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电子工程代写|三维成像代写Three-Dimensional Imaging代考|ARTD3005 Self-Stabilized Holographic Recording in Photorefractive Crystals

如果你也在 怎样代写三维成像Three-Dimensional Imaging ARTD3005这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。三维成像Three-Dimensional Imaging像是一种将许多扫描(来自计算机断层扫描、核磁共振或超声扫描)通过计算结合起来的技术。然后,这些图像可以由放射科医师或医生进行操作,以帮助诊断和手术计划。

三维成像Three-Dimensional Imaging是一种革命性的光学成像技术,它通过利用三维成像模式提供身体内部的放大图像进行医学分析。三维成像技术包括超声、磁共振成像(MRI)、放射成像和计算机断层扫描(CT)。成像是正畸医生评估和记录颅面结构的大小和形态的最重要工具之一。正畸医生通常使用二维(2D)静态成像技术,但二维成像无法获得和定位结构的深度。三维(3D)成像技术在20世纪90年代初得到发展,并在口腔医学,特别是正畸学中获得了宝贵的地位。本文献综述的目的是总结三维成像技术的现状,并评估其在正畸领域的应用。

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电子工程代写|三维成像代写Three-Dimensional Imaging代考|ARTD3005 Self-Stabilized Holographic Recording in Photorefractive Crystals

电子工程代写|三维成像代写Three-Dimensional Imaging代考|Self-Stabilized Holographic Recording in Photorefractive Crystals

Holographic recording in real-time reversible photosensitive materials has particular features and potential applications in many scientific and technological fields.

Photorefractives $[8,18]$ are known to exhibit real-time reversible recording properties with the additional advantage of unlimited number of recording/ erasure cycles. Lithium niobate, barium titanate, bismuth and silicium oxides, gallium arsenide, and indium phosphide, among many others, are well-known photorefractive crystals exhibiting widely different properties in terms of wavelength and intensity sensitivities, recording time constant, darkness storage possibilities, maximum diffraction efficiency, and associated effects such as photochromic and light-induced photochromic effects. Organic polymers are now also available that exhibit photorefractive effects, with the advantage that their properties can be tailored to specific requirements. Table $3.1$ lists the properties of some photorefractive crystals.

Photorefractives are photoconductive and electro-optic materials [8]: Under the action of light of adequate wavelength, charge carriers (electrons and/or holes) are excited from photoactive centers somewhere inside the material band gap into the conduction and/or valence band. These carriers move by diffusion and/or by the action of an externally applied electric field until they are retrapped somewhere else into accepting centers. If a spatially modulated pattern of light shines on the sample, the charge carriers are progressively accumulated in the darker areas, where the photoexcitation rate is lower. An electric charge modulation in the crystal volume results in a corresponding space-charge electric field $\left(E_{\mathrm{sc}}\right)$ modulation ruled by Poisson’s law:
\nabla \cdot\left(\varepsilon \varepsilon_0 \mathbf{E}_{\mathrm{sc}}\right)=\rho
Where $\varepsilon_0$ is the vacuum electric permittivity, $\varepsilon$ is the dielectric constant, and $\rho$ is the electric charge volume density. Because of the electro-optic (also known as the “Pockels”) effect, a refractive index modulation $\Delta n$ arises in the crystal volume. This modulation is proportional to the space-charge field defined in Eq. 3.30:
\Delta n=-\frac{1}{2} n^3 r_{\mathrm{eff}} R E
where $n$ is the average refractive index of the material and $r_{\text {eff }}$ is the effective electro-optic coefficient that is a tensorial parameter. In this way, any information that encoded as a spatial modulation of the light projected onto the photorefractive crystal will be stored in it as a refractive index modulation in the sample volume, that is, a volume hologram will be formed. The process is schematically represented in Figure $3.14$.

