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计算机代写|深度学习代写Deep Learning代考|CS7643 Motivation

如果你也在 怎样代写深度学习Deep Learning CS7643这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。深度学习Deep Learning(也称为深度结构化学习)是更广泛的机器学习方法系列的一部分,它是基于人工神经网络的表征学习。学习可以是监督的、半监督的或无监督的。人工神经网络(ANNs)的灵感来自于生物系统的信息处理和分布式通信节点。人工神经网络与生物大脑有各种不同之处。具体来说,人工神经网络倾向于静态和符号化,而大多数生物体的生物脑是动态(可塑性)和模拟的。

深度学习Deep Learning架构,如深度神经网络、深度信念网络、深度强化学习、递归神经网络、卷积神经网络和变形金刚,已被应用于包括计算机视觉、语音识别、自然语言处理、机器翻译、生物信息学、药物设计、医学图像分析、气候科学、材料检测和棋盘游戏程序等领域,它们产生的结果与人类专家的表现相当,在某些情况下甚至超过了人类专家。

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计算机代写|深度学习代写Deep Learning代考|CS7643 Motivation

计算机代写|深度学习代写Deep Learning代考|Motivation

Although commercial telecommunication services have been available for more than a century, the telecommunication sector is still an ever-growing area. Through the introduction of smartphones and the almost constant availability of mobile internet, new opportunities opened up in the field. These days we are used to making phone calls at any time from anywhere to any place in the world. Mobile plans that come with a large amount of data for an affordable price removed the barrier of costly long-distance calls that are billed by the minute. Because of the increasing globalisation in the world, family and friends are even more spread out than before, where phone and video calls are often the only possibilities to stay in touch. Aside from the consumer market, also for businesses, the new developments in the field become more and more important. Especially, starting with the COVID19 pandemic, teleconferencing providers experienced a dramatic surge in demand, where with many people working from home, it is crucial for businesses to hold online meetings on a daily basis.

Consequently, for speech communication providers, it is even more essential to monitor their networks to ensure a satisfying experience for their customers. Several key performance indicators are measured when speech communication networks are evaluated. For example, in benchmark tests (Zafaco GmbH 2020) that compare different providers, besides factors such as call setup duration, speech delay, and call failure ration, the speech quality is one of the main indicators of the overall performance. In these benchmark tests, a prerecorded reference speech sample of high quality is sent through the network. At the receiving side, the speech signal is recorded. An algorithm then uses both signals to estimate the speech quality. While the intelligibility of transmitted speech is usually not an issue these days, the speech quality can still be significantly degraded, in particular, when a call is routed through multiple network providers, where the speech signal may be encoded and decoded multiple times. Furthermore, although most people are used to having mobile connectivity everywhere, there are still many remote spots with inferior reception. For example, Germany is notorious for having a poor coverage of mobile Internet, which still leads to lower speech quality when travelling in a train or outside of areas with a high population density.

计算机代写|深度学习代写Deep Learning代考|Speech Communication Networks

Speech or voice services can be divided into the following three classes:

  • Landline networks
  • Mobile networks
  • Over-the-top VoIP applications
    The landline network is the oldest of the three services and actively running since the late $1800 \mathrm{~s}$. It used to transmit speech via analogue signal transmission with underground copper wires. This type of analogue telephone service is also called plain old telephone service (POTS). However, these days, almost all of the analogue networks have been replaced with digital technology. One of the most commonly used codecs in landline networks is ITU-T Rec. G.711 (1988), which applies a nonuniform quantization and passes the speech signal in the range of 300-3400 $\mathrm{Hz}$. This audio bandwidth is also referred to as narrowband (NB) and corresponds to the same bandwidth as analogue telephony that leads to the typically muffled sound known from telephone calls. Today, many providers offer wideband (WB) networks

(sometimes marketed as “HD voice”) that allow for a higher audio bandwidth of $100-7000 \mathrm{~Hz}$. One commonly used wideband codec in landline networks is ITU-T Rec. G.722 (2012). However, if a phone call is made from a WB to a NB network, the connection will cut down to a NB call. Even when a phone call between different WB providers is conducted, the connection may cut down to $\mathrm{NB}$ as well.

The mobile or cellular network allows for phone calls to and from mobile phones to which the network is connected via cellular radio towers. More and more people use their mobile phone as the standard way to conduct a phone call. For example, the percentage of households in the U.S. that own a landline phone went from more than $90 \%$ in 2004 to less than $40 \%$ in 2019 (CDC 2020). However, while there are hardly transmission issues in landline networks, the advantage of the mobility in mobile networks comes with possible inferences on the radio frequencies that lead to transmission errors. Also, when the users change their location, the phone may switch from one antenna to another (so-called handover), which results in brief interruptions. There are different systems for radio transmission in the mobile network. Common ones in Europe are GSM (2G), UMTS (3G), LTE (4G), and the upcoming $5 \mathrm{G}$ standard. The most common codec in mobile networks is AMRNB (3GPP TS $26.071$ 1999), which is a hybrid codec that transmits both speech These days, an increasing amount of providers also support wideband speech with the AMR-WB (3GPP TS $26.1712001$; ITU-T Rec. G.722.2 2003) codec, in particular through UMTS and LTE. More recently, some providers also support super-wideband (SWB) speech (in Germany marketed as “HD Plus” or “Crystal Clear”) via VoLTE (Voice over LTE) and VoWiFi (Voice over Wi-Fi) and the more recent codec EVS (3GPP TS $26.441$ 2014). In super-wideband telephony, speech is transmitted with a bandwidth of $50-14,000 \mathrm{~Hz}$.

