经济代写|计量经济学代写Econometrics代考|Properties of Algebras and Sigma-Algebras

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经济代写|计量经济学代写Econometrics代考|Properties of Algebras and Sigma-Algebras

经济代写|计量经济学代写Econometrics代考|General Properties

In this section I will review the most important results regarding algebras, $\sigma-$ algebras, and probability measures.
Our first result is trivial:
Theorem 1.1: If an algebra contains only a finite number of sets, then it is a $\sigma$-algebra. Consequently, an algebra of subsets of a finite set $\Omega$ is a $\sigma$-algebra.
However, an algebra of subsets of an infinite set $\Omega$ is not necessarily a $\sigma$ algebra. A counterexample is the collection $\mathscr{F}{}$ of all subsets of $\Omega=(0,1]$ of the type $(a, b]$, where $a{}$ is an algebra. Next, let $p_{n}=\left[10^{n} \pi\right] / 10^{n}$ and $a_{n}=1 / p_{n}$, where $[x]$ means truncation to the nearest integer $\leq x$. Note that $p_{n} \uparrow \pi$; hence, $a_{n} \downarrow \pi^{-1}$ as $n \rightarrow \infty$. Then, for $n=1,2,3, \ldots,\left(a_{n}, 1\right] \in \mathscr{F}{}$, but $\cup{n=1}^{\infty}\left(a_{n}, 1\right]=\left(\pi^{-1}, 1\right] \notin \mathscr{F}{}$ because $\pi^{-1}$ is irrational. Thus, $\mathscr{F}{*}$ is not a $\sigma$-algebra.

Theorem 1.2: If $\mathscr{F}$ is an algebra, then $A, B \in \mathscr{F}$ implies $A \cap B \in \mathscr{F}$; hence, by induction, $A_{j} \in \mathscr{F}$ for $j=1, \ldots, n<\infty$ implies $\cap_{j=1}^{n} A_{j} \in \mathscr{F}$. A collection $\mathscr{F}$ of subsets of a nonempty set $\Omega$ is an algebra if it satisfies condition (1.5) and the condition that, for any pair $A, B \in \mathscr{F}, A \cap B \in \mathscr{F}$.

经济代写|计量经济学代写Econometrics代考|Borel Sets

An important special case of Definition $1.4$ is where $\Omega=\mathbb{R}$ and $\boldsymbol{c}$ is the collection of all open intervals:
\boldsymbol{c}={(a, b): \forall a<b, a, b \in \mathbb{R}}
Definition 1.5: The $\sigma$-algebra generated by the collection (1.18) of all open intervals in $\mathbb{R}$ is called the Euclidean Borel field, denoted by $\boldsymbol{B}$, and its members are called the Borel sets.

Note, however, that $\mathcal{B}$ can be defined in different ways because the $\sigma$-algebras generated by the collections of open intervals, closed intervals ${[a, b]: \forall a \leq$ $b, a, b \in \mathbb{R}}$ and half-open intervals ${(-\infty, a]: \forall a \in \mathbb{R}}$, respectively, are all the same! We show this for one case only:
Theorem 1.6: $\mathcal{B}=\sigma({(-\infty, a]: \forall a \in \mathbb{R}})$
Proof: Let
\boldsymbol{\sigma}{}={(-\infty, a]: \forall a \in \mathbb{R}} . $$ is a $\sigma$-algebra containing $\boldsymbol{\sigma}$. But $\boldsymbol{B}=\sigma(\boldsymbol{\sigma})$ is the smallest $\sigma$-algebra containing $\boldsymbol{\varsigma}$; hence, $\boldsymbol{B}=\sigma(\boldsymbol{\sigma}) \subset \sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\sigma}{}\right)$.

To prove this, construct an arbitrary set $(a, b)$ in $(6$ out of countable unions or complements of sets in $\boldsymbol{c}{}$, or both, as follows: Let $A=$ $(-\infty, a]$ and $B=(-\infty, b]$, where $a{}$; hence, $A, \tilde{B} \in \sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\varsigma}{}\right)$, and thus $$ \sim(a, b]=(-\infty, a] \cup(b, \infty)=A \cup \tilde{B} \in \sigma\left(\boldsymbol{c}{}\right)
This implies that $\sigma\left(\boldsymbol{c}{}\right)$ contains all sets of the type $(a, b]$; hence, $(a, b)=$ $\cup{n=1}^{\infty}(a, b-(b-a) / n] \in \sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\varsigma}{}\right)$. Thus, $\boldsymbol{c} \subset \sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\varsigma}{}\right)$. (b) If the collection $\boldsymbol{\sigma}{}$ defined by (1.19) is contained in $\boldsymbol{B}=\sigma(\boldsymbol{\sigma})$, then $\sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\sigma}^{}\right)$ is a $\sigma$-algebra containing $\boldsymbol{\sigma}{}$. But $\sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\sigma}{}\right)$ is the smallest $\sigma$-algebra containing $\boldsymbol{\varsigma}{}$; hence, $\sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\varsigma}_{*}\right) \subset \sigma(\boldsymbol{\varsigma})=\boldsymbol{\mathcal { B }}$.

To prove the latter, observe that, for $m=1,2, \ldots, A_{m}=\cup_{n=1}^{\infty}(a-$ $\left.n, a+m^{-1}\right)$ is a countable union of sets in (๘; hence, $\tilde{A}{m} \in \sigma(\boldsymbol{6})$, and consequently $(-\infty, a]=\cap{m=1}^{\infty} A_{m}=\sim\left(\cup_{m=1}^{\infty} \tilde{A}{m}\right) \in \sigma(\boldsymbol{\varsigma})$. Thus, $\boldsymbol{c}{*} \subset \sigma(\boldsymbol{c})=\mathbf{J}$.

