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物理代写|粒子物理学作业代写Nuclear and Particle Physics代考|Particle interactions

如果你也在 怎样代写粒子物理学Nuclear and Particle Physics这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。粒子物理学Nuclear and Particle Physics是研究原子核、它们的组成以及将它们联系在一起的相互作用。原子核是原子中心的巨大核心,由质子和中子(强子)组成,决定了元素的特性和同位素,以及一些放射性过程。核子构成了我们周围大部分可见的质量,对恒星的内部运作、化学元素的起源和早期宇宙至关重要。强子本身是由被称为夸克和胶子的更基本的粒子组成的,它们的相互作用导致了强核力,它提供了将质子和中子相互靠近的约束力。这在量子色动力学(QCD)理论中得到了数学描述。核物理学在医学、军事、材料工程、工业、生物学、地质学和考古学方面有许多重要应用。

粒子物理学Nuclear and Particle Physics从核物理学发展而来,是对物质、辐射及其相互作用的基本组成部分的研究。基本粒子不仅包括强子,还包括轻子,如电子和中微子。力的载体是光子、胶子、W和Z玻色子。基本粒子标准模型以令人震惊的精确方式描述了宇宙中的物质力量(即电磁力、强核力和弱核力)。另一方面,爱因斯坦的广义相对论只解释了宏观物质的引力(第四力),而没有在量子层面上解释。基本粒子的标准模型并不能充分解释量子引力。

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物理代写|粒子物理学作业代写Nuclear and Particle Physics代考|Particle interactions

物理代写|粒子物理学作业代写Nuclear and Particle Physics代考|Decay

If a particle can decay to other particles then it will. Therefore, most particles in the Standard Model are unstable. There are often different allowed decay modes and the rate of each decay mode depends on the strength of the interaction. The strong force is the strongest and therefore the decays will be fastest. The weak force is the weakest and therefore decays will be slowest. There are a few stable particles, that cannot decay due to conservation laws, e.g. the conservation of energy, momentum and electric charge. There are other conservation laws that will be discussed throughout this course. ${ }^{1}$

The stable particles are the electron, the positron, the lightest neutrino and the photon. Quarks and gluons are never found in isolation, but are bound into states known as hadrons (more on this in the module on “Strong interactions” later in the course). As far as we know, the proton is the only stable hadron.

The following conservation rules ensure that these particles are stable (and limit the possible decay channels of the other particles):

  • Conservation of energy and momentum ensure that a particle must always decay to two or more particles and the mass of the decaying particle must exceed the sum of the masses of the particles produced in the decay. This is simple to see by considering the decay of a particle in its rest frame. The total energy before the decay is the rest-mass energy of the particle and the total momentum is zero. In order to conserve energy the sum of the energies of the produced particles must be equal to the rest mass of the decaying particle. In order to conserve momentum, the sum of the particle momenta must be zero. There must be more than one particle in the decay so that their momenta can cancel to zero. If only one particle were produced it would have to be at rest to conserve energy. But in this case it must have exactly the same mass as the decaying particle. If this process is possible then the reverse is also possible, and the particles could each decay into each other and they would keep switching between each other. This is not a decay at all but a mixing of two particles. If the mass of a single produced particle is less than the decaying particle it would need to be moving so that energy can be conserved. However it is not possible to conserve momentum in this case. If the sum of the masses of the produced particles is exactly the mass of the decaying particle, they would be produced at rest. Otherwise the sum of the masses must be less than the mass of the decaying particle and some energy in the final state comes from the kinetic energy.
  • Conservation of electric charge means that the sum of electric charges before an interaction must equal the sum after an interaction. Therefore the decay products of a charged particle must include at least one charged particle. Since the electron is the lightest charged particle it is stable.There are other conservation laws to be discussed later in this course that explain the stability of the proton and lightest neutrino and the allowed decay channels of all other particle decays.

物理代写|粒子物理学作业代写Nuclear and Particle Physics代考|Scattering

Particles interact with each other either via elastic scattering (where the initial and final state particles are the same) or via inelastic scattering (where the initial and final state particles are different). Which processes are allowed is governed by the conservation laws introduced in Section 1.4.1 (some of which are discussed later in the course). An example of elastic scattering is $e^{+}+e^{-} \rightarrow e^{+}+e^{-}$. An example of inelastic scattering is $e^{+}+e^{-} \rightarrow \mu^{+}+\mu^{-}$. Particles interact by the exchange of other particles, which act as intermediate particles in the interaction. In elastic scattering, momentum is transferred from one particle to another by the exchange of a boson. In inelastic scattering as well as the momentum transfer, the particle types change.

