统计代写|统计推断代写Statistical inference代写|MTH412 The Calculus of Expectation

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统计推断Statistical inference结论是一个统计命题。一些常见的统计命题形式如下。一个点估计,即一个最接近某些感兴趣的参数的特定值。区间估计,例如置信区间(或集合估计),即使用从人群中抽取的数据集构建的区间,以便在对这些数据集进行重复抽样时,这些区间将包含真正的参数值,其概率为所述置信度。可信区间,即包含诸如95%的后验信念的一组数值。拒绝一个假设。将数据点聚类或分类为一组。

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统计代写|统计推断代写Statistical inference代写|MTH412 The Calculus of Expectation

统计代写|统计推断代写Statistical inference代写|The Calculus of Expectation

Montmort (1713) may have been the first to date the founding of the mathematical calculus of probability to the correspondence between Pascal and Fermat in 1654 . There is naturally some arbitrariness in the attribution, but, given the suddenness of the emergence of the calculus, perhaps a surprisingly small amount; in any case, the disputed aspects of the history are of little consequence here. The work done prior to that of Pascal and Fermat amounted to the enumeration of sets of outcomes in a few special gaming situations. Galileo, for example, had determined that there were 25 ways of throwing 9 with 3 dice and 27 ways of throwing 10 . (The date of his piece is unknown; it was not published until 1718 , but Galileo died in 1642.)

Pascal was consulted by Antoine Gombauld, ${ }^{9}$ the Chevalier de Méré, on several gambling problems, one of them the question of how many throws of two dice were required for at least an even chance of a double 6. Méré reasoned (as Cardano had) by proportions: In tossing one die, there are 6 outcomes, and 4 tosses are required for at least an even chance of a 6; hence, there being 36 outcomes with two dice, 24 trials should be required for at least an even chance of a double 6. As Weaver (1963) shows, the principle of proportionality to which he appealed works well enough when the probability of both events is small; but Pascal demonstrated, with calculations like Galileo’s that the chance of a double 6 in 24 throws was only about $0.491$, and $0.505$ for 25 throws. There has been considerable discussion whether the difference between $0.491$ and $0.505$ (or between $25 / 52$ and $27 / 52$ for Galileo’s problem) could have been detected by experience.

Pascal also took up the problem of how to divide the stakes between two players, when playing must be stopped at a point where one needs $n$ games to win and the other needs $m$, and he corresponded with Fermat over the solution to this and similar problems. The “problem of points,” or division of stakes, had obvious roots in commercial contracts and was very widely discussed. Sylla (2003) has surely identified a major source of contention in these discussions: Solutions could be based either on the respective numbers of games already won by the two players or on the number each still needed to win.
Historians of probability are accustomed to judging that only the probabilistic calculation that looks to the future is correct, while one that looks to the past is erroneous, but it makes more sense to consider the actual business situation of players of games of luck: looking to the past is reasonable if only the original players are involved. Looking to the future is appropriate if a new player is expected to buy into the game. Considerations of this sort governed the mathematics of business partnerships before they were applied to the “problem of points” in games. (p. 325)

统计代写|统计推断代写Statistical inference代写|Statistics

“Statistics” as a plural means to us simply numbers, or more particularly, numbers of things, and there is no acceptable synonym. That usage became standard during the 1830 s and 1840 s. It seems almost impossible now to talk about such numbers and numerical tables published before that time without using this anachronistic term. That all generations previous to the 1820 s managed to get by without it reveals dimly how different was the world they lived in-a world without suicide rates, unemployment figures, and intelligence quotients. (Porter, 1986, p. 11)
In its original use, statistics had nothing to do with numbers. The term is related, obviously, to the word state; and histories usually trace statistics to Gottfried Achenwall, who in 1752 used the (German) word Statistik to designate a branch of knowledge relating to statecraft, constitutional history, and the like. In 1798, according to K. Pearson (1978), Sir John Sinclair, in The Statistical Account of Scotland drawn up from the communications of the ministers of the different parishes, appropriated the term from the Gottingen school of Achenwall, to mean “an inquiry into the state of a country, for the purpose of ascertaining the quantum of happiness of its inhabitants, and the means of its future improvements” (quoted in Pearson, p. 9). A bitter dispute arose over the title of statistician. Ultimately, Sinclair’s usage prevailed, just because Achenwall’s Statistik split into political economy and political philosophy, leaving no adherents to carry the banner.

