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会计代写|金融会计代考Financial Accounting代写|ACCT1101 Gearing and its implications

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会计代写|金融会计代考Financial Accounting代写|ACCT1101 Gearing and its implications

会计代写|金融会计代考Financial Accounting代写|Gearing and its implications

The relationship between equity and long-term borrowings is known as the gearing (or leverage) of the financial structure. There are two common ways of calculating a gearing ratio:
(a) compare the debt (i.e. long-term borrowings) with the equity; or
(b) compare the debt with the capital employed (i.e. equity plus debt).
Formulae for the two gearing ratios are:
(a) Gearing $=\frac{\text { Debt }}{\text { Share capital }+\text { Reserves }}=\frac{\text { Debt }}{\text { Equity }}$

(b) Gearing $=\frac{\text { Debt }}{\text { Share capital }+\text { Reserves }+\text { Debt }}=\frac{\text { Debt }}{\text { Equity }+\text { Debt }}$
For Bread Co. the figures are:
(a) 20X1: $0.0$ per cent
$20 \times 2: \frac{20}{106}=18.6$ per cent
(b) 20X1: $0.0$ per cent
20 \times 2: \frac{20}{126}=15.9 \text { per cent }
For this company, the shareholders might want to maximise the proportion of the total capital employed that is financed by debt rather than by themselves, as now explained. As shown in Table 7.3, with non-current debt of 20 (measured in $€ 000$ ), the ROCE for Bread Co. for $20 \mathrm{X} 2$ was $19.0$ per cent and the ROE was $20.8$ per cent.

If we were to increase the gearing ratio so that, for example, the same capital employed of 126 consisted instead of capital plus reserves of 66 and debentures (with 10 per cent interest) increased to 60 , then the ratios for $20 \mathrm{X} 2$ would give the same ROCE but a much improved return to the equity investors, as follows:
\operatorname{ROE}=\left(\frac{24-6}{126-60}\right)=\frac{18}{66}=27.3 \text { per cent }
There are limits to the feasibility of increasing the proportion of debt, however. First, it is riskier to lend to a business that already has significant debt and therefore increased interest rates would be needed to attract such lending – if, indeed, it could be attracted at all. Second, consider what happens to a highly geared structure when operating profits fall. Suppose that Bread Co. alters its capital structure (as above) to give owners’ equity of 66 and debentures of 60 , but then in $20 \times 3$ the level of operating profit falls back to that of $20 \mathrm{X} 1$, i.e. 12 . This would lead to $20 \mathrm{X} 3$ ratios as follows:
ROE for $20 \mathrm{X} 3=\left(\frac{12-6}{66}\right)=9.1$ per cent
ROE for $20 \mathrm{X} 3=\left(\frac{12}{126}\right)=9.5$ per cent

Now the gearing is working in the other direction, to magnify the fall in returns suffered by the shareholders rather than to magnify the rise. The end result is that ROE is less than ROCE. It is, of course, perfectly possible for ROCE to be positive and ROE to be negative. It should be remembered also that a company which cannot afford to pay dividends does not have to pay them. However, a company that cannot afford to pay interest still legally has to pay it. This can be the road to bankruptcy.

会计代写|金融会计代考Financial Accounting代写|Further analysis of ROE and ROCE

In practice, business is much more complicated than for Bread Co. The text and case studies in this book are not designed to cover all possible complications that might be met, but to enable the diligent reader to work out how to deal with them. To begin this process, two complications are mentioned at this stage.
What is long-term borrowing?
If a particular liability is defined as one of those ‘falling due within one year’ or some similar phrase, the reality behind this may not be clear-cut. For example, consider the amounts set out in Table $7.4$ as falling due within one year.

Does it look as though all of these items are genuine short-term liabilities arising from the trading and operating cycle or do some of them seem to be a continuing source of finance that happens to be legally constructed so as to be renewable within one year? It seems likely that the bank loans and overdrafts, and possibly also the commercial bills payable, are being used to finance the activities of the business, rather than being an integral part of those operating activities.

If that view is taken, then these items might be included as long-term borrowings for the purposes of calculating capital employed. Further, the interest on those ‘current’ liabilities must then also be added back to net profit (or not deducted from operating profit) in arriving at the correct return figure for the ROCE ratio. This may involve a very careful analysis and division of the interest payable amount between the various loans to which it relates. However, care is needed here. We are only discussing the treatment for gearing calculations. If risk of liquidity problems were being discussed (see Section 7.5), some of these financing items might definitely be ‘current’.

