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物理代考| Component Form 量子力学代写

物理代考| Component Form 量子力学代写


$9.2$ Component Form
Let us start with the component form of our relations. In order to do this we need to introduce the concept of a continuous component, and we also need to make use of the Dirac delta function that was introduced when discussing transition rates. In fact, the concepts and notation for what we are doing here were originally introduced by Dirac in his fundamental work. ${ }^{1}$

We first label the components of the abstract state vectors that we are studying with a subscript $x$, and calculate the inner product of two of those vectors as $^{2}$
\left\langle\psi_{m} \mid \psi_{n}\right\rangle=\sum_{x}\left(\psi_{m}\right){x}^{}\left(\psi{n}\right){x} $$ We now have to define the continuous sum, as well as the components in the $x$-direction. We do this by writing the sum as an integral and using our coordinate-space wave functions for the components $$ \left\langle\psi{m} \mid \psi_{n}\right\rangle=\sum_{x}\left(\psi_{m}\right){x}^{}\left(\psi{n}\right){x} \equiv \int d x \psi{m}^{}(x) \psi_{n}(x) $$ This defines the continuous sum. It is just the integral over the appropriate interval of two of our previous wave functions. ${ }^{1}$ See [Dirac (1930)]. antum Mechanics Formal Structure of Quantum Mechanics introduce the eigenstates of the hermitian position oper- Formal Structure of Quantum We can then rewrite the above as $$ \left\langle\psi_{m} \mid \psi_{n}\right\rangle=\sum_{x}\left(\psi_{m}\right){x}^{}\left(\psi{n}\right){x}=\sum{x}\left\langle\psi_{m} \mid x\right\rangle\left\langle x \mid \psi_{n}\right\rangle
where we have identified the wave functions as
\left\langle x \mid \psi_{n}\right\rangle &=\psi_{n}(x) \
\left\langle\psi_{m} \mid x\right\rangle &=\psi_{m}^{*}(x)
We now have the consistent physical interpretation that the probability for finding the particle in the interval $d x$ at the position $x$ if it is in the state $\left|\psi_{n}\right\rangle$ is the absolute square of the probability amplitude obtained from the inner product $\left\langle x \mid \psi_{n}\right\rangle$
$$ \left|\left\langle x \mid \psi_{n}\right\rangle\right|^{2} d x=\left|\psi_{n}(x)\right|^{2} d x \quad ; \text { probability } $$ Equation (9.7) allows us to identify the completeness relation for the eigenstates of position $$ \sum_{x}|x\rangle\langle x|=\hat{1} $$
What about the inner product of these states? Here we are forced to deal with the fact that the eigenvalues of position are truly continuous, and we write $^{4}$


$9.2$ 组件表格
让我们从关系的组件形式开始。为了做到这一点,我们需要引入连续分量的概念,并且我们还需要利用在讨论转换率时引入的 Dirac delta 函数。事实上,我们在这里所做的事情的概念和符号最初是由狄拉克在他的基础著作中引入的。 ${ }^{1}$

我们首先用下标 $x$ 标记我们正在研究的抽象状态向量的分量,然后将其中两个向量的内积计算为 $^{2}$
\left\langle\psi_{m} \mid \psi_{n}\right\rangle=\sum_{x}\left(\psi_{m}\right){x}^{}\left(\psi {n}\右){x} $$ 我们现在必须定义连续和,以及 $x$ 方向的分量。我们通过将总和写成积分并使用我们的坐标空间波函数来实现这一点 $$ \left\langle\psi{m} \mid \psi_{n}\right\rangle=\sum_{x}\left(\psi_{m}\right){x}^{}\left(\psi {n}\right){x} \equiv \int dx \psi{m}^{}(x) \psi_{n}(x) $$ 这定义了连续总和。它只是我们之前的两个波函数在适当区间上的积分。 ${ }^{1}$ 见 [狄拉克 (1930)]。 安腾力学 量子力学的形式结构介绍了厄米位置运算的本征态 量子的形式结构 然后我们可以将上面的内容重写为 $$ \left\langle\psi_{m} \mid \psi_{n}\right\rangle=\sum_{x}\left(\psi_{m}\right){x}^{}\left(\psi {n}\right){x}=\sum{x}\left\langle\psi_{m} \mid x\right\rangle\left\langle x \mid \psi_{n}\right\rangle
\left\langle x \mid \psi_{n}\right\rangle &=\psi_{n}(x) \
\left\langle\psi_{m} \mid x\right\rangle &=\psi_{m}^{*}(x)
我们现在有了一致的物理解释,如果粒子处于状态 $\left|\psi_{n}\right\rangle$,则在区间 $dx$ 中位置 $x$ 找到粒子的概率是绝对平方由内积 $\left\langle x \mid \psi_{n}\right\rangle$ 得到的概率幅值
$$ \left|\left\langle x \mid \psi_{n}\right\rangle\right|^{2} dx=\left|\psi_{n}(x)\right|^{2} dx \四边形; \text { probability } $$ 方程(9.7)允许我们识别位置 $$ \sum_{x}|x\rangle\langle x|=\hat{1} $$ 的特征态的完整性关系
这些状态的内积呢?这里我们不得不处理 position 的特征值是真正连续的,我们写成 $^{4}$

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流体力学力学的一个分支。 主要研究在各种力的作用下流体本身的状态,以及流体和固体壁面、流体流体之间、流体与其他运动形态之间的相互作用的力学分支。


随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其取值随着偶然因素的影响而改变。 例如,某商店在从时间t0到时间tK这段时间内接待顾客的人数,就是依赖于时间t的一组随机变量,即随机过程


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