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金融代写|公司财务和评估代写Corporate Finance代考|Risk and Return

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公司财务和评估代写Corporate Finance公司财务包括两个主要的分支学科。引用资本预算涉及到设定标准,以确定哪些增值项目应该获得投资资金,以及是用股权还是债务资本为该投资融资。营运资金管理是对公司货币资金的管理,涉及流动资产和流动负债的短期经营平衡;这里的重点是管理现金、存货和短期借贷(如提供给客户的信贷条件)。

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金融代写|公司财务和评估代写Corporate Finance代考|Risk and Return

金融代写|公司财务和评估代写Corporate Finance代考|Kinds of Risk

Broadly speaking, there are three kinds of risk faced by investors.
Price/Market Risk
Price risk, also termed market risk, is the risk of a change in the price of a security. An investor invests in a security hoping that the price of the security will go up, providing him handsome capital gains. At times, however, the price may go down and the investor suffers a capital loss.
Price risk is an integral part of investment and is usually measured by the volatility in prices. Higher the dispersion of returns around the average, higher is the risk. As we know, there is a direct correlation between risk and return. Riskier securities usually offer higher returns, while safer securities provide lower return.
Acquisition Risk
Tata Steel Ltd acquired Corus, a United Kingdom (UK)-based steel company, in 2006 for US\$12.9 billion to gain a foothold in international markets. The markets collapsed soon after, and the company had to write off US\$2.9 billion value until 2016. The impairment in its value is likely to continue and further write-offs are expected.

金融代写|公司财务和评估代写Corporate Finance代考|Investment Risk

We have defined risk as the possibility of more than one outcome for any action we take. More varied the outcomes, greater is the risk.

Similarly, investment risk refers to more than one possible return on an investment. Greater the spread of returns, higher is the risk. On the other hand, if the possible returns are more closely bunched around the average, the risk is low.

Let us look at the impact of risk on investment decisions. You have a few rupees saved and your thoughts obviously turn to government bonds since they are considered to be a safe security. With its ability to raise taxes and print currency, the government is not expected to default on its obligations. (It is another matter that despite being free of any possibility of default, even government bonds carry risk-price risk and the risk of reinvestment). Currently, government bonds yield 7 per cent. Adjusted for an expected inflation of 5 per cent, this does not leave much in terms of real return for the investors.

You learn that corporate bonds provide a return which is higher than the return on government bonds. You look up the credit rating of different companies and decide to play it safe by investing in bonds issued by Rural Electrification Ltd with an AAA rating, implying the highest possible safety. Instead of the 7 per cent returns provided by the government bonds, you are now able to obtain 200 basis points higher at 9 per cent.

This whets your appetite for more and you do not mind taking a little higher risk by investing in bonds of Rama Shyam Papers Ltd, with a BB rating. The return available now is 13 per cent. As you take a greater risk, the returns are usually higher.

Finally, you decide to test the stock markets, exposing your investment to even higher risk. Stocks in India have yielded a little over 15 per cent per annum between 30 March 2002 and 31 March 2017. At the same time, they also carry a higher risk. Given at the beginning of this chapter is an estimate of the returns on the US stocks over an 92-year period. The Indian stocks data over such long periods is neither available nor reliable, but if we look at the data since the time the Sensex figures are available from 1979 onwards, it shows considerably higher return than other financial instruments, along with a significantly higher risk.

Investment in government securities carries no default risk. Any other investment avenue has an element of risk attached and must provide returns higher than the risk-free rate given by the government securities. The difference between the return on the risk-free security and the return on a risky investment is the risk premium (or the higher return over and above the risk-free rate). The premium is solely due to the risk of the investment.

金融代写|公司财务和评估代写CORPORATE FINANCE代考|Inflation Risk or Purchasing Power Risk

One of the greatest sources of risk throughout history has been the risk of inflation or the sustained increase in prices of goods and services. During periods of high inflation, workers demand a large increase in wages to compensate them for the rising prices. Anyone with a fixed income loses out during inflation.

Similarly, investors in bonds will experience a lower real return, that is, return adjusted for inflation. Investment in a 10 per cent bond yields a real return of 6 per cent when the inflation is 4 per cent. However, if the rate of inflation goes up to 7 per cent, the real return falls to 3 per cent.

Governments have at times issued bonds that guarantee a real rate of return. Usually called treasury inflation-protected securities, or TIPS, these bonds pay a nominal return which equals an assured real return plus the prevailing rate of inflation. The nominal return keeps changing in line with the changing rate of inflation.

金融代写|公司金融代写|公司财务和评估代写Corporate Finance代考|Risk and Return



塔塔钢铁有限公司收购英国 Corus在ķ总部位于钢铁公司,2006年以129亿美元在国际市场站稳脚跟。不久之后市场崩盘,公司不得不在 2016 年之前注销29 亿美元的价值。其价值的减值可能会持续下去,预计还会有进一步的注销。




让我们看看风险对投资决策的影响。你存了一些卢比,你的想法显然转向了政府债券,因为它们被认为是一种安全的证券。凭借其提高税收和印刷货币的能力,预计政府不会拖欠其义务。一世吨一世s一种n这吨H和r米一种吨吨和r吨H一种吨d和sp一世吨和b和一世nGFr和和这F一种n是p这ss一世b一世l一世吨是这Fd和F一种在l吨,和在和nG这在和rn米和n吨b这ndsC一种rr是r一世sķ−pr一世C和r一世sķ一种nd吨H和r一世sķ这Fr和一世n在和s吨米和n吨. 目前,政府债券收益率为 7%。根据 5% 的预期通胀率进行调整,这并没有给投资者带来多少实际回报。

您了解到公司债券提供的回报高于政府债券的回报。您查看不同公司的信用评级,并决定通过投资 Rural Electrification Ltd 发行的 AAA 级债券来保证安全,这意味着最高的安全性。与政府债券提供的 7% 回报不同,您现在可以获得 9% 的高 200 个基点。

这激起了您的兴趣,您不介意通过投资 Rama Shyam Papers Ltd 的债券来承担更高的风险,评级为 BB。现在可获得的回报率为 13%。当您承担更大的风险时,回报通常会更高。

最后,您决定测试股票市场,使您的投资面临更高的风险。在 2002 年 3 月 30 日至 2017 年 3 月 31 日期间,印度股票的年收益率略高于 15%。同时,它们也承担着更高的风险。本章开头给出的是对 92 年期间美国股票回报率的估计。如此长时间的印度股票数据既不可用也不可靠,但如果我们查看自 1979 年以来 Sensex 数据可用以来的数据,它显示出比其他金融工具高得多的回报,同时风险也显着增加。

投资政府证券不存在违约风险。任何其他投资途径都有附加的风险因素,并且必须提供高于政府证券给出的无风险利率的回报。无风险证券的收益与风险投资的收益之差就是风险溢价这r吨H和H一世GH和rr和吨在rn这在和r一种nd一种b这在和吨H和r一世sķ−Fr和和r一种吨和. 溢价完全是由于投资的风险。



同样,债券投资者的实际回报率也较低,即根据通货膨胀调整后的回报率。当通货膨胀率为 4% 时,投资 10% 的债券会产生 6% 的实际回报。然而,如果通货膨胀率上升到 7%,实际回报率会下降到 3%。

政府有时会发行保证实际回报率的债券。通常称为国债通胀保值证券或 TIPS,这些债券支付的名义回报等于有保证的实际回报加上现行通货膨胀率。名义回报随着通货膨胀率的变化而不断变化。

金融代写|公司财务和评估代写Corporate Finance代考


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