经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|ECON311 Compound Interest

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宏观经济学Macroeconomics(来自希腊语前缀makro-,意思是 “大 “+经济学)是经济学的一个分支,处理整个经济体的表现、结构、行为和决策。例如,使用利率、税收和政府支出来调节经济的增长和稳定。这包括区域、国家和全球经济。根据经济学家Emi Nakamura和Jón Steinsson在2018年的评估,经济 “关于不同宏观经济政策的后果的证据仍然非常不完善,并受到严重批评。宏观经济学家研究的主题包括GDP(国内生产总值)、失业(包括失业率)、国民收入、价格指数、产出、消费、通货膨胀、储蓄、投资、能源、国际贸易和国际金融。


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经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|ECON311 Compound Interest

经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|Compound Interest

We begin with some common terms and calculations from the realm of fixed-income investments. The amount of the investment is called the principal. The “fixed-income” from the investments is called interest. The interest per unit of principal per unit of time is called the interest rate. Most commonly, interest rates are quoted in dollars per year per dollar of principal. These units can be written: $\$ /(y \$)$. The dollar units cancel, so this interest rate has units of one over years. Similarly, if the interest rate is apples per day per apple borrowed, the apple units will cancel, and the units of the interest rate will be one over days. In general, the units of an interest rate are one over some unit of time.

When the unit of time is a year, we say that an interest rate is an annual interest rate. If the unit of time is not mentioned, then it will almost always be an annual interest rate. Interest rates that are quoted in some specific unit of time can be converted to any other unit of time via a simple linear transformation. For example, a daily interest rate of $\mathrm{x} \%$ corresponds to an annual interest rate of $(365)(\mathrm{x}) \%{ }^1$ (See Exercise $1.1$ for an example.)

We use $P$ for the principal of a fixed-income investment and $R$ for the annual interest rate. Under simple interest the interest is earned on the amount of the principal only. In this case,after $n$ years the value of the investment will be:
V_s(n)=R P n+P .
For example, suppose you invest $\$ 5,000$ at a $4.5 \%$ simple annual interest rate. After two years the value of your investment will be:
V_s(2)=(0.045)(\$ 5,000)(2)+\$ 5,000=\$ 5,450 .
It is much more common for interest to be compounded annually. In this case, at the end of each year, that year’s interest will be added to the principal, so the investment will earn interest on the interest. The first year will be just like simple interest, since none of the interest will yet be compounded. Accordingly, the the value after the first year will be:
V_a(1)=R P+P=(1+R) P .
After the second year, the value will be:
V_a(2)=R V_a(1)+V_a(1)=R(1+R) P+(1+R) P=(1+R)^2 P .
Similarly, after $n$ years, the value will be:
V_a(n)=(1+R)^n P .

经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|Growth Rates

Economists are often interested in the growth rates of economic variables. You might read, “Real Gross Domestic Product grew at a 2.3\% annual rate this quarter” or “Inflation is $4 \%$ ” or “The world’s population is growing $20 \%$ every decade.” Each of these statements deals with a growth rate.

An interest rate is just the growth rate of the value of an asset, and all the terminology and formulae from the previous section apply to growth rates generally. For example, we can calculate simple annual growth rates and annual growth rates that are compounded annually or continuously.

Consider the following values for the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a hypothetical country:

The growth rate of GDP is just the interest rate that GDP would have had to earn if it were a fixed-income investment.

For example, the simple rate of growth of GDP between 1992 and 1993 is given by $R$ in equation (1.1). Starting GDP is $P$, ending GDP is $V_s(n)$, and $n$ is one year. Plugging all the numbers in, we get:
\$ 135 K=(R)(\$ 130 K)(1)+\$ 130 K, \text { so: } \
R=\$ 135 K / \$ 130 K-1 \approx 1.03846154-1=3.846154 \% .
As another example, to calculate the annual rate of growth of GDP, compounded annually, between 1991 and 1993, we use equation (1.2). Starting GDP is $P$, ending GDP is $V_a(n)$, and $n$ is two years. This gives us:
\$ 135 K=(1+R)^2(\$ 100 K), \text { so: } \
R=(\$ 135 K / \$ 100 K)^{(0.5)}-1 \approx 1.16189500-1=16.189500 \% .
As a final example, we do the same calculation, but using continuous compounding. We just solve equation (1.3) for $R$. Starting GDP is $P$, ending GDP is $V_c(n)$, and $n$ is two years.
\$ 135 K=e^{2 R}(\$ 100 K), \text { so: } \
R=\ln (\$ 135 K)-\ln (\$ 100 K) \approx 0.15005230=15.15005230 \% .

