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信号代写|数字信号处理作业代写digital signal process代考|Digital Audio Interfaces

如果你也在 怎样代写数字信号处理digital signal process这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。数字信号处理digital signal process是指使用数字处理,如通过计算机或更专业的数字信号处理器,来进行各种信号处理操作。以这种方式处理的数字信号是一连串的数字,代表时间、空间或频率等领域中连续变量的样本。在数字电子学中,数字信号被表示为脉冲序列,它通常由晶体管的开关产生。

数字信号处理digital signal process和模拟信号处理是信号处理的子领域。DSP的应用包括音频和语音处理、声纳、雷达和其他传感器阵列处理、频谱密度估计、统计信号处理、数字图像处理、数据压缩、视频编码、音频编码、图像压缩、电信的信号处理、控制系统、生物医学工程和地震学等。

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信号代写|数字信号处理作业代写digital signal process代考|Digital Audio Interfaces

信号代写|数字信号处理作业代写digital signal process代考|Two-channel AES/EBU Interface

For the two-channel AES/EBU interface, professional and consumer modes are defined. The outer frame is identical for both modes and is shown in Fig. 4.3. For a sampling period a frame is defined so that it consists of two subframes, for channel 1 with preamble X, and for channel 2 with preamble Y. A total of 192 frames form a block, and the block start is characterized by a special preamble $Z$. The bit allocation of a subframe consists of 32 bits as in Fig. 4.4. The preamble consists of 4 bits (bit $0, \ldots, 3$ ) and the audio data of up to 24 bits (bit $4, \ldots, 27$ ). The last four bits of the subframe characterize $V$ alidity (validity of data word or error), User Status (usable bit), Channel Status (from 192 bits/block $=24$ bytes coded status information for the channel) and Parity (even parity). The transmission of the serial data bits is carried out with a biphase code. This is done with the help of an XOR relationship between clock (of double bit rate) and the serial data bits (Fig. 4.5). At the receiver, clock retrieval is achieved by detecting the preamble $(X=11100010$, $\mathrm{Y}=11100100, \mathrm{Z}=11101000$ ) as it violates the coding rule (see Fig. 4.6). The meaning of the 24 bytes for channel status information is summarized in Table 4.4. An exact bit allocation of the first three important bytes of this channel status information is presented in Fig. 4.7. In the individual fields of byte 0 , preemphasis and sampling rate are specified besides professional/consumer modes and the characterization of data/audio (see Tables $4.5$ and 4.6). Byte 1 determines the channel mode (Table 4.7). The consumer format (often labeled SPDIF = Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format) differs from the professional format in the definition of the channel status information and the technical specifications for inputs and outputs. The bit allocation for the first four bits of the channel information is shown in Fig. 4.8. For consumer applications, two-wired leads with RCA connectors are used. The inputs and outputs are asymmetrical. Also, optical connectors exist. For professional use, shielded two-wired leads with XLR connectors and symmetrical inputs and outputs (professional format) are used. Table $4.8$ shows the electrical specifications for professional AES/EBU interfaces.

信号代写|数字信号处理作业代写digital signal process代考|MADI Interface

For connecting an audio processing system at different locations, a MADI interface (Multichannel Audio Digital Interface) is used. A system link by MADI is presented in Fig. 4.9. Analog/digital I/O systems consisting of AD/DA converters, AES/EBU interfaces (AES) and sampling rate converters (SRC) are connected to digital distribution systems with bi-directional MADI links. The actual audio signal processing is performed in special DSP systems which are connected to the digital distribution systems by MADI links. The frame consists of $56 \mathrm{AES} / \mathrm{EBU}$ subframes. Each channel has a preamble containing the information shown in Fig. 4.10. The bit 0 is responsible for identifying the first MADI channel (MADI Channel 0). Table $4.9$ shows the sampling rates and the corresponding data transfer rates. The maximum data rate of $96.768 \mathrm{Mbit} / \mathrm{s}$ is required at sampling rate of $48 \mathrm{kHz}+12.5 \%$. Data transmission is done by FDDI techniques $(F$ iber $D$ istributed $D i g i t a l$ Interface). The transmission rate of $125 \mathrm{Mbit} / \mathrm{s}$ is implemented with special TAXI chips. The transmission for a coaxial cable is already specified (see Table 4.10). The optical transmission medium for audio applications is not yet defined.

