物理代考| Bosons量子力学代写

物理代考| Bosons 量子力学代写


7.1 Bosons
Let us order the available single-particle states as $0,1,2, \cdots, i, j, k, \cdots$. The state vector for the many-particle system in the abstract occupation number space is then just the direct product over all the single-particle states with the number of particles in each mode
$\left|n_{0} n_{1} n_{2} \cdots\right\rangle=\left|n_{0}\right\rangle\left|n_{1}\right\rangle\left|n_{2}\right\rangle \cdots \quad ;$ abstract state vector
The operators in this space are just our previous simple harmonic oscillator operators for each mode, and for bosons, we will now denote these operators by $b$ and $b^{\dagger}$. They satisfy the commutation relations
$\left[b_{i}, b_{j}^{\dagger}\right]=\delta_{i j} \quad ;$ commutation relations (7.2)
All of the properties of these operators follow exactly as in Sec. 6.7. As we have seen, this analysis holds for photons. It also holds for non-relativistic spin-zero systems such as ${ }^{4} \mathrm{He}$ atoms, which are also bosons. Let us here focus on this latter case.

Suppose we have a single-particle operator such as the kinetic energy for this many-body system. We write this operator as
$\hat{T}=\sum_{i} \sum_{j} b_{j}^{\dagger}\langle j|T| i\rangle b_{i} \quad ;$ one-body operator
Some comments:
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

  • From now on we use a hat over a quantity to indicate an operator in the abstract space, except for the creation and destruction operators
  • Here $\langle j|T| i\rangle$ is the appropriate single-particle matrix element for the
    \langle j|T| i\rangle=\int d^{3} x \psi_{j}^{*}(\vec{x}) T \psi_{i}(\vec{x})
    \hat{T}=\sum_{j}\langle j|T| j\rangle b_{j}^{\dagger} b_{j}=\sum_{j}\langle j|T| j\rangle \hat{n}_{j}
  • In this last case, the many-body matrix element of the kinetic energy From now on we use a hat over a the abstract space, except for the where this is obvious; Here $\langle j|T| i\rangle$ is the appropriate singeder problem at hand $$ \langle j|T| i\rangle=\int d^{3} $$ If $T$ is diagonal, then $$ \hat{T}=\sum_{j}\langle j|T| j\rangle b_{j}^{\dagger} $$ In this last case, the many-body operator is $$ \left\langle n_{1} n_{2} \cdots|\hat{T}| n_{1} n_{2}\right. $$
    \left\langle n_{1} n_{2} \cdots|\hat{T}| n_{1} n_{2} \cdots\right\rangle=\sum_{j}\langle j|T| j\rangle n_{j}
    $$ This just adds up the kinetic
    We can rewrite this one-body operator $\hat{T}$ by introducing the nonrelativistic quantum field
    \hat{\psi}(\vec{x}) & \equiv \sum_{j} \psi_{j}(\vec{x}) b_{j} \quad ; \text { quantum field } \
    \hat{\psi}^{\dagger}(\vec{x}) & \equiv \sum_{j} \psi_{j}^{*}(\vec{x}) b_{j}^{\dagger}
    The one-body operator is then
    \hat{T}=\int d^{3} x \hat{\psi}^{\dagger}(\vec{x}) T \hat{\psi}(\vec{x})
    Suppose one has a two-body operator, such as the potential between all the pairs
    V=\frac{1}{2} \sum_{i} \sum_{j} V\left(\left|\vec{x}{i}-\vec{x}{j}\right|\right)


7.1 玻色子
让我们将可用的单粒子状态排序为 $0,1,2, \cdots, i, j, k, \cdots$。抽象占有数空间中多粒子系统的状态向量就是所有单粒子状态与每个模式中粒子数的直接乘积
$\left|n_{0} n_{1} n_{2} \cdots\right\rangle=\left|n_{0}\right\rangle\left|n_{1}\right\rangle\left|n_{ 2}\right\rangle \cdots \quad ;$ 抽象状态向量
这个空间中的算子只是我们之前针对每种模式的简单谐振子算子,对于玻色子,我们现在将这些算子表示为 $b$ 和 $b^{\dagger}$。它们满足交换关系
$\left[b_{i}, b_{j}^{\dagger}\right]=\delta_{i j} \quad ;$ 交换关系 (7.2)
这些运算符的所有属性都完全遵循 Sec。 6.7.正如我们所见,这种分析适用于光子。它也适用于非相对论自旋零系统,例如 ${ }^{4} \mathrm{He}$ 原子,它们也是玻色子。让我们在这里关注后一种情况。

$\hat{T}=\sum_{i} \sum_{j} b_{j}^{\dagger}\langle j|T| i\rangle b_{i} \quad ;$ 单体运算符

  • 从现在开始,我们在数量上使用帽子来表示抽象空间中的运算符,除了创建和销毁运算符
  • 这里 $\langle j|T| i\rangle$ 是合适的单粒子矩阵元素
    \langle j|T| i\rangle=\int d^{3} x \psi_{j}^{*}(\vec{x}) T \psi_{i}(\vec{x})
    \hat{T}=\sum_{j}\langle j|T| j\rangle b_{j}^{\dagger} b_{j}=\sum_{j}\langle j|T| j\rangle \hat{n}_{j}
  • 在最后一种情况下,动能的多体矩阵元素从现在开始,我们在抽象空间上使用帽子,除非这是显而易见的;这里 $\langle j|T| i\rangle$ 是手头的适当的 singeder 问题 $$ \langle j|T| i\rangle=\int d^{3} $$ 如果 $T$ 是对角线,则 $$ \hat{T}=\sum_{j}\langle j|T| j\rangle b_{j}^{\dagger} $$ 在最后一种情况下,多体运算符是 $$ \left\langle n_{1} n_{2} \cdots|\hat{T}| n_{1} n_{2}\对。 $$
    \left\langle n_{1} n_{2} \cdots|\hat{T}| n_{1} n_{2} \cdots\right\rangle=\sum_{j}\langle j|T| j\rangle n_{j}
    $$ 这只是增加了动力学
    我们可以通过引入非相对论量子场来重写这个单体算子 $\hat{T}$
    \hat{\psi}(\vec{x}) & \equiv \sum_{j} \psi_{j}(\vec{x}) b_{j} \quad ; \text { 量子场 } \
    \hat{\psi}^{\dagger}(\vec{x}) & \equiv \sum_{j} \psi_{j}^{*}(\vec{x}) b_{j}^{\dagger }
    \hat{T}=\int d^{3} x \hat{\psi}^{\dagger}(\vec{x}) T \hat{\psi}(\vec{x})
    V=\frac{1}{2} \sum_{i} \sum_{j} V\left(\left|\vec{x}{i}-\vec{x}{j}\right|\正确的)
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流体力学力学的一个分支。 主要研究在各种力的作用下流体本身的状态,以及流体和固体壁面、流体流体之间、流体与其他运动形态之间的相互作用的力学分支。


随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其取值随着偶然因素的影响而改变。 例如,某商店在从时间t0到时间tK这段时间内接待顾客的人数,就是依赖于时间t的一组随机变量,即随机过程



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