物理代写|热力学代写Thermodynamics代考|PHY360 The Problem

如果你也在 怎样代写热力学Thermodynamics PHY360这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。热力学Thermodynamics是物理学的一个分支,涉及热、功和温度,以及它们与能量、熵以及物质和辐射的物理特性的关系。这些数量的行为受热力学四大定律的制约,这些定律使用可测量的宏观物理量来传达定量描述,但可以用统计力学的微观成分来解释。热力学适用于科学和工程中的各种主题,特别是物理化学、生物化学、化学工程和机械工程,但也适用于其他复杂领域,如气象学。

热力学Thermodynamics从历史上看,热力学的发展源于提高早期蒸汽机效率的愿望,特别是通过法国物理学家萨迪-卡诺(1824年)的工作,他认为发动机的效率是可以帮助法国赢得拿破仑战争的关键。苏格兰-爱尔兰物理学家开尔文勋爵在1854年首次提出了热力学的简明定义,其中指出:”热力学是关于热与作用在身体相邻部分之间的力的关系,以及热与电的关系的课题。” 鲁道夫-克劳修斯重述了被称为卡诺循环的卡诺原理,为热学理论提供了更真实、更健全的基础。他最重要的论文《论热的运动力》发表于1850年,首次提出了热力学的第二定律。1865年,他提出了熵的概念。1870年,他提出了适用于热的维拉尔定理。

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物理代写|热力学代写Thermodynamics代考|PHY360 The Problem

物理代写|热力学代写Thermodynamics代考|The Problem

We can compare most of the variational principles of non-equilibrium thermodynamics with each other while analysing a simple, familiar system of everyday life: a room with a heater and a window. A room has a window and contains a heater. Initially, the window is closed. After a while, the distribution of temperature across the room relaxes to a stable configuration $T(\mathbf{x})$, under the competing effect of the heating and the cooling provided by the heater and the radiation and the conduction of heat across the window towards the external world. Both the heater and the window keep our room in a steady state far from thermodynamic equilibrium. Then, we open the window. Convection across the window carries energy outwards, and the temperature profile eventually relaxes towards a new steady state, which is also far from thermodynamic equilibrium. We ask ourselves how different approaches to non-equilibrium thermodynamics describe our room.

Insufficient Approaches
We have seen that LNET fails whenever heat conduction is involved. Its predictions are indisputably wrong even in the simplest monodimensional problem of heat conduction. For example, for uniform thermal conductivity, LNET predicts that $\Delta \frac{1}{T}=0$, in contrast with Fourier’s heat equation [1] —see also Ref. [2] for further counterexamples. And with convection too, the relevance of LNET is dubious, to say the least [3]. A fortiori, LNET is of no use in our room. In particular, Onsager and Machlup’s principle of Sect. 4.1.5 follows from LNET and is, therefore, useless here.

Beyond LNET, no MinEP discussed so far is also relevant to our room. The result of Kirchhoff in Sect. 5.3.1 holds for Joule heating and vanishing $\nabla T$ only. KortewegHelmholtz’ principle of Sect. 5.3.7 holds for viscous heating and vanishing $\nabla T$ only. Chandrasekhar’s result of Sect. 5.3.11 holds for small $\nabla T$ and vanishing flow at the boundary (i.e. closed window) only. The ‘maximum economy’ principle of Sect. 5.3.8 holds for viscous heating only. In our room, in contrast, the nature of the heating process in the heater is not specified, the temperature gradient is not necessarily small, and we may open the window.

As for the constructal law of Sect.5.4, we need an unambiguous definition of ‘flow’. Here, there are at least two things that flow, i.e. heat and air. Moreover, heat flows in three distinct ways, namely conduction, convection and radiation. In order to describe our room with the help of the constructal law, an unambiguous prescription on the construction of a suitable Lyapunov function relevant to the problem is needed.