计算机代写|深度学习代写Deep Learning代考|CS7643 Motivation



㞐管商业电信服务已经提供了一个多世纪,但电信部门仍然是一个不断发展的领域。通过智能手机的推出和移动互联网的几乎持续可用,该领域开辟了新的机遇。 这些天来,我们习惯于随时随地拨打电话,从任何地方到世界任何地方。以可承受的价格提供大量数据的移动计划消除了按分钟计费的晶贵长途电话的障碍。由于 世界日益全球化,家人和朋友比以前更加分散,电话和视频通话通常是保持联系的唯一可能性。除了消费市场,对于企业来说,该领域的新发展也变得越来越重 要。
因此,对于语音通信提供商来说,监控他们的网络以确保为他们的客户提供令人满意的体验更为重要。在评估语音通信网络时会测量几个关键性能指标。例如,在 基准测试中 $Z a f a c o G m b H 2020$ 比较不同的供应商,除了通话建立时长、语音延迟、通话失败率等因筙外,语音质量是衡量整体性能的主要指标之一。在这些基 准测试中,预先录制的高质量参考语音样本通过网络发送。在接收端,语音信号被记录下来。然后算法使用这两个信昊来估计语音质量。虽然如今传输语音的可理 解性通常不是问题,但语音质量仍然会显着下降,特别是当呼叫通过多个网络提供商进行路由时,语音信号可能会被多次编码和解码。此外,尽管大多数人习惯了 到处都有移动连接,但仍有许多偏远地区接收效果不佳。



  • 固定电话网终
  • 手机网络
  • Over-the-top VoIP应用
    固定电话网络是这三种服务中最古老的一种,并且自晩期以来一直在积极运行 $1800 \mathrm{~s}$. 它用于通过地下铜线通过模拟信号传输来传输语音。这种类型的模拟电 话服务也称为普通老式电话服务 POTS. 然而,这些天来,几乎所有的模拟网络都被数字技术所取代。固定电话网络中最常用的编解码器之一是 ITU-T Rec. G.7111988,它应用非均匀量化并通过 300-3400 范围内的语音信号 $\mathrm{Hz}$. 此音频带宽也称为㝙带 $N B$ 并且对应于与模拟电话相同的带宽,模拟电话会导致从电话 呼叫中知道的典型的低沉声音。今天,许多供应商提供宽带 $W B$ 网絡
    sometimesmarketedas “HDvoice” 允许更高的音频带宽 $100-7000 \mathrm{~Hz}$. 固定电话网絡中一种常用的宽带编解码器是 ITU-T Rec. G.7222012. 但是,如果从 WB 向 NB 网络进行电话呼叫,则连接将中断为 NB 呼叫。即使在不同的 WB 提供商之间进行电话通话,连接也可能会堿少到NB也是。
    移动或㛔窝网络允许与网络通过埄窝无线电塔连接的移动电话进行电话呼叫。越来越多的人使用手机作为进行电话通话的标准方式。例如,美国拥有固定电话的家 庭比例从超过 $90 \% 2004$ 年低于 $40 \% 2019$ 年 $C D C 2020$. 然而,虽然固网网络几乎不存在传输问题,但移动网络的移动性优势伴随着对射频的可能推断,从而导致传 输错误。此外,当用户改变他们的位置时,手机可能会从一个天线切换到另一个so-calledhandover,这会导致短暂的中断。移动网络中有不同的无线电传输系 统。欧洲常见的是GSM $2 G$, UMTS $3 G$, LTE $4 G$ ,以及即将到来的 $5 \mathrm{G}$ 标准。移动网络中最常见的编解码器是 AMRNB3GPPTS $\$ 26.071 \$ 1999$ ,这是一种传输两种语音 的混合编解码器如今,越来越多的提供商还通过 AMR-WB 支持宽带语音 $3 G P P T S \$ 26.1712001 \$ ; I T U-T R e c$. G.722.22003编解码器,特别是通过 UMTS 和 LTE。最近,一些提供商还支持超宽带SWB演讲inGermanymarketedas “HDPlus” or “CrystalClear” 通过 VoLTEVoiceover LTE 和 VoWiFi VoiceoverWi-Fi和更新的编解码器 EVS $3 G P P T S \$ 26.441 \$ 2014$. 在超宽带电话中,语音传输的带宽为 $50-14,000 \mathrm{~Hz}$.
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