物理代写|运动学代写Kinesiology代考|KIN201 Formative and Summative Evaluation

如果你也在 怎样代写运动学Kinesiology KIN201这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。运动学Kinesiology通过应用细胞生物学、分子生物学、化学、生物化学、生物物理学、生物力学、生物数学、生物统计学、生理学、运动生理学、解剖学、神经科学和营养学等基础科学,研究人类运动、表现和功能的科学。运动学学士学位可以为生物医学研究的研究生学习以及专业课程,如医学、牙科、物理治疗和职业治疗提供强有力的准备。

运动学Kinesiology源自古希腊语κίνησις(kínēsis)”运动”,和-λογία-logía “研究”)是对人体运动的科学研究。运动学涉及生理学、解剖学、生物力学、病理学、神经心理学原理和运动机制。运动学在人类健康方面的应用包括生物力学和矫形学;力量和调节;运动心理学;运动控制;技能获得和运动学习;康复方法,如物理和职业治疗;以及运动和锻炼生理学。对人类和动物运动的研究包括来自运动跟踪系统的测量,肌肉和大脑活动的电生理学,各种监测生理功能的方法,以及其他行为和认知研究技术。

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物理代写|运动学代写Kinesiology代考|KIN201 Formative and Summative Evaluation

物理代写|运动学代写Kinesiology代考|Formative and Summative Evaluation

Summative evaluation is the judgment of achievement at the end of an instructional unit and typically involves the administration of tests at the conclusion of an instructional unit or training period. Formative evaluation is the judgment of achievement during the formative stages of learning. Motor-learning research shows that feedback is one of the most powerful variables in learning. Formative evaluation is used to provide feedback to learners throughout the instructional process.

Formative evaluation begins during the early stages and continues throughout instruction. It involves dividing instruction into smaller units of learning and then evaluating the student’s mastery of these subunits during instruction. The main purpose of formative evaluation is to determine the level of mastery achieved and to identify any parts of the task that have not yet been mastered (Bloom, Hastings, \& Madaus, 1971). The strength of formative evaluation is that it is used to provide feedback throughout the instructional unit.

Summative evaluation is used to decide whether broad objectives have been achieved. Certification examinations provide an example of summative evaluation. Certification examinations are often designed to determine whether a person is qualified to perform a job at some acceptable level. The similarities and differences between formative and summative evaluation are summarized in Table 1.1.

Formative and summative evaluation and mastery learning were developed for use by classroom teachers (Bloom et al., 1971). However, the logic of the system can be applied to fitness promotion programs. Information from periodic testing to determine if fitness goals have been achieved can be used to provide feedback that facilitates motivation. A key element of a successful self-supervised fitness program for NASA executives was periodic fitness testing (Owen, Beard, Jackson, \& Prior, 1980). Periodic measurement of body weight is a behavioral strategy used for weight-reduction programs (deBakey, Gotto, Scott, \& Foreyt, 1984; Wing \& Hill, 2001).

Both formative and summative evaluation processes can be used to contribute to successful fitness training programs. Increases in intensity and/or duration of aerobic exercise can be used to provide feedback (i.e., formative evaluation) to the participant that he or she is improving and can become a source of motivation to continue in the exercise program. A fitness test after training can be used for summative evaluation to judge whether fitness goals have been met or whether the training program was successful.

物理代写|运动学代写Kinesiology代考|Standards for Evaluation

As previously explained, evaluation is the process of giving meaning to a measurement by judging it against a standard. The two most widely used types of standards are criterion- and norm-referenced standards. A criterion-referenced standard is used to determine if someone has attained a specified level. A norm-referenced standard is used to judge an individual’s performance in relation to the performances of other members of a well-defined group; for example, 11-year-old boys. Criterion-referenced standards are useful for setting performance standards for all, whereas norm-referenced standards are valuable for comparisons among individuals when the situation requires a degree of selectivity.

Criterion- and norm-referenced standards have application in a wide variety of settings. They are used extensively in $\mathrm{K}-12$ educational settings and in exercise and public health settings. Youth fitness tests have generally evolved from the use of norm-referenced standards to the use of criterion-referenced standards. The FITNESSGRAM ${ }^*$ is the national youth fitness test, which is part of the Presidential Youth Fitness Program. The FITNESSGRAM” provides criterion-referenced standards that can be used to determine whether a participant has achieved a level of fitness associated with health benefits. The YMCA program (Golding, Meyers, \& Sinning, 1989) is used to evaluate adult fitness with norm-referenced standards, but the trend for fitness testing is to use criterion-referenced standards. The criterion-referenced fitness standards evolved from medical research (Blair et al., 1989, 1995) showing that the relationship between health and aerobic fitness is not linear. Once a level of aerobic fitness is achieved, becoming more fit has little influence on health. FITNESSGRAM” criterion-referenced standards for aerobic fitness and body composition were established by documenting the relationship between these fitness measures and prevalence of metabolic syndrome in youth (Laurson, Eisenmann, \& Welk, 2011; Welk, Laurson, Eisenmann, \& Cureton, 2011).

物理代写|运动学代写Kinesiology代考|KIN201 Formative and Summative Evaluation




形成性评价始于早期阶段,并贯穿整个教学过程。它包括将教学分成更小的学习单元,然后在教学过程中评估学生对这些子单元的掌握程度。形成性评价的主要目的是确定所达到的掌握水平,并确定任务中任何尚未掌握的部分(Bloom, Hastings, &Madaus, 1971)。形成性评价的优点在于它被用来在整个教学单元中提供反馈


形成性和总结性评价和掌握学习是为课堂教师开发的(Bloom et al., 1971)。然而,该系统的逻辑可以应用于健身促进项目。通过定期测试来确定是否达到了健身目标的信息可以用来提供反馈,促进动力。NASA高管自我监督健身计划成功的一个关键因素是定期的健康测试(Owen, Beard, Jackson, &1980年)。定期测量体重是减肥计划中使用的一种行为策略(deBakey, Gotto, Scott, &1984年;Wing &希尔,2001)。




标准参考标准和规范参考标准在各种各样的环境中都有应用。它们广泛应用于$\mathrm{K}-12$教育环境以及运动和公共卫生环境。青少年体能测试一般由使用规范参照标准演变为使用标准参照标准。“FITNESSGRAM ${ }^*$”是“总统青少年健康计划”的国民青少年健康测试项目。FITNESSGRAM”提供了标准参考标准,可用于确定参与者是否达到了与健康益处相关的健康水平。基督教青年会计划(Golding, Meyers, &Sinning, 1989)采用规范参考标准评价成人健康,但健康测试的趋势是使用标准参考标准。标准参考的健身标准源于医学研究(Blair et al., 1989,1995),表明健康和有氧健身之间的关系不是线性的。一旦达到有氧健身的水平,变得更健康对健康的影响很小。通过记录这些健身措施与青少年代谢综合征患病率之间的关系,建立了有氧健身和身体组成的FITNESSGRAM标准参考标准(Laurson, Eisenmann, &Welk, 2011;威尔克,劳尔森,艾森曼,&Cureton, 2011)。


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微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

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