数学代写|代數數論代写Algebraic Number Theory  代考|MATH223 Local and global different

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代數數論Algebraic Number Theory 费马最后定理是由皮埃尔-德-费马于1637年首次猜想出来的,著名的是在一本《算术》的空白处,他声称他有一个大到无法放入空白处的证明。尽管在这358年中,无数的数学家作出了努力,但直到1995年才有成功的证明发表。这个未解决的问题在19世纪刺激了代数数论的发展,在20世纪刺激了模块化定理的证明。

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数学代写|代數數論代写Algebraic Number Theory  代考|MATH223 Local and global different

数学代写|代數數論代写Algebraic Number Theory代考|Local and global different

DEFINITION 176. A lattice $\Lambda<\mathbb{R}^n$ is discrete and cocompat subgroup, equivalently a free $\mathbb{Z}$-submodule generating by a basis.
LEMMA 177. The two definitions are equivalent.
Corollary 178. (Of the proof of the Lemma) Let $\Lambda=\oplus_i \mathbb{Z}i$. Then $\mathcal{F}=\left{\sum{i=1}^n a_i vi \mid a_i \in[0,1]\right}$ is a bounded fundamental domain. DEFINITION 179. The covolume of $\Lambda$ is $\operatorname{vol}(\mathcal{F})=\operatorname{det}\left(\cdots v_i \cdots\right)=\sqrt{\operatorname{det}\left(\left\langlev_i, v_j\right\rangle\right){i, j}}$
PROPOSITION 180. # ${\lambda \in \Lambda \cap B(0, R)} \sim \frac{\operatorname{vol} B(R)}{\operatorname{vol}(\mathcal{F})}$.
Proof. The set $\bigcup_{\lambda \in \Lambda \cap B(0, R)}(\mathcal{F}+\lambda)$ has volume # ${\lambda \in \Lambda \cap B(0, R)} \operatorname{vol}(\mathcal{F})$ and its symmetric difference with $B(R)$ is contained in a spherical shell of radius $R$ and constant thickness, hence has volume $O\left(R^{-1} \operatorname{vol}(B(R))\right)$.

COROLLARY 181. $\operatorname{vol}(\mathcal{F})$ is indpendent of the choice of $\mathcal{F}$, and will be denoted $\operatorname{vol}\left(\mathbb{R}^n / \Lambda\right)$ or $\operatorname{covol}(\Lambda)$

THEOREM 182 (Minkowski). Let $\Lambda<\mathbb{R}^n$ be a lattice (discrete and cocompat subgroup, equivalently a free $\mathbb{Z}$-submodule generating by a basis). Let $X \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be convex, bounded and symmetic aboud the origin. Suppose that $\operatorname{vol}(X) \geq 2^n \operatorname{vol}\left(\mathbb{R}^n / \Lambda\right)$. Then there is $0 \neq \lambda \in X \cap \Lambda$.

Proof. Suppose first that $\operatorname{vol}(X)>2^n \operatorname{vol}\left(\mathbb{R}^n / \Lambda\right)$. Assume by contradiction that $X \cap \Lambda={0}$. Then all translates of $\frac{1}{2} X$ are disjoint: if there are $x, y \in X$ and a non-zero $\lambda \in \Lambda$ such that $\frac{1}{2} x=$ $\frac{1}{2} y+\lambda$ then $\lambda=\frac{1}{2} x+\frac{1}{2}(-y) \in X$ by assumption. Now let $r=\operatorname{diam}(\mathcal{F})$. Then for all $R>0$,
\bigcup_{\lambda \in \Lambda \cap B(0, R)}\left(\frac{1}{2} X+\lambda\right) \subset B(0, R+r) .
Since the union on the left is disjoint, we have
#{\lambda \in \Lambda \cap B(0, R)} \frac{\operatorname{vol}(X)}{2^n} \leq \operatorname{vol}\left(B_{\mathbb{R}^n}(R+r)\right) .

数学代写|代數數論代写Algebraic Number Theory代考|Discriminant bounds

LEMMA 183. For a number field $K$ the image of $\mathcal{O}K$ in $K{\infty}$ is a lattice of covolume $2^{-s} \sqrt{\left|d_K\right|}$. REMARK 184. The lemma implicitely depends on the choice of inner product on $K_{\infty}$ made in its proof.

Proof. Let $T \subset \operatorname{Hom}{\mathbb{Q}}(K, \mathbb{C})$ be a set of representatives for the infinite places of $K$, say $T=T{\mathbb{R}} \sqcup T_{\mathbb{C}}$, and let $\imath: K \rightarrow K_{\infty}=\prod_{\tau \in T} K_\tau$ be the embedding. We have seen (Theorem 122) that $\iota$ induces an isomorphism $K \otimes_{\mathbb{Q}} \mathbb{Q}{\infty} \rightarrow K{\infty}$, and in particular $\iota$ maps every $\mathbb{Q}$-basis of $K$ to an $\mathbb{R}$-basis of $K_{\infty}$. Since $\mathcal{O}K$ is the $\mathbb{Z}$-span of an integral basis, it follows that its image is a lattice in $K{\infty}$. On $K_{\infty}$ we take the Hermitian product $\left\langle\left(x_\tau\right),\left(y_\tau\right)\right\rangle=\sum_{i=1}^n x_\tau \bar{y}\tau$. Then for $\omega_i, \omega_j \in \mathcal{O}_K$ we have $\left\langle l\left(\omega_i\right), l\left(\omega_j\right)\right\rangle=\sum{\tau \in T} \tau\left(\omega_i\right) \bar{\tau}\left(\omega_j\right)$

THEOREM 185. Let $K$ be a number field. There are at most finitely many extensions of degree $n$ having a given discriminant.

