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CS代写|PCS810 Complex Networks

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数学代写|CS6917 Complex Networks


An introduction to the emerging science of networks, with applications to biology, social science, engineering, and other fields. Students will learn about the field’s origins in graph theory, and the surprising properties of real-world networks such as the small-world effect. They will also learn to analyze the rich structure present in networks through degree correlations, communities, and motifs. Finally, it will discuss how networks shape the spread of large-scale failures like power blackouts and epidemics.


Most social, biological, and technological networks display substantial non-trivial topological features, with patterns of connection between their elements that are neither purely regular nor purely random. Such features include a heavy tail in the degree distribution, a high clustering coefficient, assortativity or disassortativity among vertices, community structure, and hierarchical structure.


问题 1.

The cluster size distribution in Erdos Renyi is described by expression
c_k(t)=\frac{k^{k-2}}{k !} t^{k-1} e^{-k t},
where $t=p N$ is the average degree in a network of $\mathrm{N}$ nodes.
A) (3 points) Study this distribution asymptotically at $k \rightarrow \infty$ and $t=1$.
Show that the infinite cluster is formed at this point: distribution moments diverge starting from the $2 \mathrm{nd}$.

B) (2 points) Study this distribution asymptotically at $k \rightarrow \infty$ and $t=1-\epsilon$
$(\epsilon<1)$. Show that the distribution looks like $c_k(t)=k^{-\alpha} \exp (-k / f(\epsilon))$. Find $\alpha$ and $f(\epsilon)$.

C) (1 points) Define the scaling behavior of the average cluster size in vicinity $t=1$ (as a function of $\mathrm{N}(N>>1$ )). The average cluster size is defined as the 2nd distribution moment.

问题 2.

Consider a regular graph of $N$ nodes and the degree $k$ ( $k$-regular graph).
A) (2 points) Show that the average path length:
l=\frac{N}{2 k} .
B) (2 points) Show that the clustering coefficient (the average local clustering coefficient):

问题 3.

Extension of the small-world result to an infinite lattice: One of the limitation of the above proof is to deal frequently with normalizing constant and finite networks. In this exercise we prove that for at least two cases of the one studied above, a formulation using an infinite lattice can be drawn. In an infinite lattice, one cannot hope to have any bound on the time to connect two arbitrarily far away nodes. On the other hand, one may hope that on an infinite lattice that starting from a node at a fixed distance $D$ from the target, greedy routing finds a path whose length grows slowly with $D$.
(A) Assuming $r>k$, can you prove that Kleinberg’s model extends naturally without modification to an infinite lattice? Why is that impossible when $r \leq 1$ ?
(B) Assuming $r>k$, quickly justify why there exists a constant $C>0$ and $\eta>0$ such that, in expectation, the path found by greedy routing requires at least $C D \eta$ steps when starting from a node at distance $D$ from the target.

We will now prove that Kleinberg model can be modified so that the proof of the critical case $r=k$ applies to an infinite lattice.
(C) For any $\varepsilon>0$, let $f(x)=1 / \log ^{\varepsilon}(x)$. What is $\lim _{x \rightarrow \infty} f(x)$ ? What is $f^{\prime \prime}$ ?
(D) Prove that for any $\varepsilon>0$, one can naturally extend the Kleinberg model to an infinite lattice for $r=k$, assuming that the probability to have a shortcut $u \rightsquigarrow v$ is
\mathbb{P}(u \rightsquigarrow v)=\frac{1}{|u-v|^k \log ^{1+\varepsilon}(|u-v|)} .
(E) From that greedy routing in the above model uses at most $O\left(\log ^{2+\varepsilon}(D)\right)$ steps when starting at distance $D$ from the target.

数学代写|CS6917 Complex Networks


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