会计代写|金融会计代考Financial Accounting代写|ACCT1101 Gearing and its implications



股权和长期借款之间的关系被称为资产负债率 orleverage的财务结构。有两种常用的计算资产负债率的方法:
$a$ 比较债务i.e.long-termborrowings用股权;或者
$b$ 比较债务与使用的资本i.e. equityplusdebt.
$a$ 传动装置 $=\frac{\text { Debt }}{\text { Share capital + Reserves }}=\frac{\text { Debt }}{\text { Equity }}$
$b$ 传动装置 $=\frac{\text { Debt }}{\text { Share capital + Reserves + Debt }}=\frac{\text { Debt }}{\text { Equity + Debt }}$
Bread Co. 的数据是:
$a 20 \times 1: 0.0$ 百分
$20 \times 2: \frac{20}{106}=18.6$ 百分
b20x1: $0.0$ 百分
20 \times 2: \frac{20}{126}=15.9 \text { per cent }
对于这家公司,股东可能希望最大限度地利用债务融资而不是目己融资的总资本比例,正如现在所解释的那样。如表 $7.3$ 所示,非流动负债为 20 measuredin $\$ \in 000 \$$ ,面包公司的 ROCE 为 $20 \mathrm{X} 2$ 曾是 $19.0 \%$ ,净资产收益率为 $20.8$ 百分。
如果我们要提高资产负债率,例如,相同的已动用资本为 126 ,而不是资本加准备金 66 和债券with 10percentinterest增加到 60 ,那么比率为 $20 \times 2$ 会给股权投资 者带来相同的 ROCE,但会大大提高回报,如下所示:
\text { ROE }=\left(\frac{24-6}{126-60}\right)=\frac{18}{66}=27.3 \text { per cent }
然而,提高债务比例的可行性是有限度的。首先,向已经背负巨额债务的企业提供佶款风险更大,因此需要提高利率才能吸引此类贷款一一如果确实能够吸引的 话。其次,考虑当苕业利润下降时高杠杆结构会发生什么。假设面包公司改变了它的资本结构asabove给予 66 的所有者权益和 60 的债券,但随后 $20 \times 3$ 菅业利润 水平回落至 $20 \mathrm{X} 1$, 即 12 。这会导致 $20 \mathrm{X} 3$ 比率如下:
净资产收益率为 $20 \mathrm{X} 3=\left(\frac{12-6}{66}\right)=9.1$ 百分比
股本回报率 $20 \mathrm{X} 3=\left(\frac{12}{126}\right)=9.5$ 百分
现在,杠杆率正朝着另一个方向发挥作用,放大股东所遭受的回报下降而不是扩大回报。最终结果是 ROE 小于 ROCE。当然,完全有可能 ROCE 为正而 ROE 为负。 还应记住,无力支付股息的公司不必支付。但是,无力支付利息的公司仍然必须依法支付。这可能是走向破产的道路。


在实践中,业务比面包公司复杂得多。本书中的文字和安例研究并非旨在涵盖所有可能遇到的复杂情况,而是为了让勤奋的读者能够弄清楚如何处理它们。为了开 始这个过程,在这个阶段提到了两个并发症。
如果将特定负债定义为“一年内到期”或类似短语之一,则其背后的现实可能并不明确。例如,考虑表中列出的金额 $7.4$ 一年内到期。
看起来所有这些项目是否都是由交易和运营周期产生的真正的短期负债,或者其中一些似乎是一种持续的资金来源,恰好是合法构建的,可以在一年内更新? 银行 贷款和透支以及可能还有商业应付票据似乎很可能被用于为企业活动提供资金,而不是作为这些经莒活动的组成部分。
如果采用这种观点,那么为了计算已动用咨本,这些项目可能会被列为长期借款。此外,这些“流动”负债的利息也必须加回到净利润中 ornotdeducted fromoperatingprofit得出 ROCE 比率的正确回报数字。这可能涉及对其相关的各种贷款之间的应付利息金额进行非常仔细的分析和划分。但 是,这里需要小心。我们只讨论杠杆计算的处理方法。如果正在讨论流动性问题的风险seeSection $7.5$ ,其中一些融资项目可能绝对是“当前”的。

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