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电子工程代写|通讯系统代写Communication System代考|ENG436 Types of systems

如果你也在 怎样代写通讯系统Communication System ENG436这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。通讯系统Communication System或通信系统是由单个电信网络、传输系统、中继站、支流站和终端设备组成的集合,通常能够相互连接和相互操作,形成一个整体。一个通信系统的组成部分服务于一个共同的目的,在技术上是兼容的,使用共同的程序,对控制作出反应,并在联合中运作。

通讯系统Communication System电信是一种通信方法(例如,用于体育广播、大众传媒、新闻等)。通信是通过使用相互理解的符号和符号学规则,从一个实体或群体向另一个实体或群体传达预期的意义的行为。光通信系统是使用光作为传输媒介的任何形式的电信。设备包括一个将信息编码成光信号的发射器,一个将信号传送到目的地的通信通道,以及一个从收到的光信号中复制信息的接收器。光纤通信系统通过在光纤中发送光,将信息从一个地方传输到另一个地方。光线形成一个载波信号,被调制以携带信息。

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电子工程代写|通讯系统代写Communication System代考|ENG436 Types of systems

电子工程代写|通讯系统代写Communication System代考|Types of systems

The phrase wireless system refers to any system that uses electromagnetic waves to transfer information from one location to another without using wires. The applications can include transmitting voice between hand-held walkie-talkies, transmitting data from a satellite to ground or from one computer to another within a room, or using radar to sense rain. This handbook considers only the propagation of electromagnetic waves in the microwave through millimeter wave radio frequency spectrum, $0.3$ through 300 gigaHertz (GHz). These frequencies lie in the ultra high (UHF: $0.3$ to $3 \mathrm{GHz}$ ), super high (SHF: 3 to $30 \mathrm{GHz}$ ), and extra high (EHF: 30 to $300 \mathrm{GHz}$ ) communication bands. Frequency bands are often referenced by their radar band designations as shown in Table 1.1. Actual band identification is often less precise than that indicated in the table. For fixed satellite communication services, Ka band refers to the 20 – to $30-\mathrm{GHz}$ frequency range.

This handbook focuses on transmission in and through the lower atmosphere, the region of the atmosphere where weather phenomena occur. The properties of the lower atmosphere are highly variable and change hourly, daily, monthly, and yearly. Their effects on radio wave propagation produce random variations in the amplitude, phase, frequency, polarization, coherence bandwidth, delay spread, and propagation direction of the electromagnetic waves. Knowledge of the statistics of one or more of these effects may be necessary for system design.

A wireless system of considerable interest is the cellular system. For this system, the domain of interest is subdivided into a number of smaller cells with transmitters and receivers that handle communications within each cell or complex of cells. The organization and structure of a cellular system are not considered in this handbook, but the statistics of the properties of a transmission channel between a transmitter and receiver in a cell and the joint statistics for multiple transmission paths within a cell or between cells are. The context is the statistics for a single path and the joint statistics for multiple paths.

Much propagation data has been collected for use in the design of fixed service satellite and terrestrial communication systems. Fixed service means a communication system employing fixed terminals on the Earth’s surface. For satellite systems, the satellite can be in geostationary orbit or in any other orbit that produces a variation in the pointing direction from the fixed ground station to the satellite. Considerable data has also been collected for cellular systems and mobile satellite systems. Published annual attenuation statistics are available from many locations in Europe and North America. Some data are available from other locations too. Study Group 3 of the Radiocommunication Study Groups of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU-R) provides data banks for model development and verification and for use in system design. ${ }^1$ The empirical statistics in the data banks for fixed service systems are generally for observations of limited duration, that is, from records that span only 1 to 5 years. The data collected for mobile service systems are more limited. Models that summarize the data in the data banks will provide a better estimate of the expected statistics for a particular path than the empirical results from measurements of limited duration on that path.

