greatest challenges to effective theory and experimental examination; yet, over two centuries of genuine science, a strong base of theory and experimental methodology has been assembled. This book presents the most essential aspects.
Electrochemistry connects electrical and chemical effects. Much of it deals with either chemical changes caused by passage of an electric current or the production of electrical energy by chemical reactions. Yet, the field extends broadly to encompass diverse phenomena (e.g., electrophoresis and corrosion), devices (such as electrochromic displays, electroanalytical sensors, and fuel cells), and technologies (including portable power for electronic devices or automobiles, large-scale energy storage for load management on the electric power grid, electroplating of metals, and large-scale production of materials, such as aluminum and chlorine). While the basic principles of electrochemistry discussed in this text apply to all such topics, the main emphasis here is on the application of electrochemical methods to the study of chemical systems. Scientists make electrochemical measurements for a variety of reasons. They may want to understand the kinetics of a reaction at an electrode, perhaps to speed it up, to inhibit it, or to optimize product yield. They may want to generate an unstable intermediate, such as a radical ion, and study its rate of decay or its spectroscopic properties. They may seek to analyze a solution for trace species. They may be interested in obtaining thermodynamic data about a reaction. In these examples, electrochemical methods are employed as tools in the study of chemical systems, much in the manner of spectroscopic methods. Many electrochemical methods have been devised. Their application requires an understanding of the fundamental principles of reactions at electrodes and the electrical properties of electrode/solution interfaces.

物理代写|电化学代写Electrochemical代考|Electrochemical Cells and Reactions

In electrochemical systems, one is concerned with the processes and factors affecting the transport of charge across interfaces between adjacent chemical phases, most commonly between an electronic conductor (an electrode) and an ionic conductor (an electrolyte). Throughout this book, we will focus on the electrode/electrolyte interface and the events that occur there when an electric potential is applied and current passes.
Charge is transported through an electrode by the movement of electrons (and sometimes by “holes” in semiconductor electrodes). In an electrolyte, charge is carried by the movement of ions. $^1$ At the interface between an electrode and an electrolyte, the passage of charge requires that these distinct conduction modes be linked through an electrode reaction, causing electrons to be consumed or produced at the electrode and ions to be produced or consumed in the electrolyte. Examples include:
a) Plating of copper from an aqueous solution,
\mathrm{Cu}^{2+}+2 e \rightarrow \mathrm{Cu}
b) Production of hydrogen gas from alkaline water at a platinum electrode,
2 \mathrm{H}2 \mathrm{O}+2 e \rightarrow \mathrm{H}_2+2 \mathrm{OH}^{-} $$ c) Generation of the nitrobenzene radical anion in acetonitrile at a gold electrode, $$ \mathrm{PhNO}_2+e \rightarrow \mathrm{PhNO}_2- $$ d) De-intercalation of lithium ion from a lithium cobalt oxide electrode in a lithium-ion battery, leaving an excess electron on the electrode to be used in an external circuit, $$ \mathrm{LiCoO}_2 \rightarrow \mathrm{Li}{1-x} \mathrm{CoO}_2+x \mathrm{Li}^{+}+x e
e) Oxidation of stable ruthenium(II) complexes in water solution at a gold electrode, ${ }^2$
\mathrm{Ru}(\mathrm{bpy})_3^{2+} \rightarrow \mathrm{Ru}(\mathrm{bpy})_3^{3+}+e

物理代写|电化学代写Electrochemical代考|CHEE541 Overview of Electrode Processes






\mathrm{Cu}^{2+}+2 e \rightarrow \mathrm{Cu}
2 \mathrm{H}2 \mathrm{O}+2 e \rightarrow \mathrm{H}_2+2 \mathrm{OH}^{-} $$ c)在金电极上在乙腈中产生硝基苯自由基阴离子,$$ \mathrm{PhNO}_2+e \rightarrow \mathrm{PhNO}_2- $$ d)锂离子从锂离子电池中的锂钴氧化物电极上脱插,在电极上留下一个多余的电子用于外部电路,$$ \mathrm{LiCoO}_2 \rightarrow \mathrm{Li}{1-x} \mathrm{CoO}_2+x \mathrm{Li}^{+}+x e
e)稳定的钌(II)配合物在水溶液中在金电极上的氧化,${ }^2$
\mathrm{Ru}(\mathrm{bpy})_3^{2+} \rightarrow \mathrm{Ru}(\mathrm{bpy})_3^{3+}+e


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