Proof. Can easily reduce to the case $K=\mathbb{Q}$ and counting extensions $L$ such that $i \in L$ (the discriminant of $L(i)$ diffes by a constant). Thus we are counting totally complex $L$. Fix an infinite place $v_0$ and let
X=\left{\left(x_v\right) \in L_{\infty}|| \mathfrak{I} x_{v_0}|\leq C \sqrt{|D|},| \Re x_{v_0}|<1,| x_v \mid<1 v \neq v_0\right} .

数学代写|代數數論代写Algebraic Number Theory  代考|MATH223 Local and global different



定义 176 . 格子 $\Lambda<\mathbb{R}^n$ 是离散且兼容的子群,相当于一个自由 $\mathbb{Z}$-由基础生成的子模块。
引理 177. 这两个定义是等价的。
推论 178。OftheproofoftheLemmaì $\Lambda=\oplus_i \mathbb{Z} i$. 那么 \$\mathcal{F $}=\backslash l$ eft $\backslash \backslash$ sum ${\mathrm{i}=1}^{\wedge} \mathrm{n} a_{-} \mathrm{i} \mathrm{v} \backslash \backslash \mathrm{mid} \mathrm{a}{-} \mathrm{i} \backslash$ in $$ 0,1 $$ |cap $\mathrm{B}(0, \mathrm{R})}$ \operatorname{vol} $\mathcal{F}$ anditssymmetricdifferencewith 乙 Riscontainedinasphericalshellofradius $\mathrm{R}$ andconstantthickness, hencehasvolumeO左 $R^{-1} \operatorname{vol}(B(R)$ 【对)\$。 推论 181。 $\operatorname{vol}(\mathcal{F})$ 是独立的选择 $\mathcal{F}$, 并且记为 $\operatorname{vol}\left(\mathbb{R}^n / \Lambda\right)$ 或者 $\operatorname{covol}(\Lambda)$ 定理 182Minkowski. 让 $\Lambda<\mathbb{R}^n$ 是一个格子discreteandcocompatsubgroup, equivalentlyafree\$ $\$ \$ \$$ – submodulegeneratingbyabasis. 让 $X \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ 关于原 点是凸的、有界的和对称的。假设 $\operatorname{vol}(X) \geq 2^n \operatorname{vol}\left(\mathbb{R}^n / \Lambda\right)$. 然后有 $\$ 0 \backslash$ 的eq \lambda $\backslash i n X \backslash c a p \backslash$ Lambda\$。 证明。首先假设 $\operatorname{vol}(X)>2^n \operatorname{vol}\left(\mathbb{R}^n / \Lambda\right)$. 矛盾地假设 $\$ X \backslash$ cap $\backslash$ Lambda= ${0}$. Thenalltranslatesof $\backslash$ frac ${1}{2} X$ aredisjoint $:$ ifthereare $x, y \backslash$ 在 $X$ 姓名{直径 $} \mathcal{F}$. Then forall $>0, \$$ Sincetheunionontheleftisdisjoint, wehave $\$ \$$


证明。让 $T \subset \operatorname{Hom} \mathbb{Q}(K, \mathbb{C})$ 是无限地方的一组代表 $K$ ,说 $T=T \mathbb{R} \sqcup T_{\mathbb{C}}$ ,然后让 $\imath: K \rightarrow K_{\infty}=\prod_{\tau \in T} K_\tau$ 是嵌入。我们已经看到 $T h e o r e m 122$ 那 $\iota$ 诱导同构 $K \otimes_{\mathbb{Q}} \mathbb{Q} \infty \rightarrow K \infty$, 特别是 $\iota$ 映射每个 $\mathbb{Q}$-基础 $K$ 到一个 $\mathbb{R}$-基础 $K_{\infty}$. 自从 $\mathcal{O} K$ 是个 $\mathbb{Z}$ – 一个整数基础的跨度,因此它的图像是一个格子 $K \infty$. 上 $K \infty$ 我们采用厄米特产 品 $\left\langle\left(x_\tau\right),\left(y_\tau\right)\right\rangle=\sum_{i=1}^n x_\tau \bar{y} \tau$. 然后为 $\omega_i, \omega_j \in \mathcal{O}_K$ 我们有 $\left\langle l\left(\omega_i\right), l\left(\omega_j\right)\right\rangle=\sum \tau \in T \tau\left(\omega_i\right) \bar{\tau}\left(\omega_j\right)$
定理 185. 让 $K$ 是一个数字字段。度的扩展至多有限 $n$ 有给定的判别式。
证明。可以很容易地减少到情况 $K=\mathbb{Q}$ 和计数扩展 $L$ 这样 $i \in L$ thediscriminantof $\$ L$ (idiffesbyaconstant). Thuswearecountingtotallycomplex大号


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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

它有两个主要分支,微分和积分;微分涉及瞬时变化率和曲线的斜率,而积分涉及数量的累积,以及曲线下或曲线之间的面积。这两个分支通过微积分的基本定理相互联系,它们利用了无限序列和无限级数收敛到一个明确定义的极限的基本概念 。





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