物理代写|凝聚态物理代写Condensed Matter Physics代考|CRN9072 A second model: elementary excitations

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凝聚态物理Condensed Matter Physics是处理物质的宏观和微观物理特性的物理学领域,特别是由原子之间的电磁力产生的固体和液体相。更广泛地说,该学科涉及物质的 “凝聚 “阶段:由许多成分组成的系统,它们之间有很强的相互作用。更奇特的凝聚相包括某些材料在低温下表现出的超导相,原子晶格上的铁磁和反铁磁相,以及在超冷原子系统中发现的玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚物。凝聚态物理学家通过实验测量各种材料特性,并应用量子力学、电磁学、统计力学和其他理论的物理定律建立数学模型,试图了解这些相的行为。

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物理代写|凝聚态物理代写Condensed Matter Physics代考|CRN9072 A second model: elementary excitations

物理代写|凝聚态物理代写Condensed Matter Physics代考|A second model: elementary excitations

A drastically different approach to studying condensed matter systems is also in common use. In quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, it is often convenient to change the description of a system when discussing its excited states. This picture is based on the excitations that can emerge when a system is not in its ground state. A standard example is a harmonic oscillator of mass $m$ moving in a quadratic potential $\frac{1}{2} m \omega^{2} x^{2}$. This system has an energy spectrum defined by a quantum number $n, E_{n}=\left(n+\frac{1}{2}\right) \hbar \omega$, which can be viewed as a ground state having energy $E_{0}=\frac{1}{2} \hbar \omega$, and higher-energy states in which quanta of excitation energy $\hbar \omega$ can be created and subsequently destroyed in any non-negative integral number $n$. Another example is the electromagnetic field, which can can be viewed as a collection of quantized particle-like excitations, the photons, each one characterized by a wavevector $\mathbf{k}$, a polarization direction $\hat{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}$, and energy $\hbar \omega=\hbar c|\mathbf{k}|$, where $c$ is the velocity of light.

The examples above give an operational definition of a quantum system that is described by its excitations, each one defined by its energy and other specific physical characteristics. Once the excitations are identified, the next task is to study the interactions between various excitations and the manner in which these excitations appear, disappear, or are modified when the external conditions of the quantum system change. In the end, the quantum system will be characterized by its elementary excitations when probes are used to study its properties.

The elementary excitations of a solid can often be divided into two classes: quasiparticles and collective excitations. Quasiparticles are usually fermions and resemble well-defined excited states of the non-interacting real particles of the solid. Collective excitations are usually bosons and do not resemble their constituent real particles. In the majority of cases, collective excitations are associated with macroscopic collective motions of the system, which in turn are described by quanta of generalized harmonic oscillators that can be created or destroyed in an integral number $n$. Each quantum provides an excitation energy $\hbar \omega$.

The language of second quantization is the natural one to use for this model. Since elementary excitations can be created and destroyed, and since symmetric (Bose-Einstein) or antisymmetric (Fermi-Dirac) conditions must be satisfied, creation and destruction operators, with their attendant commutation and anticommutation rules, are among the fundamental descriptive tools of this approach.

To explain the properties of a solid, it is advantageous to define the elementary excitations of the solid, to describe their properties and characteristics, to evaluate their interactions, and to determine how they respond to external probes.

物理代写|凝聚态物理代写Condensed Matter Physics代考|Elementary excitations associated with solids and liquids

Quasielectrons. Quasielectrons (or electrons for short) are quasiparticles that behave like non-interacting electrons in low-lying excited states. They are fermions that are characterized by energy and quantum numbers, such as their wavevectors and spin orientations. Their properties include the effects of the environment in which they move. An important example is that of an electron experiencing the interaction with other electrons that can change its free electron mass $m$ to an effective mass $m^{*}>m$. The resultant quasielectron can be described by one-particle states of spin $\frac{1}{2}$ and charge $-|e|$. Typical excitation energies for quasielectrons are of the order of the Coulomb interaction energy between two electrons separated by a crystal lattice parameter $a$ : $\frac{e^{2}}{a} \cong 5 \mathrm{eV}$. Typical velocities associated with quasielectrons are $v \cong\left(\frac{e^{2}}{a m}\right)^{1 / 2} \cong 10^{8} \mathrm{~cm} / \mathrm{s}$.

Hole. The removal of an electron from an orbital that is normally occupied in the ground state is called a hole. The analogy is made with the Dirac theory of positrons. A hole is a quasiparticle that has charge $+|e|$, spin $\frac{1}{2}$, and energies and velocities similar to quasielectrons. When electrons are injected into or removed from a solid in processes such as those associated with quantum tunneling phenomena and electron emission, they are often treated as single particles without any reference to the holes left behind. The holes are usually studied separately.

Phonon. A phonon is a collective excitation (boson) associated with lattice vibrations or sound waves. It is defined by a wavevector $\mathbf{q}$, a branch or polarization mode index $\alpha$, and an energy $\hbar \omega$. Typical energies are of the order of $k_{\mathrm{B}} T_{\mathrm{D}}$, where $k_{\mathrm{B}}$ is Boltzmann’s constant and $T_{\mathrm{D}}$ is the Debye temperature. Since $T_{\mathrm{D}}$ is of the order of room temperature $(\sim 300 \mathrm{~K})$, a typical phonon energy is $\hbar \omega \cong 0.025 \mathrm{eV}$.

