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统计作业代写Statistics代考|Underfitting—or the Case of the Absent Variables

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统计作业代写Statistics代考|Underfitting—or the Case of the Absent Variables

统计作业代写Statistics代考|Absent Variables

As mentioned several times, think of the error term in the LRM equation as including all of the factors, random or otherwise, that might be associated with the outcome variable but are not represented by the model’s explanatory variables. The errors, thus, include information from omitted variables. We still assume, though, a zero correlation between the Xs and the errors (or their estimates-the residuals: $\left.\operatorname{cor}\left(\mathbf{x}, \hat{\varepsilon}{i}\right)=0\right)$. Suppose, as Equation $12.2$ illustrates, that a regression equation includes $x{1}$ and $x_{2}$, but omits $x_{3}$ and $x_{4}$. The variable $x_{3}$ is also associated with $y$ and with $x_{2}$ and affects their association. In this situation, the slope coefficient affiliated with $x_{2}$ is biased. In general terms, we have not satisfied the independence assumption. Unfortunately, we cannot know for certain the direction of the bias: is the estimated slope too large or too small? Is it negative or positive? The answers to these questions depend on the joint associations among $x_{2}, x_{3}$, and $y$.
y_{i}=\alpha+\beta_{1} x_{1}+\beta_{2} x_{2}+\hat{\varepsilon}{i} \text { where } \hat{\varepsilon}{i}=x_{3}+x_{4}+\text { random error }
\left(\operatorname{cov}\left(x_{2}, x_{3}\right) \neq 0 \& \operatorname{cov}\left(y, x_{3}\right) \neq 0\right)
The underfit model in Chapter 7 is helpful for understanding this issue, but let’s explore another. The GSS2018.csv dataset includes the variable lifesatis (see Figure 11.2), a measure of life satisfaction that is based on some questions that ask about satisfaction with one’s marriage, work, and in general. Higher values of this variable indicate a greater sense of life satisfaction. Research suggests that life satisfaction is associated with education, occupational prestige, involvement with religious organizations, and several other variables. We’ll examine some of these associations in an LRM. ${ }^{6}$ First, though, let’s look at a bivariate correlation matrix of the variables designed to measure each. ${ }^{7}$


The education coefficient in this model is similar to the coefficient in the full model (LRM12.1). Why do you think this is the case? Examine the correlation matrix-the bivariate correlation between educate and attend is not large $(r=$ 0.04). One would not expect much of a change with attendance omitted since it has such a weak association with education. Although this last model is underfit, the consequences of specification error are less severe than when we exclude occupational prestige. One lesson to learn from these models is that specification error is a virtual certainty: we cannot include all the variables that are associated with outcome variables. The goal is to strive for models with a low or manageable amount of specification error and hope we don’t reach the wrong conclusions about the associations that the models do represent. A vital task as we consider how to build LRMs is thus to identify the potential confounders. ${ }^{8}$

统计作业代写STATISTICS代考|Underfitting—or the Case of the Absent Variables


正如多次提到的,将 LRM 方程中的误差项视为包括所有可能与结果变量相关但不由模型的解释变量表示的随机或其他因素。因此,错误包括来自遗漏变量的信息。不过,我们仍然假设 X 与误差(或它们的估计值 – 残差:$\left.\operatorname{cor}\left(\mathbf{x}, \hat{\varepsilon} {i} \右)=0\右).小号你pp○s和,一种s和q你一种吨一世○n12.2一世一世一世你s吨r一种吨和s,吨H一种吨一种r和Gr和ss一世○n和q你一种吨一世○n一世nC一世你d和sx {1}一种ndx_{2},b你吨○米一世吨sx_{3}一种ndx_{4}.吨H和v一种r一世一种b一世和x_{3}一世s一种一世s○一种ss○C一世一种吨和d在一世吨H和一种nd在一世吨Hx_{2}一种nd一种FF和C吨s吨H和一世r一种ss○C一世一种吨一世○n.一世n吨H一世ss一世吨你一种吨一世○n,吨H和s一世○p和C○和FF一世C一世和n吨一种FF一世一世一世一种吨和d在一世吨Hx_{2}一世sb一世一种s和d.一世nG和n和r一种一世吨和r米s,在和H一种v和n○吨s一种吨一世sF一世和d吨H和一世nd和p和nd和nC和一种ss你米p吨一世○n.ünF○r吨你n一种吨和一世和,在和C一种nn○吨到n○在F○rC和r吨一种一世n吨H和d一世r和C吨一世○n○F吨H和b一世一种s:一世s吨H和和s吨一世米一种吨和ds一世○p和吨○○一世一种rG和○r吨○○s米一种一世一世?一世s一世吨n和G一种吨一世v和○rp○s一世吨一世v和?吨H和一种ns在和rs吨○吨H和s和q你和s吨一世○nsd和p和nd○n吨H和j○一世n吨一种ss○C一世一种吨一世○ns一种米○nGx_{2}, x_{3},一种nd和.$
y_{i}=\alpha+\beta_{1} x_{1}+\beta_{2} x_{2}+\hat{\varepsilon} {i} \text { 其中 } \hat{\varepsilon} {i }=x_{3}+x_{4}+\text { 随机错误 }\left(\operatorname{cov}\left(x_{2}, x_{3}\right) \neq 0 \& \operatorname{cov}\left(y, x_{3}\right) \neq 0\right )
第 7 章中的欠拟合模型有助于理解这个问题,但让我们探讨另一个问题。GSS2018.csv 数据集包括变量 lifesatis(参见图 11.2),这是一种生活满意度的衡量标准,它基于一些关于婚姻、工作和总体满意度的问题。该变量的值越高表明生活满意度越高。研究表明,生活满意度与教育、职业声望、参与宗教组织和其他几个变量有关。我们将在 LRM 中检查其中一些关联。6不过,首先,让我们看一下设计用于测量每个变量的双变量相关矩阵。7


该模型中的教育系数与完整模型中的系数(LRM12.1)相似。你认为为什么会这样?检查相关矩阵——education和attach之间的二元相关性不大(r=0.04)。由于出勤与教育的联系如此微弱,人们不会期望出勤率会发生太大变化。尽管最后一个模型是欠拟合的,但规范错误的后果没有我们排除职业声望时那么严重。从这些模型中学到的一个教训是,规范误差是一种虚拟的确定性:我们不能包括与结果变量相关的所有变量。目标是争取具有低或可管理的规范错误量的模型,并希望我们不会就模型所代表的关联得出错误的结论。因此,当我们考虑如何构建 LRM 时,一项重要任务是识别潜在的混杂因素。8


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