物理代写|粒子物理学作业代写NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS代考|Feynman Diagrams

Particle decay and scattering interactions can be represented by Feynman diagrams. They are extremely useful tools that help us to visualise and aid in the calculation of the cross section of any process. Figure $1.2($ a) shows an example of a simple Feynman diagram describing the elastic scattering of two electrons. The convention in this course is to have time running from left-to-right (some authors use bottom-to-top), so in this diagram there are two incoming electrons. The bottom electron emits a photon which is subsequently absorbed by the top electron. This exchange of a photon causes the momenta of the electrons to change. A very similar process is shown in Figure $1.2(\mathrm{~b})$, where the photon is emitted from the top electron and absorbed by the bottom one. The Feynman diagram in Figure 1.2(c) depicts the sum of the other two figures. It is convention to draw Feynman diagrams like Figure 1.2(c) to represent both time-orderings of the process. In these diagrams the incoming and outgoing particles are real particles, and the intermediate particles are virtual particles (more on virtual particles later). Feynman diagrams in electromagnetism all involve photons and electrically charged particles. Concentrating on electrons and positrons for now:

  • Figure $1.3$ shows the elastic scattering $e^{+}+e^{+} \rightarrow e^{+}+e^{+}$. Note the direction of arrows has changed with respect to Figure $1.2(\mathrm{c})$. This is because the arrow directions do not indicate the direction of motion, but rather they denote particles flowing in the direction of time and antiparticles flowing opposite to the direction of time (see Section 1.1.4 where the idea of antiparticles being particles travelling backwards in time was introduced).
  • Figure $1.4$ shows the two Feynman diagrams for the elastic scattering $e^{+}+e^{-} \rightarrow e^{+}+e^{-}$. There is now an additional diagram that would not have been allowed for the processes with two same-sign charged particles in the initial and final states, because charge must be conserved at each vertex.
  • Figure $1.5$ shows the Feynman diagram for the inelastic scattering process $e^{+}+e^{-} \rightarrow \gamma \gamma$.
    Each vertex (point where the particle lines come together) in the above diagrams represent the coupling of a photon to the charge of the electron/positron, and the coupling is proportional to $e$. The probability of the process occurring is proportional to $e^{2 n}$ where $n$ is the number of vertices in the diagram. In all the diagrams in the above figures, $n=2$. These are all examples of the lowest-order diagram for a particular process. For each diagram, it is also possible for the same process to occur in much more complicated ways. As an example Figure 1.6 shows the $e^{-}+e^{-} \rightarrow e^{-}+e^{-}$process with additional intermediate particles. In this diagram you can see there are four vertices, so the probability is proportional to $e^{8}$.

Inspecting a Feynman diagram gives a good indication on whether the process is allowed or forbidden as each vertex must obey conservation laws.

物理代写|粒子物理学作业代写Nuclear and Particle Physics代考|Particle interactions

粒子物理代写particle physics



稳定的粒子是电子、正电子、最轻的中微子和光子。夸克和胶子从来不是孤立存在的,而是被束缚在称为强子的状态中米这r和这n吨H一世s一世n吨H和米这d在l和这n“小号吨r这nG一世n吨和r一种C吨一世这ns”l一种吨和r一世n吨H和C这在rs和. 据我们所知,质子是唯一稳定的强子。


  • 能量和动量守恒确保一个粒子必须始终衰变为两个或多个粒子,并且衰变粒子的质量必须超过衰变中产生的粒子质量的总和。通过考虑粒子在其静止帧中的衰变很容易看出这一点。衰变前的总能量是粒子的静止质量能量,总动量为零。为了保存能量,产生的粒子的能量之和必须等于衰变粒子的静止质量。为了保持动量,粒子动量之和必须为零。衰变中必须有不止一个粒子,这样它们的动量才能抵消为零。如果只产生一个粒子,它就必须处于静止状态才能保存能量。但在这种情况下,它必须具有与衰变粒子完全相同的质量。如果这个过程是可能的,那么相反的过程也是可能的,粒子可以相互衰变,并且它们会不断在彼此之间切换。这根本不是衰变,而是两个粒子的混合。如果单个产生的粒子的质量小于衰变粒子,则它需要移动,以便能量守恒。然而,在这种情况下不可能保存动量。如果产生的粒子的质量之和恰好是衰变粒子的质量,那么它们将在静止状态下产生。否则质量之和必须小于衰变粒子的质量,最终状态的一些能量来自动能。粒子可以相互衰变,并且它们会不断在彼此之间切换。这根本不是衰变,而是两个粒子的混合。如果单个产生的粒子的质量小于衰变粒子,则它需要移动,以便能量守恒。然而,在这种情况下不可能保存动量。如果产生的粒子的质量之和恰好是衰变粒子的质量,那么它们将在静止状态下产生。否则质量之和必须小于衰变粒子的质量,最终状态的一些能量来自动能。粒子可以相互衰变,并且它们会不断在彼此之间切换。这根本不是衰变,而是两个粒子的混合。如果单个产生的粒子的质量小于衰变粒子,则它需要移动,以便能量守恒。然而,在这种情况下不可能保存动量。如果产生的粒子的质量之和恰好是衰变粒子的质量,那么它们将在静止状态下产生。否则质量之和必须小于衰变粒子的质量,最终状态的一些能量来自动能。如果单个产生的粒子的质量小于衰变粒子,则它需要移动,以便能量守恒。然而,在这种情况下不可能保存动量。如果产生的粒子的质量之和恰好是衰变粒子的质量,那么它们将在静止状态下产生。否则质量之和必须小于衰变粒子的质量,最终状态的一些能量来自动能。如果单个产生的粒子的质量小于衰变粒子,则它需要移动,以便能量守恒。然而,在这种情况下不可能保存动量。如果产生的粒子的质量之和恰好是衰变粒子的质量,那么它们将在静止状态下产生。否则质量之和必须小于衰变粒子的质量,最终状态的一些能量来自动能。
  • 电荷守恒是指相互作用前的电荷总和必须等于相互作用后的总和。因此,带电粒子的衰变产物必须包括至少一种带电粒子。由于电子是最轻的带电粒子,因此它是稳定的。本课程稍后将讨论其他守恒定律,以解释质子和最轻的中微子的稳定性以及所有其他粒子衰变的允许衰变通道。