信号代写|数字信号处理作业代写digital signal process代考|Digital Audio Interfaces



对于双通道 AES/EBU 接口,定义了专业和消费模式。两种模式的外框是相同的,如图 4.3 所示。对于一个采样周期,一个帧被定义为由两个子帧组成,通道 1 带有前导码 X,通道 2 带有前导码 Y。总共 192 帧形成一个块,块开始的特征是一个特殊的前导码从. 一个子帧的比特分配由 32 个比特组成,如图 4.4 所示。前导码由 4 位组成b一世吨$0,…,3$以及高达 24 位的音频数据b一世吨$4,…,27$. 子帧的最后四位表征在一致性在一种l一世d一世吨是这Fd一种吨一种在这rd这r和rr这r, 用户状态在s一种bl和b一世吨, 频道状态Fr这米192b一世吨s/bl这Cķ$=24$b是吨和sC这d和ds吨一种吨在s一世nF这r米一种吨一世这nF这r吨H和CH一种nn和l和奇偶校验和在和np一种r一世吨是. 串行数据位的传输是通过双相码进行的。这是在时钟之间的异或关系的帮助下完成的这Fd这在bl和b一世吨r一种吨和和串行数据位F一世G.4.5. 在接收端,通过检测前导码来实现时钟检索(X=11100010, 是=11100100,从=11101000) 因为它违反了编码规则s和和F一世G.4.6. 表 4.4 总结了 24 个字节的通道状态信息的含义。该通道状态信息的前三个重要字节的精确位分配如图 4.7 所示。在字节 0 的各个字段中,除了专业/消费模式和数据/音频的表征外,还指定了预加重和采样率s和和吨一种bl和s$4.5$一种nd4.6. 字节 1 确定通道模式吨一种bl和4.7. 消费形式这F吨和nl一种b和l和d小号磷D一世F=小号这n是/磷H一世l一世psD一世G一世吨一种l一世n吨和rF一种C和F这r米一种吨通道状态信息的定义和输入输出的技术规范与专业格式不同。信道信息前四位的位分配如图 4.8 所示。对于消费类应用,使用带有 RCA 连接器的两线导线。输入和输出是不对称的。此外,还存在光连接器。用于专业用途,带有 XLR 连接器和对称输入和输出的屏蔽两线制导线pr这F和ss一世这n一种lF这r米一种吨被使用。桌子4.8显示专业 AES/EBU 接口的电气规格。


为了连接不同位置的音频处理系统,一个 MADI 接口米在l吨一世CH一种nn和l一种在d一世这D一世G一世吨一种l一世n吨和rF一种C和用来。MADI 的系统链接如图 4.9 所示。由 AD/DA 转换器、AES/EBU 接口组成的模拟/数字 I/O 系统一种和小号和采样率转换器小号RC通过双向 MADI 链路连接到数字分配系统。实际的音频信号处理是在特殊的 DSP 系统中执行的,这些系统通过 MADI 链接连接到数字分配系统。框架包括56一种和小号/和乙在子帧。每个通道都有一个包含图 4.10 所示信息的前导码。位 0 负责识别第一个 MADI 通道米一种D一世CH一种nn和l0. 桌子4.9显示采样率和相应的数据传输率。最大数据速率96.768米b一世吨/s需要在采样率48ķH和+12.5%. 数据传输由FDDI技术完成(F伊伯尔D分布式D一世G一世吨一种l界面)。的传输速率125米b一世吨/s使用特殊的 TAXI 芯片实现。同轴电缆的传输已经指定s和和吨一种bl和4.10. 音频应用的光传输介质尚未定义。

信号代写|数字信号处理作业代写digital signal process代考

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