物理代考|宇宙学代考Cosmology代考|PHY8003 Structure in the universe

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物理代考|宇宙学代考Cosmology代考|PHY8003 Structure in the universe

物理代考|宇宙学代考Cosmology代考|Structure in the universe

The existence of structure in the universe was known long before the detection of CMB anisotropies: various efforts to map out the distribution of galaxies in the local universe clearly showed that they are not distributed homogeneously. The number of galaxies and volume covered by such surveys has grown exponentially. Two surveys in particular broke new ground: the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS; Fig. 1.8) and the Two Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dF), which between them compiled the redshifts of, and hence the distances to, over a million galaxies. Projects over the ensuing decades have and will provide deeper and more detailed maps than these ground-breaking surveys, by orders of magnitude.

The galaxies in Fig. $1.8$ are clearly not distributed randomly: the universe has structure on large scales. To understand this structure, we must develop the tools to study perturbations around the smooth background. We will see that this is straightforward in theory, as long as the perturbations remain small. To compare theory with observations, we must thus try to avoid regimes that cannot be described by small perturbations. As an extreme example, we can never hope to understand cosmology by carefully examining rock formations on Earth. The intermediate steps-collapse of matter into a galaxy; star formation; planet formation; geology; etc.-are much too complicated to allow comparison between linear theory and observations. In fact, perturbations to the matter on small scales (less than about $10 \mathrm{Mpc}$ ) have become large in the late universe; that is, the fractional density fluctuations on these scales are not small, but comparable to or larger than unity. We say that these scales have grown nonlinear. On the other hand, large-scale perturbations are still small (quasi-linear). So they have been processed much less than the small-scale structure. Similarly, anisotropies in the CMB are small because they originated at early times and the photons that we observe from the CMB do not clump on their way to us. Because of this, the best ways to learn about the evolution of structure and to compare theory with observations are to look at anisotropies in the $\mathrm{CMB}$ and at large-scale structure (LSS), i.e. how galaxies and matter are distributed on large scales. However, we will learn in Chs. 12-13 that valuable cosmological information can also be extracted from smaller, nonlinear scales provided we choose our observables wisely.

物理代考|宇宙学代考Cosmology代考|Standard Model of particle physics

The Standard Model of particle physics describes the known fundamental particles in nature and how they interact. The particles can be divided into two classes: spin- $1 / 2$ fermions and integer-spin bosons.

Fermions are the constituents of matter: the quarks, out of which baryons are built, and the leptons such as electrons and neutrinos. There are three generations with two quarks each for a total of six quarks, denoted $u, d ; s, c ; b, t$. Each generation of quarks is associated with a pair of leptons. For example, the $u, d$ pair is associated with the electron and its neutrino: $e^{-}$, $v_{e}$. The other lepton pairs are $\mu^{-}, v_{\mu}$ and $\tau^{-}, v_{\tau}$. The vast majority of matter in the universe is made up of the first generation, with the exception of neutrinos, which are mixed between the different generations. Unlike leptons, quarks do not exist on their own, but they form bound states under the strong interaction. Baryons, the most important ones being the proton and neutron, are made out of three quarks. Mesons are composed of a quark-antiquark pair.

Bosons contain the spin-1 (vector) force carriers, the most famous of which is the photon which mediates the electromagnetic force. There are eight gluons (massless, like the photon) that mediate the strong force. The weak force, responsible for example for neutron decay, is mediated by three massive bosons: the $Z, W^{+}$and $W^{-}$. These force mediators are complemented with the spin-0 (scalar) Higgs boson. The Higgs couples to all massive fermions as well as the $W$ and $Z$ bosons. This coupling gives mass to the particles through the Higgs’ homogeneous background field value.

物理代考|宇宙学代考Cosmology代考|PHY8003 Structure in the universe



早在探则到 CMB 各向异性之前,宇宙中结构的存在就已为人所知: 绘制同部宇宙中星系分布的各种努力清楚地表明它们分布不均匀。此矢调查所涵盖的星系数量和体. 积呈指数增长。特别是两项调查开辟了新天地: 斯隆数字天空调查 SDSS; Fig. 1.8和两度场星系红移调查 $2 d F$ ,它们之间汇总了超过一百万个星系的红移,以及它们 之间的距离。随后几十年的项目已经并将提供比这些开创性调查更深入和更详细的地图。数量级。
图中的星系。1.8显然不是随机分布的: 宇宙具有大尺度的结构。为了理解这种结构,我们必须开发工具来研究围绕平滑背景的扰动。我们将看到这在理论上是直截了 当的。只要扰动仍然很小。因此,为了将理论与观察结果进行比较,我们必须层量避免使用小扰动无法描述的状态。作为一个极端的例子,我们永远无法通过仔细检查 $\mathrm{~ 地 赇 上 的 岩 层 来 理 解 宇 宙 学 。 中 间 步 骙 一 一 物 质 朋 㴼 成 星 系 ; 恒 星 形 成 ; 行 星 形 成 ; 地 质 学 ; ~ 等 等 – 太 复 杂 了 , 无}$ 内对此事的扰㔚lessthanabout $\$ 10 \mathrm{Mpc} \$$ 在宇宙晩期变大了:也就是说,这些尺度上的分数密度波动并不小,而是与统一相当或更大。我们说这㠿尺度已经变得非线 性。另一方面,大尺度扰动仍然很小quasi – linear. 因此,它们的加工量远低于小型结构。同样,CMB 中的各向异性很小,因为它们起源于早期,而且我们从 CMB 观 察到的光子在到达我们的途中不会聚集。正因为如此,了解结构演化以及将理论与观察结果进行比较的最佳方法是查丢结构中的各向㫒性。CMB并在大规模结构 LSS ,即星系和物质如何在大尺度上分布。但是,我们将在 Chs 中学习。12-13如果我们明智地选择我们的可观测值,也可以从较小的非线性尺度中提取有价值的宇宙学信 自


粒子物理学的标准模型描述了自然界中已知的基本粒子以及它们如何相互作用。粒子可分为两类: $1 / 2$ 费米子和整数自旋玻色子。
费米子是物质的组成部分:构成重子的夸克,以及电子和中微子等轻子。有 3 代,每代有 2 个夸克,总共有 6 个夸克,记为 $u, d ; s, c ; b, t$. 每一代夸克都与一对轻子有 关。例如, $u, d$ pair 与电子及其中微子有关: $e^{-}, v_{e}$. 其他轻子对是 $\mu^{-}, v_{\mu}$ 和 $\tau^{-}, v_{\tau}$. 宇宙中的绝大多数物质都是由第一代组成的,除了中微子,它们在不同代之间混 合。与轻子不同的是,䏍克本身并不存在,而是在强相互怍用下形成束缚态。重子,最重要的是扂子和中子,由三个夸克組成介由夸克-左夸克对组成。
玻色子包含自旋lvector力载体,其中最著名的是介导电磁力的光子。有八个胶子massless, likethephoton即调解的强大力量。导玫中子亭新的弱力是由三个大质量 玻色子介导的: $Z, W^{+}$和 $W^{-}$. 这些力介质与 spin-0 相辅相成scalar希格斯玻色子。希格斯对所有大孝量费米子以及 $W$ 和 $Z$ 玻色子。这种耦合通过希格斯的均匀背景场 值为粒子提供质量。


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