经济代写|博弈论代考GAME THEORY代写|ECON7062 What is a Game?

如果你也在 怎样代写博弈论Game theory ECON7062这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。博弈论Game theory在20世纪50年代被许多学者广泛地发展。它在20世纪70年代被明确地应用于进化论,尽管类似的发展至少可以追溯到20世纪30年代。博弈论已被广泛认为是许多领域的重要工具。截至2020年,随着诺贝尔经济学纪念奖被授予博弈理论家保罗-米尔格伦和罗伯特-B-威尔逊,已有15位博弈理论家获得了诺贝尔经济学奖。约翰-梅纳德-史密斯因其对进化博弈论的应用而被授予克拉福德奖。

博弈论Game theory是对理性主体之间战略互动的数学模型的研究。它在社会科学的所有领域,以及逻辑学、系统科学和计算机科学中都有应用。最初,它针对的是两人的零和博弈,其中每个参与者的收益或损失都与其他参与者的收益或损失完全平衡。在21世纪,博弈论适用于广泛的行为关系;它现在是人类、动物以及计算机的逻辑决策科学的一个总称。


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经济代写|博弈论代考GAME THEORY代写|ECON7062 What is a Game?

经济代写|博弈论代考Game theory代写|What is a Game?

Game theory is anchored in the concept of game, which can be defined as follows (Mas-Collel et al. 2012).

Definition 2.1 A game is a formal representation of a situation in which a number of decision-makers interact in a setting of strategic interdependency.
The formal representation takes the form of a mathematical model, which involves four elements (Mas-Collel et al. 2012):
(i) The players: the decision-makers.
(ii) The rules of the game: Who moves when? What do they know when they move? What can they do?
(iii) The outcomes: For each possible set of actions of the players, what is the outcome of the game?
(iv) The payoffs: the players’ utilities over the possible outcomes.
In a game, each player will set strategies.

Definition 2.2 A strategy is a complete contingent plan, or decision rule, that specifies how a player will act on each possible distinguishable circumstance in which she might be called upon to move (Mas-Collel et al. 2012).
Consider a $n$-player game and let the set of players be represented by $N=$ ${1,2, \ldots, n}$. The strategy of each player $i \in N$ can be represented by $s_i$ and the profile of strategies of all players by the vector $s=\left(s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_n\right)$. Each profile of strategies will generate an outcome of the game and consequently the payoff for each player. From this direct link between strategies and payoffs emerges the strategic (or normal form) of representing a game.

经济代写|博弈论代考Game theory代写|The Nash Equilibrium

The most widely used solution concept in game theory is due to Nash (1951) and is called the Nash equilibrium. The roots of this concept can be traced back to the works of the French mathematician Antoine Cournot in the first half of the nineteenth century (Rubinstein 1990).
Definition 2.4 A strategy profile $\left(s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_n\right)$ constitutes a Nash equilibrium of the game $\Gamma=\left[N,\left{S_i\right},\left{u_i().\right}\right]$ if for every $i=1, \ldots, n, u_i\left(s_i, s_{-i}\right) \geq u_i\left(s_i^{\prime}, s_{-i}\right)$, for all $s_i^{\prime} \in S_i$, where $s_{-i}$ represents the strategies of all players other than $i$.
In a Nash equilibrium, each player’s strategy is a best response to the strategies actually played by the other players (Mas-Collel et al. 2012).

Consider Example 2.1, in which the representation in strategic form of the fishery game is shown in Fig. 2.1. In Fig. 2.3, the best responses of each player to an action of the other player are shown by underlining the payoff of his best response. Suppose player B chooses the cooperative fishing effort $(\mathrm{C})$; then the best response for player $A$ is to set the non-cooperative fishing effort $(\mathrm{NC})$, which will yield him a payoff of 5 . This is higher than the payoff he would get by choosing $\mathrm{C}, 4$. If player $\mathrm{B}$ chooses $\mathrm{NC}$, then again the best response of player $\mathrm{A}$ is to adopt NC. For any action of player A, the best response of player $\mathrm{B}$ is also $\mathrm{NC}$. Thus, $(\mathrm{NC}, \mathrm{NC})$ forms the Nash equilibrium of the game, as no player has incentive to deviate.

