经济代写|Growth in the open economy宏观经济学代写

经济代写|Growth in the open economy宏观经济学代写


According to the mercantilist Mun, who was introduced in Section $1.2$, encouraging exports and discouraging imports was the way for an economy to get rich. While discussing open economy macrodynamics in Section 4.3, the zero-sum nature of gains from international trade for the world economy as a whole was noted. An active pursuit of current account surpluses, that is, a net positive money inflow (in return for a net positive commodity outflow), neighbouring macroeconomies.
To reiterate, the central driver of growth according to supply-side growth theories is a growth in the ‘factors of production’, notably technology. In sharp contrast, in demand-led growth theories, growth is determined by the growth in autonomous elements of aggregate demand; and in the context of an open economy, exports as well. While supply-side growth theories tend to prefer minimal government intervention due to their marginalist nucleus, the demand-led growth theories favour active government intervention, given their Keynesian nucleus. Another point of difference is the way in which technological progress is understood in these two contending approaches. favourable to economic growth, in demand-led growth theories the direction and extent of the causal effect cannot be ascertained a priori, and it depends on the context.

In line with the importance ascribed by demand-led growth theories to the contextual factors in understanding economic growth, this section also follows that approach as well as the structure followed in Section 5.3. While it is possible to carry out growth-accounting exercises from the standpoint of both the approaches, in this section we follow an approach to economic growth closer in spirit to that of the classical economists who closely engaged with their respective extant contexts. The demand-led growth theorists mentioned to undertake a macro-historical approach to understanding growth.
Any understanding of economic growth in an open economy like India requires the study of economic inequalities arising from colonialism. While land reforms are undertaken to partly remedy historical injustices within a nation/country, think of the ways in which such restitutive justice can be envisioned for the world economy as a whole. To obtain a comprehensive account of one such approach, read Andre Gunder Frank’s 1966 article ‘The 110
Development of Underdevelopment’ wherein he argues that the wealthy nations have ensured the ‘dependence’ of the poor nations through a variety of economic and political means. As articulated in Section 5.3, initial conditions matter, and even more so in an open economy context. For a critical history of the origins of property and the means of production in capitalism, read chapter 26, entitled ‘The Secret of Primitive Accumulation’, in Volume I of Marx’s Capital. It was pointed out in Section $5.3$ that more than the growth of the GDP, of growth. That the nature of growth depends on the extent of inter-sectoral interdependence was also highlighted. Such inter-sectoral dependence is magnified or telescoped, depending on how you perceive it, in the case of the world economy as a whole. The division of labour was explained by Smith, using the example of pin manufacturing in the very first chapter of The Wealth of Nations.
One man draws out the wire, another straights it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, a fifth grinds it at the top for receiving the head; to make the head requires two or three distinct operations; to put it on, is a peculiar business, to whiten the pins is another; it is even a trade by itself to put them into the paper, and the important business of making a pin is, in this manner, divided performed by distinct hands…. (p. 15)
Now, think of the extent of the division of labour if the same pin manufacturing is spread across various countries within the world economy. The structural interdependence with respect to production (and consumption) between various open economies is massive, as it must have been visible from the Section $4.3$ discussion on open economy macrodynamics. In economics, these production networks are known as global value chains. Find out the proportion of intermediate goods (that is, neither primary agricultural goods nor final of intermediate goods (that is, neither primary agricultural goods nor final trade by India. The answer will give an indication of the extent to which India is structurally interdependent on other countries for its production.


根据在第 1.2 美元中介绍的重商主义者 Mun 的说法,鼓励出口和抑制进口是经济致富的途径。在第 4.3 节讨论开放经济宏观动力学时,注意到国际贸易收益对整个世界经济的零和性质。积极追求经常账户盈余,即净正资金流入(以换取净正商品流出),邻近宏观经济体。