电子工程代写|三维成像代写Three-Dimensional Imaging代考|Holographic Interferometry

Holographic Interferometry The use of holography to measure the mechanical vibration of surfaces has long been known [29]. The possibility of using photorefractive materials in this field, however, is relatively new and has been in permanent development since the first paper by Huignard [30] on this subject. Self-stabilized real-time holography is completely new and was first shown to be feasible in 1986 [31].

The schematic setup for this experiment is shown in Figure 3.15. The input laser beam is divided into a reference and an object using a polarization beamsplitter (PBS) cube. The amplitude ratio between both beams is controlled using a half-wave retardation plate (HWP) at the PBS input. The polarizations of both beams exiting the PBS are made parallel [as required to produce interference fringes in the photorefractive crystal (PRC)] by the use of another HWP at the cube output. A low-power microscope objective lens is used to expand the object beam to illuminate the whole target surface. A device composed of a PBS, two HWPs and one quarter-wave retardation plate (QWP) is used to direct all the light onto the target surface and collect the back-scattered light through the PBS into the recording photorefractive crystal $\mathrm{Bi}{12} \mathrm{TiO}{20}$ (BTO) with minimum losses. Two good-quality photographic objective lenses are used to produce a reduced image of the target into the crystal and then to produce an enlarged picture of the latter image onto the charge-coupled device (CCD) camera for observation and image-processing purposes. The reference beam is also directed onto the BTO to interfere with the object beam and produce the required hologram, which will be recorded in the photorefractive crystal volume. The hologram is produced in real time in the BTO and at the same time the object wave is reconstructed from it by the reference beam. The latter reconstructed wave is actually the reference beam diffracted by the hologram in the BTO crystal that carries all the information needed.

电子工程代写|三维成像代写Three-Dimensional Imaging代考|ARTD3005 Self-Stabilized Holographic Recording in Photorefractive Crystals





\nabla \cdot\left(\varepsilon \varepsilon_0 \mathbf{E}{\mathrm{sc}}\right)=\rho
其中$\varepsilon_0$为真空电介电常数,$\varepsilon$为介电常数,$\rho$为电荷体积密度。由于电光(也称为“Pockels”)效应,晶体体积中出现了折射率调制$\Delta n$。这种调制与公式3.30中定义的空间电荷场成正比:
\Delta n=-\frac{1}{2} n^3 r{\mathrm{eff}} R E
,其中$n$是材料的平均折射率,$r_{\text {eff }}$是有效电光系数,这是一个张量参数。这样,任何编码为投射到光折变晶体上的光的空间调制的信息都将作为样品体积中的折射率调制存储在光折变晶体中,即形成体积全息图。该过程如图$3.14$所示



本实验的原理图设置如图3.15所示。使用偏振分束器(PBS)立方体将输入激光束分为参考束和物体。在PBS输入端使用半波延迟板(HWP)控制两束间的振幅比。通过在立方体输出处使用另一个HWP,使出PBS的两个光束的偏振平行[这是在光折变晶体(PRC)中产生干涉条纹的要求]。利用低倍率显微镜物镜将目标光束展开,照亮整个目标表面。利用一个PBS、两个hwp和一个四分之一波延迟板(QWP)组成的器件,将所有的光引导到目标表面,并通过PBS以最小的损耗将背散射光收集到记录光折变晶体$\mathrm{Bi}{12} \mathrm{TiO}{20}$ (BTO)。使用两个高质量的摄影物镜在晶体中产生目标的缩小图像,然后在电荷耦合器件(CCD)相机上产生后一个图像的放大图像,用于观察和图像处理。参考光束也被定向到BTO上以干扰目标光束并产生所需的全息图,该全息图将被记录在光折变晶体体积中。在BTO中实时产生全息图,同时通过参考光束将其重构为目标波。后一种重构波实际上是由携带所有所需信息的BTO晶体中的全息图衍射的参考光束

电子工程代写|三维成像代写Three-Dimensional Imaging代考

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