Plasmon. A plasmon is a collective excitation (boson) associated with the collective motion of the electronic charge density. It is characterized by a wavevector $\mathbf{q}$ and an energy of the order of the classical plasma energy (in three dimensions)
\hbar \omega_{p}=\hbar\left(\frac{4 \pi n e^{2}}{m}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}},
where $n$ is the density of valence electrons per unit volume. For typical solids, $\hbar \omega_{p} \cong 10$ $\mathrm{eV}$. This value can be smaller by an order of magnitude or more in low-density electron or hole systems such as those found in semimetals and degenerate semiconductors.

物理代写|凝聚态物理代写Condensed Matter Physics代考|CRN9072 A second model: elementary excitations



研究凝聚态系统的一种截然不同的方法也很普遍。在量子力学和量子场论中,在讨论激发态时改变系统的描述通常很方便。这张图片是基于当系统不处于其基态时 可能出现的激发。一个标准的例子是质量的谐振子 $m$ 在二次势中移动 $\frac{1}{2} m \omega^{2} x^{2}$. 该系统具有由量子数定义的能谱 $n, E_{n}=\left(n+\frac{1}{2}\right) \hbar \omega$, 可以看作是具有能量的基态 $E_{0}=\frac{1}{2} \hbar \omega$ ,以及更高能量的状态,其中激发能量的量子 $\hbar \omega$ 可以以任何非负整数创建并随后销毀 $n$. 另一个例子是电磁场,它可以被看作是量子化的类粒子激发光 子的集合,每个光子都由一个波向量表征 $\mathbf{k}$, 极化方向 $\hat{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}$, 和能量 $\hbar \omega=\hbar c|\mathbf{k}|$ , 在哪里 $c$ 是光速。
上面的例子给出了一个量子系统的操作定义,它由它的激发来描述,每一个都由它的能量和其他特定的物理特性定义。一旦确定了激发,接下来的任务就是研究各 种激发之间的相互作用,以及当量子系统的外部条件发生变化时这些激发出现、消失或被修改的方式。最后,当使用探针研究其特性时,量子系统将以其基本激发 为特征。
固体的基本激发通常可以分为两㺯:准粒子和集体激发。准粒子通常是费米子,夈似于固体的非相互作用真实粒子的明确激发态。集体激发通常是玻色子,与它们 的组成真实粒子不同。在大多数情况下,集体激励与系统的宏观集体运动有关,而这些集体运动又由广义谐振子的量子来描述,这些量子可以以整数创建或破坏 $n$. 每个量子提供一个激发能量 $\hbar \omega$.
二次量化语言是该模型使用的自然语言。由于可以创建和破坏基本激发,并且由于对称Bose-Einstein或反对称 $F e r m i-D i r a c$ 必须满足条件,创建和销㸮算 子及其伴随的交换和反交换规则是这种方法的基本描述工具之一。


准电子。准电子 orelectronsforshort 是准粒子,其行为类似于处于低激发态的非相互作用电子。它们是以能量和量子数为特征的费米子,例如它们的波矢量和自 旋方向。它们的属性包括它们移动的环境的影响。一个重要的例子是电子与其他电子的相互作用可以改变其自由电子质量 $m$ 有效质量 $m^{*}>m$. 由此产生的准电子 可以用自旋的单粒子状态来描述 $\frac{1}{2}$ 并收费 $-|e|$. 准电子的典型激发能是由晶格参数隔开的两个电子之间的库仑相互作用能量级 $a: \frac{e^{2}}{a} \cong 5 \mathrm{eV}$. 与准电子相关的典型速 度是 $v \cong\left(\frac{e^{2}}{a m}\right)^{1 / 2} \cong 10^{8} \mathrm{~cm} / \mathrm{s}$.
洞。从通常处于其态的轨道中去除电子称为空穴。这个类比是用狄拉克的正电子理论来做的。空穴是带电荷的准粒子 $+|e|$ ,旋转 $\frac{1}{2}$ ,以及类似于准电子的能量和速 度。当在与量子隧穿现象和电子发射相关的过程中将电子注入固体或从固体中去除时,它们通常被视为单个粒子,而不涉及留下的空穴。这些孔通常单独研究。
声子。声子是集体激发boson与晶格振动或声波有关。它由波向量定义 $\mathbf{q}$, 分支或极化模式指数 $\alpha$, 和一个能量 $\hbar \omega$. 典型的能量大约为 $k_{\mathrm{B}} T_{\mathrm{D}}$ ,在哪里 $k_{\mathrm{B}}$ 是玻尔兹曼常 数和 $T_{\mathrm{D}}$ 是德拜温度。自从 $T_{\mathrm{D}}$ 是室温的量级 $(\sim 300 \mathrm{~K})$ ,典型的声子能量是 $\hbar \omega \cong 0.025 \mathrm{eV}$.
\hbar \omega_{p}=\hbar\left(\frac{4 \pi n e^{2}}{m}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}
在哪里 $n$ 是每单位体积的价电子密度。对于典型的固体, $\hbar \omega_{p} \cong 10 \mathrm{eV}$. 在低密度电子或空穴系统(例如在半金属和简并半导体中发现的那些)中,该值可以小一个 数量级或更多。

物理代写|凝聚态物理代写Condensed Matter Physics代考

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