We have shown now that $\boldsymbol{B}=\sigma(\boldsymbol{6}) \subset \sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\varsigma}{}\right)$ and $\sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\varsigma}{}\right) \subset \sigma(\boldsymbol{6})=\boldsymbol{B}$. Thus, $\boldsymbol{J}$ and $\sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{*}\right)$ are the same. Q.E.D. ${ }^{8}$

经济代写|计量经济学代写Econometrics代考|Properties of Algebras and Sigma-Algebras



定理 1.1:如果一个代数只包含有限数量的集合,那么它是σ-代数。因此,有限集子集的代数Ω是一个σ-代数。
然而,一个无限集的子集的代数Ω不一定是σ代数。一个反例是集合 $\mathscr{F}{}$ of all subsets of $\Omega=(0,1]$ of the type $(a, b]$, where $a{}$ is an algebra. Next, let $p_{n}=\left[10^{n} \pi\right] / 10^{n}$ and $a_{n}=1 / p_{n}$, where $[x]$ means truncation to the nearest integer $\leq x$. Note that $p_{n} \uparrow \pi$; hence, $a_{n} \downarrow \pi^{-1}$ as $n \rightarrow \infty$. Then, for $n=1,2,3, \ldots,\left(a_{n}, 1\right] \in \mathscr{F}{}$, but $\cup{n=1}^{\infty}\left(a_{n}, 1\right]=\left(\pi^{-1}, 1\right] \notin \mathscr{F}{}$ because $\pi^{-1}$ is irrational. Thus, $\mathscr{F}{*}$ is not a $\sigma$-algebra.

定理 1.2:如果F是代数,那么一种,乙∈F暗示一种∩乙∈F; 因此,通过归纳,一种j∈F为了j=1,…,n<∞暗示∩j=1n一种j∈F. 一个集合F非空集的子集Ω是一个代数,如果它满足条件1.5并且条件是,对于任何一对一种,乙∈F,一种∩乙∈F.


定义 1.5:σ- 集合生成的代数1.18在所有开区间中R称为欧几里得波雷尔场,记为乙,其成员称为 Borel 集。

但是请注意,乙可以用不同的方式定义,因为σ- 由开区间、闭区间的集合生成的代数[一种,b]:∀一种≤$$b,一种,b∈R和半开区间(−∞,一种]:∀一种∈R,分别都是一样的!我们仅针对一种情况展示这一点:
定理 1.6:乙=σ((−∞,一种]:∀一种∈R)
\boldsymbol{\sigma} {}={-\infty, a]: \forall a \in \mathbb{R}} 。$$ 是一个包含 $\boldsymbol{\sigma}$ 的 $\sigma$-代数。但是 $\boldsymbol{B}=\sigma(\boldsymbol{\sigma}-\infty, a]: \forall a \in \mathbb{R}} 。$$ 是一个包含 $\boldsymbol{\sigma}$ 的 $\sigma$-代数。但是 $\boldsymbol{B}=\sigma(\boldsymbol{\sigma}一世s吨H和s米一种ll和s吨\西格玛−一种lG和br一种C这n吨一种一世n一世nG\boldsymbol{\varsigma};H和nC和,\boldsymbol{B}=\sigmaσ\subset \sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\sigma}{ }\right)$。

为了证明这一点,构造一个任意集合(一种,b)(6$ out of countable unions or complements of sets in $\boldsymbol{c}{}$, or both, as follows: Let $A=$ $(-\infty, a]$ and $B=(-\infty, b]$, where $a{}$; hence, $A, \tilde{B} \in \sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\varsigma}{}\right)$, and thus $$ \sim(a, b]=(-\infty, a] \cup(b, \infty)=A \cup \tilde{B} \in \sigma\left(\boldsymbol{c}{}\right)
This implies that $\sigma\left(\boldsymbol{c}{}\right)$ contains all sets of the type $(a, b]$; hence, $(a, b)=$ $\cup{n=1}^{\infty}(a, b-(b-a) / n] \in \sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\varsigma}{}\right)$. Thus, $\boldsymbol{c} \subset \sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\varsigma}{}\right)$. (b) If the collection $\boldsymbol{\sigma}{}$ defined by (1.19) is contained in $\boldsymbol{B}=\sigma(\boldsymbol{\sigma})$, then $\sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\sigma}^{}\right)$ is a $\sigma$-algebra containing $\boldsymbol{\sigma}{}$. But $\sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\sigma}{}\right)$ is the smallest $\sigma$-algebra containing $\boldsymbol{\varsigma}{}$; hence, $\sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\varsigma}_{*}\right) \subset \sigma(\boldsymbol{\varsigma})=\boldsymbol{\mathcal { B }}$.

为了证明后者,观察到,对于米=1,2,…,一种米=∪n=1∞(一种− n,一种+米−1)是 (๘) 中集合的可数并集;因此,$\tilde{A} {m} \in \sigma6,一种ndC这ns和q在和n吨l是(-\infty, a]=\cap {m=1}^{\infty} A_{m}=\sim\left(\cup_{m=1}^{\infty} \tilde{A} {m} \right) \in \sigmaε.吨H在s,\boldsymbol{c} {*} \subset \sigmaC= \ mathbf {J} $。

我们现在已经证明l{6}) \subset \sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\varsigma}{}\right)$ and $\sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\varsigma}{}\right) \subset \sigma(\boldsymbol{6})=\boldsymbol{B}$. Thus, $\boldsymbol{J}$ and $\sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{*}\right)$ are the same. Q.E.D. ${ }^{8}$


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