粒子通过弹性散射相互作用在H和r和吨H和一世n一世吨一世一种l一种ndF一世n一种ls吨一种吨和p一种r吨一世Cl和s一种r和吨H和s一种米和或通过非弹性散射在H和r和吨H和一世n一世吨一世一种l一种ndF一世n一种ls吨一种吨和p一种r吨一世Cl和s一种r和d一世FF和r和n吨. 允许哪些过程受第 1.4.1 节中介绍的守恒定律约束s这米和这F在H一世CH一种r和d一世sC在ss和dl一种吨和r一世n吨H和C这在rs和. 弹性散射的一个例子是和++和−→和++和−. 非弹性散射的一个例子是和++和−→μ++μ−. 粒子通过交换其他粒子而相互作用,这些粒子在相互作用中充当中间粒子。在弹性散射中,动量通过玻色子的交换从一个粒子转移到另一个粒子。在非弹性散射以及动量传递中,粒子类型会发生变化。


粒子衰变和散射相互作用可以用费曼图表示。它们是非常有用的工具,可以帮助我们可视化并帮助计算任何过程的横截面。数字1.2(a) 显示了描述两个电子的弹性散射的简单费曼图示例。本课程的惯例是让时间从左到右运行s这米和一种在吨H这rs在s和b这吨吨这米−吨这−吨这p,所以在这个图中有两个进入的电子。底部电子发射一个光子,该光子随后被顶部电子吸收。光子的这种交换导致电子的动量发生变化。一个非常相似的过程如图所示1.2( b),其中光子从顶部电子发射并被底部电子吸收。图 1.2 中的费曼图C描绘了其他两个数字的总和。绘制费曼图是惯例,如图 1.2C来表示过程的两个时间顺序。在这些图中,传入和传出粒子是实粒子,中间粒子是虚粒子米这r和这n在一世r吨在一种lp一种r吨一世Cl和sl一种吨和r. 电磁学中的费曼图都涉及光子和带电粒子。现在专注于电子和正电子:

  • 数字1.3显示弹性散射和++和+→和++和+. 注意箭头的方向相对于图已经改变1.2(C). 这是因为箭头方向并不表示运动的方向,而是表示粒子在时间方向上流动,反粒子在时间方向上流动s和和小号和C吨一世这n1.1.4在H和r和吨H和一世d和一种这F一种n吨一世p一种r吨一世Cl和sb和一世nGp一种r吨一世Cl和s吨r一种在和ll一世nGb一种Cķ在一种rds一世n吨一世米和在一种s一世n吨r这d在C和d.
  • 数字1.4显示了弹性散射的两个费曼图和++和−→和++和−. 现在有一个附加图,对于在初始和最终状态具有两个相同符号带电粒子的过程是不允许的,因为在每个顶点处必须保持电荷。
  • 数字1.5显示非弹性散射过程的费曼图和++和−→CC.
    每个顶点p这一世n吨在H和r和吨H和p一种r吨一世Cl和l一世n和sC这米和吨这G和吨H和r上图中表示光子与电子/正电子电荷的耦合,耦合与和. 过程发生的概率与和2n在哪里n是图中的顶点数。在上图中的所有图表中,n=2. 这些都是特定过程的最低阶图的示例。对于每个图表,相同的过程也可能以更复杂的方式发生。例如,图 1.6 显示了和−+和−→和−+和−使用额外的中间粒子进行处理。在此图中,您可以看到有四个顶点,因此概率与和8.


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