统计代写|统计推断代写Statistical inference代写|MTH412 The Calculus of Expectation



蒙墓特 17131654 年可能是迄今为止首次建立概率数学演算到 帕斯卡和费马之间的对应关系. 归因自然有一些随意性,但考虑到微积分出现的突然性,也许数量很 1)。无论如何,历史的有争议的方面在这里都无关紧要。在 Pascal 和 Fermat 之前所做的工作相当于列举了一些特殊游戏情况下的结果集。例如,伽利略已经确定有 25 种投掷 3 个刕子的方式 9 和 27 种投郑 10 的方式。 Thedateofhispieceisunknown; itwasnotpublisheduntil 1718 , but Galileodiedin 1642 .
Antoine Gombauld 次询了 Pascal, ${ }^{9}$ Chevalier de Méré,在几个赌博问题上,其中一个问题是需要掷多少次两个骰子才能至少获得双 6 的平均机会。 Méré 推理 asCardanohad按比例:掷一个骰子有 6 个结果,需要撞 4 次才能获得 6 的均等机会;因此,两个骰子有 36 个结果,至少需要 24 次试俭才能获得双 6 的均等机会。 As Weaver1963表明,当这两个事件的概率都很小时,他所呼吁的比例嫄则就可以䐚地拨挥作用; 但帕斯卡用伽利略的计算证明,在 24 次投掷中双 6 的机会只有大约 $0.491$ ,和 $0.50525$ 次投掷。已经有相当多的讨论是否 $0.491$ 和 $0.505$ orbetween $\$ 25 / 52 \$ a n d \$ 27 / 52 \$$ for Galileo’sproble $m \mathrm{~ 可 以 通 过 经 驯}$
帕斯卡还提出了如何在两名球员之间分配赌玨的问题,当比賽必须在一个人需要的地方停止时 $n$ 嬴得比赛和其他需求 $m \mathrm{~ , 他 与 费 马 就 这 个 问 题 和 类 似 问 题 的 解 ⿰}$ 行了通信。“点数问题”或利益分配问题明显源于商业合同,并被广泛讨论。西拉 2003 肯定在这些讨论中确定了一个主要的争论来源: 解诀方䅁可以其于两位杬家已经赢 得的各自比赛数量, 也可以其于每个人还需要詡得的比赛数量。
概率论的历史学家习惯于判断概率计算只有展望末来是正确的,而展望过去的概率计算是㳻误的,但考虑到运气游戏玩家的实际业务情兄更有意义: 期待如果只涉及原 始玩家,过去是合理的。如果预计新玩家会购买游戏,那/展望末来是合适的。在将商业伙伴关系应用于游戏中的“积分问题”之前,这种考虑支配了商业伙伴关系的数 学。 p. 325


作为复数形式的“统计”对我们来说只是数字,或者更具体地说,是事物的数量,并且没有可接受的同义词。这种用法在 1830 年代和 1840 年代成为标准。如果不使用这 个不合时宜的术语,现在似乎几乎不可能谈论在此之前发布的这些数字和数字表,1820年代之前的所有世代都设法在没有它的情兄下度过难关,这模楜地揭示了他们 生活的世界有多么不同一一个没有自杀率、失业率和智商的世界。Porter, 1986, p.11
在最初的用途中,统计与数字无关。显然,该术语与状态一词有关。历史通常将统计数据追湖到戈特弗里德阿亨沃尔,他在 1752 年使用 GermanStatistik 一词是指与 治国之道、宪法历史等相关的知识分支。 1798 年,根据K. Pearson 1978 , 约翰辛克莱爵士,在根据不同教区部长的通讯起草的苏格兰统计报告中,从阿亨沃尔的哥廷根 $\mathrm{~ 学 派 中 挪 用 了 这 个 词 , 意 思 是 “ 对 一 个 国 家 的 状 兄 进 行 调 查 , 目 的 是 确 定 其 居 民 的 幸 福 程 度 , 以 及 末 来 改 善 的 手 段 ” ~ q u o t e d i n P e a r s o n , ~ p . ~ 9 . ~ 关 于 统 计 学 家 的 头 铋}$ 激烈的争论。最终,辛克莱的用法占了上风,只是因为阿亨沃尔的《统计》分裂为政治经济学和政治哲学,没有留下任何追随者来扛旗。

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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

它有两个主要分支,微分和积分;微分涉及瞬时变化率和曲线的斜率,而积分涉及数量的累积,以及曲线下或曲线之间的面积。这两个分支通过微积分的基本定理相互联系,它们利用了无限序列和无限级数收敛到一个明确定义的极限的基本概念 。





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