电子工程代写|通讯系统代写Communication System代考|Design criteria

Communication systems are designed to specific availability requirements. For the simplest transmission path between a single transmitting antenna and a single receiving antenna, the amplitude of the received signal relative to the unwanted noise in the receiver may be the statistic of interest. If the received signal level is too low, the signal may not be detected in the noise; if too high, nonlinear receiver effects may distort the signal and render it unintelligible. The error rate for a digital communication link depends on the signal-to-noise ratio as well as other factors. The statistics of the signal-to-noise ratio are therefore important. The signal-to-noise ratio depends on the receiver design, the gains and losses of the transmitting and receiving antennas, the modulation and coding of the transmitted signal, the transmitted signal power, the path loss between the antennas, and the possibility of interference from other transmitters. Availability is the fraction of time that the communication link is available for use with a signal-to-noise that exceeds the design specification for a given error performance. The outage obtained.

The atmosphere may affect the performances of the antennas and transmission path (Figure 1.1). At frequencies above $10 \mathrm{GHz}$ and depending on antenna design, rainwater or wet snow on an antenna may reduce the magnitude of the received signal (increase the path loss). The geometric spreading of the electromagnetic energy transmitted by the antenna produces a change in signal strength with distance along the path to the receiving antenna. Water vapor and oxygen in the atmosphere may cause signal absorption on the path, producing a loss or attenuation relative to the geometric spreading. Scattering by clouds and rain produce an excess attenuation relative to the geometrical spreading and gaseous absorption. For a particular path, the total attenuation, gaseous absorption plus excess attenuation, changes with time as clouds and rain drift across the path and temperature and humidity change along the path. The statistics of changing path loss may therefore be important in the design of a system. Depending on carrier frequency and path length through the atmosphere, the total attenuation statistics may constrain system design.

电子工程代写|通讯系统代写Communication System代考|ENG436 Types of systems



短语无线系统是指使用电磁波在不使用电线的情况下将信息从一个位置传输到另一个位置的任何系统。这些应用可以包括在手持对讲机之间传输语音、将数据从卫星传输到地面或从房间内的一台计算机传输到另一台计算机,或者使用雷达感应雨水。本手册仅考虑通过毫米波无线电频谱在微波中的电磁波传播,0.3通过 300 千兆赫兹GH和. 这些频率位于超高在HF:$0.3$吨○$3GH和$, 超高小号HF:3吨○$30GH和$, 和超高和HF:30吨○$300GH和$通讯频段。频段通常以其雷达频段名称来引用,如表 1.1 所示。实际波段识别通常不如表中所示精确。对于固定卫星通信业务,Ka 频段是指 20 至30−GH和频率范围。



已经收集了许多传播数据,用于设计固定服务卫星和地面通信系统。固定业务是指在地球表面使用固定终端的通信系统。对于卫星系统,卫星可以在地球静止轨道上或在从固定地面站到卫星的指向方向上产生变化的任何其他轨道上。还为蜂窝系统和移动卫星系统收集了大量数据。欧洲和北美的许多地方都提供了已发布的年度衰减统计数据。一些数据也可以从其他位置获得。国际电信联盟无线电通信研究组第 3 研究组我吨在−R为模型开发和验证以及系统设计提供数据库。1固定服务系统数据库中的经验统计数据通常是针对有限持续时间的观察,即来自仅跨越 1 到 5 年的记录。为移动服务系统收集的数据更为有限。汇总数据库中数据的模型将提供对特定路径的预期统计数据的更好估计,而不是对该路径上有限持续时间的测量的经验结果。



大气可能会影响天线和传输路径的性能F一世G在r和1.1. 在以上频率10GH和并且根据天线设计,天线上的雨水或湿雪可能会降低接收信号的幅度一世nCr和一个s和吨H和p一个吨Hl○ss. 由天线发射的电磁能量的几何分布会产生信号强度随着沿到接收天线的路径的距离的变化。大气中的水蒸气和氧气可能会导致路径上的信号吸收,从而产生相对于几何扩展的损耗或衰减。相对于几何扩散和气体吸收,云和雨的散射会产生过度衰减。对于特定路径,总衰减、气体吸收加上过度衰减随着云和雨在路径上漂移以及温度和湿度沿路径变化而随时间变化。因此,改变路径损耗的统计数据在系统设计中可能很重要。取决于载波频率和通过大气的路径长度,


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