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数学代写|统计计算作业代写Statistical Computing代考|Monte Carlo estimates

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数学代写|统计计算作业代写Statistical Computing代考|Monte Carlo estimates


数学代写|统计计算作业代写Statistical Computing代考|Basic Monte Carlo

Assume that $X=\left(X_{t}\right){t \in[0, T]}$ is given as the solution of an SDE and that we want to compute $\mathbb{E}(f(X))$. In order to estimate this quantity using Monte Carlo integration, we generate independent samples $X^{(n, 1)}, X^{(n, 2)}, \ldots, X^{(n, N)}$, using numerical approximations to $X$, obtained by repeatedly solving a discretised SDE with discretisation parameter $n$. Then we can use the approximation $$ \mathbb{E}(f(X)) \approx \frac{1}{N} \sum{j=1}^{N} f\left(X^{(n, j)}\right)=Z_{n, N}
Here we allow for the function $f$ to depend on the whole path of $X$ until time $T$. We can choose, for example,
f(X)=\sup {t \in[0, T]} X{t}
to get the maximum of a one-dimensional path, or $f(X)=\left|X_{T}\right|^{2}$ to get the second moment of the final point of the path.

As for all Monte Carlo methods, there is a trade-off between accuracy of the result and computational cost. One notable feature of Monte Carlo estimation for SDEs is that the result is not only affected by the Monte Carlo error, but also by discretisation error.

数学代写|统计计算作业代写STATISTICAL COMPUTING代考|Variance reduction methods

The error in Monte Carlo estimates such as (6.28) can be significantly reduced by employing the variance reduction techniques from Section 3.3. Antithetic paths
Pairs of antithetic paths can be easily generated for SDEs by using the fact that, if $B$ is a Brownian motion, $-B$ is also a Brownian motion (see lemma 6.5): thus, solving the SDE using the Brownian motions $B$ and $B^{\prime}=-B$ gives rise to two paths $X$ and $X^{\prime}$ of the SDE. Since $B_{t}$ and $B_{t}^{\prime}$ are negatively correlated, typically $X_{t}$ and $X_{t}^{\prime}$ will also be negatively correlated for all $t \in[0, T]$.

数学代写|统计计算作业代写STATISTICAL COMPUTING代考|Multilevel Monte Carlo estimates

The variance reduction methods we have discussed so far are applications of the general methods from Section $3.3$ to the problem of estimating expectations for paths of SDEs. In contrast, the multilevel Monte Carlo approach, discussed in the rest of this section, is specific to situations where discretisation error is involved.

Multilevel Monte Carlo methods, by cleverly balancing the effects of discretisation error and Monte Carlo error, allow us to reduce the computational cost required to compute an estimate with a given level of error. Let $X$ be the solution of an SDE and let $\varepsilon>0$. In equation (6.34) we have seen that the basic Monte Carlo estimate for $\mathbb{E}\left(f\left(X_{T}\right)\right)$ requires computational cost of order $\mathcal{O}\left(1 / \varepsilon^{3}\right)$ in order to bring the root-mean squared error down to $\varepsilon>0$. We will see that multilevel Monte Carlo methods can reduce this cost to nearly $\mathcal{O}\left(1 / \varepsilon^{2}\right)$.

数学代写|统计计算作业代写Statistical Computing代考|Monte Carlo estimates


假设 $X=\left(X_{t}\right){t \in[0, T]}$ is given as the solution of an SDE and that we want to compute $\mathbb{E}(f(X))$. In order to estimate this quantity using Monte Carlo integration, we generate independent samples $X^{(n, 1)}, X^{(n, 2)}, \ldots, X^{(n, N)}$, using numerical approximations to $X$, obtained by repeatedly solving a discretised SDE with discretisation parameter $n$. Then we can use the approximation $$ \mathbb{E}(f(X)) \approx \frac{1}{N} \sum{j=1}^{N} f\left(X^{(n, j)}\right)=Z_{n, N}
Here we allow for the function $f$ to depend on the whole path of $X$ until time $T$. We can choose, for example,
f(X)=\sup {t \in[0, T]} X{t}


对于所有蒙特卡罗方法,结果的准确性和计算成本之间存在权衡。SDE 的 Monte Carlo 估计的一个显着特点是,结果不仅受 Monte Carlo 误差的影响,而且还受离散化误差的影响。


蒙特卡洛估计中的误差,例如6.28可以通过使用第 3.3 节中的方差减少技术来显着减少。
对立路径 通过使用以下事实,可以很容易地为 SDE 生成一对对立路径,如果乙是布朗运动,−乙也是布朗运动s和和一世和米米一种6.5:因此,使用布朗运动求解 SDE乙和乙′=−乙产生两条路径X和X′SDE 的。自从乙吨和乙吨′负相关,通常X吨和X吨′也将是负相关的所有吨∈[0,吨].


到目前为止,我们讨论的方差减少方法是第 1 节中的一般方法的应用。3.3估计 SDE 路径的期望问题。相比之下,本节其余部分讨论的多级蒙特卡罗方法特定于涉及离散化误差的情况。

多级蒙特卡罗方法通过巧妙地平衡离散化误差和蒙特卡罗误差的影响,使我们能够减少计算具有给定误差水平的估计所需的计算成本。让X是 SDE 的解并让e>0. 在等式中6.34我们已经看到,基本的蒙特卡罗估计和(F(X吨))需要计算订单成本○(1/e3)为了将均方根误差降低到e>0. 我们将看到多级蒙特卡洛方法可以将这个成本降低到几乎○(1/e2).

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