经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|ECON311 Compound Interest



我们从固定收益投资领域的一些常用术语和计算开始。投资金额称为本金。来自投资的“固定收入”称为利息。单位时间内每单位本金所产生的利息称为利率。最常 见的是,利率以每年每美元本金的美元报价。这些单位可以写成: $\$ /(y \$)$. 美元单位抵消,因此该利率的单位为一年。类似地,如果利率是每借一个苹果每天一个 苹果,苹果单位将被取消,利率的单位将是一个多天。一般来说,利率的单位是某个时间单位的利率。
当时间单位是年时,我们说利率是年利率。如果没有提到时间单位,那么它几乎总是年利率。通过简单的线性变换,可以将在某个特定时间单位内报价的利率转换 为任何其他时间单位。例如,每日利率为 $\mathrm{x} \%$ 对应于年利率 $(365)(\mathrm{x}) \%^1$ SeeExercise $\$ 1.1 \$$ foranexample.
我们用 $P$ 对于固定收益投资的本金和 $R$ 为年利率。在单利下,利息仅按本金金额计算。在这种情况下,之后 $n$ 年投资价值将是:
V_s(n)=R P n+P .
例如,假设您投资 $\$ 5,000$ 在 $4.5 \%$ 简单的年利率。两年后,您的投资价值将是:
V_s(2)=(0.045)(\$ 5,000)(2)+\$ 5,000=\$ 5,450 .
利息每年复利更为常见。在这种情况下,在每年年底,当年的利息会加到本金上,因此投资会在利息上赚取利息。第一年就像单利一样,因为所有利息都不会复 利。因此,第一年后的价值将是:
V_a(1)=R P+P=(1+R) P .
V_a(2)=R V_a(1)+V_a(1)=R(1+R) P+(1+R) P=(1+R)^2 P .
同样,之后 $n$ 年,价值将是:
V_a(n)=(1+R)^n P .


经济学家通常对经济变量的增长率感兴趣。您可能会读到“本季度实际国内生产总值年增长率为 $2.3 \%$ ”或“通货膨胀是 $4 \%$ ”或“世界人口正在增长 $20 \%$ 每十年一次。” 这些陈述中的每一个都涉及增长率。
考虑国内生产总值的以下值 $G D P$ 个假设的国家:
GDP 的增长率就是 GDP如果是固定收益投资本来要赚取的利率。
例如, 1992 年至 1993 年间 $G D P$ 的简单增长率为 $R$ 在等式中 1.1. 期初 $G D P$ 是 $P$, 期末 $G D P$ 为 $V_s(n)$ ,和 $n$ 是一年。将所有数字代入,我们得到:
\$ 135 K=(R)(\$ 130 K)(1)+\$ 130 K \text {, so: } R=\$ 135 K / \$ 130 K-1 \approx 1.03846154-1=3.846154 \% .
再举一个例子,要计算 1991 年至 1993 年间 $G D P$ 的年复合增长率,我们使用等式 $1.2$. 期初 $G D P$ 是 $P$,期末 $G D P$ 为 $V_a(n)$ ,和 $n$ 是两年。这给了我们:
\$ 135 K=(1+R)^2(\$ 100 K), \text { so: } R=(\$ 135 K / \$ 100 K)^{(0.5)}-1 \approx 1.16189500-1=16.189500 \% .
作为最后一个例子,我们进行相同的计算,但使用连续复利。我们只是解方程 $1.3$ 为了 $R$.期初 $G D P$ 是 $P$, 期末 $G D P$ 为 $V_c(n)$ ,和 $n$ 是两年。
\$ 135 K=e^{2 R}(\$ 100 K), \text { so: } R=\ln (\$ 135 K)-\ln (\$ 100 K) \approx 0.15005230=15.15005230 \% \text {. }


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