There are strong arguments in favour of the Nash equilibrium as a solution concept. Among them, we can highlight the following (Mas-Collel et al. 2012):
(i) Rational inference: Assuming that players are rational, it is expected that they will be able to forecast the choices of the other players.
(ii) Nash equilibrium as a necessary condition: If players share the belief that there is an obvious (in particular, a unique) way to play a game, then it must be a Nash equilibrium.
(iii) Nash equilibrium as a stable social convention: If an outcome is to become a social convention, it must be a Nash equilibrium. If it were not, then individuals would start deviating from it. Thus, the Nash equilibrium can be viewed as resulting from a dynamic adjustment, which is according to the equilibrium notions in economics.

经济代写|博弈论代考GAME THEORY代写|ECON7062 What is a Game?



博亦论植根于博亦的概念,博亦可以定义如下 Mas – Colleletal. 2012 .
定义 $2.1$ 傅亦是一种情况的正式表示,在这种情况下,许多决策者在战略相互依存的环境中进行互动。
形式化表示采用数学模型的形式,涉及四个要表 Mas – Colleletal. 2012:
$i$ 参与者:决策者。
$i i$ 游戏规则:谁在什么时候移动? 他们搬家时知道什么? 他们能做什么?
$i v$ 收益:参与者对可能结果的效用。
定义 $2.2$ 策略是一个完整的或有计划或决策规则,它指定了玩家将如何在可能被要求移动的每种可能的可区分情况下采取行动 Mas – Colleletal. 2012 .
考虑一个 $n$-玩家游戏,让一组玩家代表 $N=1,2, \ldots, n$. 每个玩家的策略 $i \in N$ 可以表示为 $s_i$ 以及向量中所有参与者的策略概况 $s=\left(s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_n\right)$. 每个策略配置 文件都会产生游戏结果,从而为每个玩家带来收益。从战略和收益之间的这种直接联系中,战略ornormalform代表一个游戏。


博齐论中使用最广泛的解决方案概念归功于纳什1951并称为纳什均衡。这个概念的根源可以追淜到十九世纪上半叶法国数学家古诺的著作 Rubinstein 1990 . 所有人 $s_i^{\prime} \in S_i$ , 在哪里 $s_{-i}$ 代表除了 $i$.
在纳什均衡中,每个参与者的策略都是对其他参与者实际采取的策略的最佳反应 Mas – Colleletal. 2012.
考虑示例 2.1,其中渔业游戏的战略形式表示如图 $2.1$ 所示。在图 $2.3$ 中,每个玩家对另一个玩家的行动的最佳反应通过强调他的最佳反应的收益来显示。假设玩家 $\mathrm{B}$ 选择合作捕鱼 $(\mathrm{C})$; 那么玩家的最佳回应 $A$ 是设定非合作捕捞努力量 $(\mathrm{NC})$, 这将使他获得 5 的收益。这高于他通过选择获得的收益C,4. 如果玩家B选择 $\mathrm{NC}$ ,然后 再次是玩家的最佳反应 $\mathrm{A}$ 就是采用 $N C$ 。对于玩家 $\mathrm{A}$ 的任何动作,玩家的最佳反应 B也是NC. 因此,(NC, NC)形成博亦的纳什均衡,因为没有玩家有偏离的动机。
有强有力的论据支持将纳什均衡作为解决方案的概念。其中,我们可以突出以下几点 Mas – Colleletal. 2012:
$i$ 理性推理:假设玩家是理性的,他们能够预测其他玩家的选择。
$i$ i纳什均衡作为必要条件:如果参与者都相信存在一个明显的inparticular, aunique怎么玩一个博䘹,那么它一定是一个抐什均衡。
$i i i$ 纳什均衡作为一种稳定的社会惯例:如果一个结果要成为一种社会惯例,它必须是纳什均衡。如果不是,那么个人就会开始偏离它。因此,纳什均衡可以看作是 动态调整的结果,这是根据经济学中的均衡概念。

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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


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