根据需求导向增长理论对理解经济增长的背景因素的重要性,本节也遵循该方法以及第 5.3 节中遵循的结构。虽然可以从这两种方法的角度进行增长核算工作,但在本节中,我们遵循的经济增长方法在精神上更接近于与各自现存背景密切接触的古典经济学家的方法。需求导向的增长理论家提到采用宏观历史方法来理解增长。
对像印度这样的开放经济体中的经济增长的任何理解都需要研究殖民主义引起的经济不平等。虽然进行土地改革是为了部分纠正一个国家/国家内部的历史不公正,但想想可以为整个世界经济设想这种恢复性正义的方式。要全面了解其中一种方法,请阅读 Andre Gunder Frank 1966 年的文章“The 110
不发达的发展”,他认为富裕国家通过各种经济和政治手段确保了贫穷国家的“依赖”。如第 5.3 节所述,初始条件很重要,在开放经济背景下更是如此。有关资本主义财产和生产资料起源的批判历史,请阅读马克思《资本论》第一卷第 26 章,题为“原始积累的秘密”。在第 5.3 美元中指出,增长超过了 GDP 的增长。还强调了增长的性质取决于部门间相互依存的程度。在整个世界经济的情况下,这种跨部门的依赖会被放大或放大,这取决于你如何看待它。史密斯以《国富论》第一章中的别针制造为例解释了劳动分工。
一个人拉出铁丝,另一个人拉直,第三个剪断它,第四个尖,第五个在顶部研磨它以接收头部;制作头部需要两个或三个不同的操作;穿上它是一件奇特的事,把别针弄白是另一回事;将它们放到纸上甚至本身就是一种交易,而制作别针的重要业务就这样由不同的人分工……(第 15 页)
现在,想想如果相同的别针制造分布在世界经济中的各个国家,分工的程度。各种开放经济体之间在生产(和消费)方面的结构性相互依赖是巨大的,因为从 4.3 美元关于开放经济宏观动力学的讨论中一定可以看出这一点。在经济学中,这些生产网络被称为全球价值链。找出中间产品的比例(即既不是初级农产品也不是最终的中间产品(即既不是初级农产品也不是印度的最终贸易)。答案将表明印度在结构上相互依存的程度其他国家为其生产。


宏观经济学,是以国民经济总过程的活动为研究对象,主要考察就业总水平、国民总收入等经济总量,因此,宏观经济学也被称做就业理论或收入理论。 宏观经济学研究的是经济资源的利用问题,包括国民收入决定理论、就业理论、通货膨胀理论、经济周期理论、经济增长理论、财政与货币政策。

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宏观经济学是经济学的一个分支,它研究的是一个整体经济,即市场或其他大规模运作的系统是如何运作的。宏观经济学研究经济范围内的现象,如通货膨胀价格水平经济增长,国民收入,国内生产总值,以及失业 .


计量经济学是以一定的经济理论和统计资料为基础,运用数学、统计方法与电脑技术,以建立经济计量模型为主要手段,定量分析研究具有随机性特性的经济变量关系的一门经济学学科。 主要内容包括理论计量经济学和应用经济计量学。 理论经济计量学主要研究如何运用、改造和发展数理统计的方法,使之成为经济关系测定的特殊方法。


相对论(英語:Theory of relativity)是关于时空和引力的理论,主要由愛因斯坦创立,依其研究对象的不同可分为狭义相对论和广义相对论。 相对论和量子力学的提出给物理学带来了革命性的变化,它们共同奠定了现代物理学的基础。


编码理论(英语:Coding theory)是研究编码的性质以及它们在具体应用中的性能的理论。编码用于数据压缩加密纠错,最近也用于网络编码中。不同学科(如信息论电机工程学数学语言学以及计算机科学)都研究编码是为了设计出高效、可靠的数据传输方法。这通常需要去除冗余并校正(或检测)数据传输中的错误。


  1. 数据压缩(或信源编码
  2. 前向错误更正(或信道编码
  3. 加密编码
  4. 线路码



学习易分析也已经很冬年了,七七八人的也续了圧少的书籍和论文。略作总结工作,方便后来人学 Đ参考。
复分析是一门历史悠久的学科,主要是研究解析函数,亚纯函数在复球面的性质。下面一昭这 些基本内容。
(1) 提到复变函数 ,首先需要了解复数的基本性左和四则运算规则。怎么样计算复数的平方根, 极坐标与 $x y$ 坐标的转换,复数的模之类的。这些在高中的时候囸本上都会学过。
(2) 复变函数自然是在复平面上来研究问题,此时数学分析里面的求导数之尖的运算就会很自然的 引入到复平面里面,从而引出解析函数的定义。那/研究解析函数的性贡就是关楗所在。最关键的 地方就是所谓的Cauchy一Riemann公式,这个是判断一个函数是否是解析函数的关键所在。
(3) 明白解析函数的定义以及性质之后,就会把数学分析里面的曲线积分 $a$ 的概念引入复分析中, 定义几乎是一致的。在引入了闭曲线和曲线积分之后,就会有出现复分析中的重要的定理: Cauchy 积分公式。 这个是易分析的第一个重要定理。


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