物理代写|热力学代写Thermodynamics代考|Excess Entropy Production and Dissipative Structures

When discussing the consequences of the only indisputed maximization principle in thermodynamics, namely the Second Principle of thermodynamics, Glansdorff and Prigogine present a general and rigorous treatment in Refs. $[4,5]$. Let us start from the global form (Sect. 4.2.9) of entropy production $\frac{d S}{d t}=P+\frac{d_e S}{d t}$ (with the notation $P \equiv$ $\left.\frac{d_i S}{d t}\right)$ and expand $S$ near thermodynamic equilibrium: $S=S_0+\delta S(t)+\frac{1}{2} \delta^2 S(t)$. Being $P=X_i J_i$ and $X_i=0, J_i=0$ and $\frac{d_e S}{d t}=0$ at thermodynamic equilibrium, the contributions to the first and the second order to the entropy balance are $\frac{d \delta S}{d t}=$ $\delta \frac{d_e S}{d t}$ and $\frac{1}{2} \frac{d \delta^2 S}{d t}=\delta^2 P+\delta^2 \frac{d_e S}{d t}$, respectively, where $\delta P=0$ and $\delta^2 P=\delta X_i \delta J_i$ (‘excess entropy production’) is the first non-vanishing contribution to $P$ near thermodynamic equilibrium; basically, it is a perturbation of the entropy production in the bulk. All perturbations which leave $\frac{d_e S}{d t}$ unaffected $^1$ satisfy therefore the condition $\frac{1}{2} \frac{d \delta^2 S}{d t}=\delta^2 P$. Now, $S=\max$ at thermodynamic equilibrium, then $-\delta^2 S>0$ outside equilibrium; accordingly, if $\delta^2 P>0$ too outside equilibrium, then $-d^2 S$ is a Lyapunov function and thermodynamic equilibrium is stable. ${ }^2$ Positiveness of $\delta^2 P$ is, therefore, a sufficient condition for stability. ${ }^3$

Of course, we knew from the beginning that thermodynamic equilibrium is stable; indeed, in its neighbourhood, the excess entropy production is just equal to $P$ (up to higher orders in the perturbation) and $P=\int \sigma d \mathbf{x}>0$ because $\sigma>0$. But the strength of Glansdorff and Prigogine’s argument is that it holds also for perturbations near LTE, not just near full thermodynamic equilibrium, because we are free to limit ourselves to a perturbation occurring within a small mass element of the system. Since everything in a small mass element at LTE runs exactly as in thermodynamic equilibrium, we may say that LTE locally corresponds to a maximum of $S$ and we may repeat the argument step-by-step provided that we are interested in perturbations occurring locally.

物理代写|热力学代写Thermodynamics代考|PHY360 The Problem



. 更何况,LNET在我们的房间里是没有用的。特别是,Onsager和Machlup在第4.1.5节中的原则是由LNET得出的,因此在这里没有用。4.1.5节的原则来自于LNET,因此在这里是无用的。
除了LNET之外,到目前为止讨论的MinEP都与我们的房间无关。第5.3.1节中Kirchhoff的结果只对焦耳加热和消失的$nabla T$成立。5.3.7节中Korteweg-Helmholtz的原理仅对粘性加热和消失的$nabla T$成立。5.3.11节的Chandrasekhar结果仅对小的$nabla T$和边界处消失的流动$i$成立,即仅闭窗。第5.3 .8节的’最大经济性’原则仅对粘性加热成立。相反,在我们的房间里,加热器中的加热过程的性质没有规定,温度梯度不一定小,我们可以打开窗户。

至于第5.4节的构造法则,我们需要一个明确的 “流动 “的定义。这里,至少有两种东西在流动,即热量和空气。此外,热量以三种不同的方式流动,即传导、对流和辐射。为了在构造法则的帮助下描述我们的房间,需要一个与问题相关的合适的李亚普诺夫函数的构造的明确规定。


(a) 2 P>0太偏离平衡状态,那么$-\mathrm{d}^{\wedge} 2 `mathrm{~S}$
因此,稳定性的一个条件是$mathrm{d}^{wedge}。3 \$$
等于$P$,直到扰动的较高边界,并且$P=int \sigma d \mathbf{x}>0$,因为$sigma>0$。但是Glansdorff和Prigogine的论点的强度


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